隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.



2006-03-29 16:19:59 | Weblog
親子で読む言志四録 ‘Genshi si roku’ to read with parent and child

* 私たちにとっての幸せとは「天」と呼んで差し支えない心ある人に巡り会えることであろう。その巡り逢いはテクニックやソロバン勘定では実現しない。ベストを尽くして心有る人の共鳴;支持を願う境地が、天につかえる心をもって仕事をするということではあるまいか。


我々の訓えとなる。さらに、私のノートに『一燈を提げて暗夜を行く。暗夜を憂(うれ)うること勿(なか)かれ。只だ一燈を頼め。』(言志晩録13)これは私が学校卒業の時、友人が色紙に書いてくれた言葉を思い出させてくれる。「深海の魚族のように 自ら燃えなければ 何処にも光は無い。」と、胸にいまだにズシリときている。彼は今どうしているだろう?

僕の夢、イチローの作文My dream, Ichiro's composition

2006-03-22 09:10:09 | Weblog
WBC日本初代世界一。              平成丙戌年弥生二十二日

My dream
Toyonari elementary school
the 6th grade 2nd class
Suzuki Ichiro

My dream is to become a first-class professional baseball player.
In order to become so, I must take part and be active in the all-Japan high school baseball championship tournament during a high school . I need to practice to be able to be active.
I’ve started practicing since three years old.
I’ve practiced for half a year or so from three to seven years old.
But from the third grade until now I’ve practiced hard for 360 days through(out of)365 days.
So, it is for five or six hours that I can play with my friends in a week.
I’m sure that I will certainly be a professional baseball player because of practicing so much.
And I will be in full activity during junior high school and high school.
After graduation from(out of)high school I will join a professional baseball team.
And the pro-baseball team is Chunichi Dragons or Seibu Lions.
I will want more than a hundred million yen as the contract money in joining by a draft conference
What I have perfect confidence in is a pitcher or a batting.
Last summer we took part in the national little baseball championship tournament.
Though I watched most of pitchers, I was able to sure that I was the top player .
On batting I hit three home runs in four games of Aichi prefecture.
And my batting average as a whole was .583 (five eighty three).
So I have achieved all I expected to do.
And we were able to play games without losses for a year.
In good running order I will do my best from now on.
And if I become a first-class baseball player and can start for games , I will send invitations to persons who took care of me and I hope to be cheered by them.
This is also one of my dreams.
Anyway my greatest dream is to become a professional baseball player.
October 1. 2004
Ichiro achieved the greatest world record. The most hits were 262 hits in a season. 
This is Ichiro’s composition.
How can we obtain our goals in life ?
We can find an answer in his composition.
It may be a special case , but I think it is a common way to do our best in each life.
Let’s strive to fulfill our dreams , and our efforts will bear fruit.

マザー・テレサMother Teresa (3)23日改訂/11月英訳改訂

2006-03-20 12:51:59 | Weblog
マザー・テレサMother Teresa (3)     平成丙戌年弥生二十日
Nothing is more beautiful than a life devoted to the world.
Olivia Hussey who played the lead role came to Japan in 2005.
In answer to the interview she said ;
 It was the dream of mine. Because Mother Teresa was the woman I respected the most in the world. Everybody speaks good, but she put words into action. And I had a great drawing to play her.
I think every scene is taken a moment of her life. For me it was like a dream come true.
Step into the sandals,such a incredibly special human being was really just a dream come true. This is just it shows you hold on your dream made it 20 years, but nothing is impossible. You know, you can get your dreams.
I’m very happy to be a part of this film.
I think the world needs more films like this. None more than every message of love, of loving
one another, loving humanity is very needed in the world waited the world is today.
I hope to take away the feeling of love, unconditional love, Mother Teresa’s heart.
Each day try to do something kind for somebody you know, somebody you don’t know.
Just try to see goodness in everybody. Maybe one person at a time we can change the world.
This film is a simple, sweat, simple message film.
When people see it, it is two hours to think about something to do with another human being with love. Then I think that Mother Teresa would be happy. We all of us just take a minute out of our lives to do something kind for somebody else. You know where its prayer, somebody does something kind, think kind thoughts for some people. It’s very hot to do that some people are not very nice. You know the world would become a better place one person at a time .
The world is mess today, isn’t it? More prayer, more love, love is very important.
I’ve taken it from this whole love experience. The important thing to remember is all one, all the same we just try to get through our lives the best we can. So, let’s just feel love for other people.
That is very important. Love makes the world go around. Love is important. This was proofread by Ms. Joanna.
Thank you for reading.

マザー・テレサMother Teresa (2)

2006-03-13 06:36:52 | Weblog
マザー・テレサMother Teresa (2)     平成丙戌年弥生十三日
Nothing is more beautiful than a life devoted to the world.

A movie has been made about Mother Teresa, shot on location in India and Sri Lanka.
Olivia Hussey played the lead role. The other day I saw the movie on DVD.
The story began in Calcutta from1946. India gained independence from Britain.
They had a conflict of Hinduism versus Islam and Gandhi versus Mohammedanism.
So India was a difficult country and the hatred and the dead filled there.
Among them she said ,”I always do help dying people.” She was a Sister of Catholicism.
She learned medical science and treatment and helped Hindu,too.
She walked wearing a new cloth that white is purity and blue is a color of Maria.
She said to Father ,”I happened . I talked to Jesus, heard his voice. It is he who wants new
congregations. I could never do what I do if he didn’t ask me to do it. I know I’m touching a
living body Christ All I have done is his will. He said ,”Everything you did released to my brothers ‘ you did it to me.’ ”
Father said “ God chosen one?”
She said, “ Much less. I am only a pencil in the hands of God. But he writes.”
After being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, she continued to help the poor with Sisters.
“Everything we do is just a drop in your ocean. If we don’t do it, that drop will be missing forever.”
In New York 1995 the meeting of the association was held.
AS she watched a bottle of water, she asked to a hotel boy ,”How much does its bottle water cost ?” He answered “Three dollars.” She said to herself “With three dollars I can send a child a school for a year.” And she said again,” I understand. From now today the association no longer exists. Closed bank accounts, no more magazines, no more hotels, no more meetings. We are going back to our roots, back to the within the poor among the poor.”
Father(神父様)answered “ It has taken 30 years for me to understand she is right.”
Mother Teresa died in 1997. She was beautified on 19th October 2003.
What’s more, the film was closed with the words of gems.
Where is a desperation, may I bring hope ?
There is a sadness, let me bring a joy.
I’ll console rather than be consoled.
To understand rather than to be understood.
Love rather than to be loved.
Because giving is receiving.
Because it is in forgiving that we are forgiven.
It is in dying that we are born to an eternal life.
更に映画は 珠玉の言葉で締めくくる。
The movie ends here. I don’t think it is only me that Olivia Hussey seemed to have identified with Mother Teresa. I heard she got out of shape from the heat and a tight schedule.
She performed the part of Mother Teresa perfectly.
We seemed to be asked,” What shall we do?” but, she said,” Please only pray if you can’t do.”
I felt complex to have seen the scene that Japanese power machineries knocked down the building in construction symbolically. (to be continued)
ここで、映画は終わります。オリヴィア・ハッセイさんがマザー・テレサに乗り移ったように感じたのは、私だけではないと思います。大変な暑さとスケジュウルに体調を崩されたと聞いておりますが、あまりにもピッタリな役の好演だったと思います。「我々はどうしたらよいのか?」 と問いかけられているが、「出来なければ、ただ祈って下さい。」と。映画の中に、彼女たちが建設中の建物を、日本の日真建設(仮名)の重機が象徴的に取り壊す場面が出て来たのには複雑な気持がした。(続く)

進路の前に針路あり。There is the tack before the course.

2006-03-10 10:51:44 | Weblog
進路の前に針路あり。 平成丙戌年弥生十日


マザー・テレサ Mother Teresa (1)11/3英訳改訂

2006-03-03 00:21:58 | Weblog
マザー・テレサMother Teresa (1)霜月英訳改訂      平成丙戌年弥生三日
Nothing is more beautiful than a life devoted to the world.
In 1910 Teresa was born in Skopje(スコピエ)which is the capital of Macedonia.
When she was 12 years old ,she read the book written about Sister Francisco as
a servant of God. After reading she was deeply impressed with it.
And then she swore (誓った)not to live only for her fun and happiness, but to love everyone
and dedicate her life to God like Francisco. At the age of 21 she became Sister Teresa in India.  At 30s she had served on the principal of girl’s school. At 38 she built the school for children and the house for orphans in the slums. Since then she had been called “Mother Teresa” At 42 she held the Home for Sick and Dying Destitutes.
In 1979 when she was 69 years old, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize(ノーベル平和賞) for helping thousands upon thousands of poor ,sick and lonely people all over the world.
She visited Japan three times in 1981,82,and 84 . (来日3回)
In September 5 .1997 she died with leaving these next words .
“ We can do no great things ----only small things with love.
The quickest and surest is the ‘tongue’ ----use it for the good of others.
If you think well of others , you will also speak well of others and to others.
If your heart is full of love , you will speak of love .”
“Isn’t there the poor in spirit in Japan looking rich ?
The poor in spirit that isn’t needed by any one and isn’t loved by any one
-----that is more serious than the poor in matter
I think the poor in spirit is poorer than any other hunger for a loaf of bread.
Japanese ladies and gentlemen, don’t forget poverty in wealth.”
“ I am only a pencil in the hands of God. (私は神の手にある鉛筆に過ぎません。)“
In my opinion, Mother Teresa had known that it is very important for human beings to be treated like human beings at only the last moment of life.
She made all people feel happy to have been born in this world.
She was ‘God’ herself.   (to be continued)
This was proofread by Ms. Joanna.