隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


カナダ, B.C滞在記The story of my stay in B.C, Canada(3) 

2007-07-30 00:34:29 | Weblog
カナダ, ブリティッシュ・コロンビア滞在記The story of my stay in British Columbia, Canada(3) 平成丁亥年文月三十日

UBCはご存知のように、University of British Columbia の略だが、公園、博物館が併設されている。なにせ広いので、車で行っても、相当歩かねばならない。好意に感謝し、あそこもここもという訳にいかないので、UBCの客員教授であった、新渡戸稲造博士を偲んで造られた日本庭園をお願いした。
 コミュニケーションの原点: 「相手の人を疑うことなかれ、相手の人に好意をもってすれば、彼らもまた君に対し好意を懐くものである」
「Do you mean to say that you have no religious instruction in your schools? 」(日本の学校では宗教教育がない、とおっしゃるのですか)
「No Religion ! How do you impart moral education? 」
( 宗教がない!それでどうやって道徳教育を伝えることができるのですか)
 稲造は自問自答し続け、12年後、『武士道Bushido』 を発表した。
「Chivalry is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than its emblem, the cherry blossom.」( 武士道は、日本を象徴する桜の花と同じように、我が国固有の花である。)
“ Here are represented ten nations with vital interest in the Pacific. And China and Japan, the dwellers of its shores from the dawn of history, sit side by side at the Conference tables. It gives my Japanese colleagues and myself a profound satisfaction that in these halls of the Institute we can meet the illustrious sons and daughters of our time-honored neighbor land in an atmosphere of friendship and serenity. There are differences between our governments. That is too true. But, as a man, we harbor no ill will the one to the other.”
“ Discussions and deliberations are important. But is not the personal contact of the people of different nations also a matter of immeasurable consequence in the world afflicted with so many sufferings?
Is it too much to hope then that in the intimate contact of the nationals from all over
the earth the day will gradually come when not passion, but reason, when not self-interest, but justice will become the arbiter of race and nations? “
* 自分の信じる「義」のためには命を賭しても惜しくはないと考えた、サムライの渾身の言葉だった。
お読み下され感謝致します。 英文にしましたので、次に載せます。
The story of my stay in British Columbia, Canada(3)

I would want my host-family-grand-parents to take me to UBC.
You know UBC is an abbreviation of University of British Columbia and has a park ,a museum near by. Anyway it’s large, even if we can go there by car, we must walk so much. I must appreciate their kindness. So I requested to go to a Japanese garden made remembering Dr.Nitobe Inazo who was a guest professor of UBC.
Stone Lanterns of various sizes were arranged with each meaning. We had a stroll counterclockwise. There were the 7-storey pagoda and the memorial stone before the bridge expresses Dr. Nitobe’s lifelong wish to be a “bridge across the ocean”.
A pond, the Tea House(ichi bou an), a small arbor were placed. This was a so comfortable space that we couldn’t find this place in Canada.
About Dr. Nitobe his words and anecdotes are in “Samurai and English”.
The starting point : Don’t doubt others. If you have good will, they show friendly attitudes.
When he entered Tokyo University, he was asked why he wanted to study not only agriculture, but English.
He answered ,“ I would like to become a bridge across the Pacific. I’d like to convey Japanese thoughts to foreign countries and introduce foreign thoughts into Japan.”
During his stay in Germany as a student Dr. Nitobe was invited the house of Mr. De Rabelais; Belgian famous jurist. When they were taking a walk and talking about religion, Mr. Rabelais asked,
「Do you mean to say that you have no religious instruction in your schools? 」
Dr. Nitobe answered, “Yes, I do.” Then Mr. Rabelais stopped walking to be surprised and cried,
「No Religion ! How do you impart moral education? 」
Dr. Nitobe was terribly shocked at this question. Later he wrote down this.
“ I was astonished to hear the question and couldn’t answer promptly. Because the doctrine of moral that I learned in childhood was not the one that I learned at school.”
Dr. Nitobe was answering his own question. And 12years later he made an announcement about “Bushido” ;
「Chivalry is a flower no less indigenous to the soil of Japan than its emblem, the cherry blossom.」It was Meiji 32 when Japan won the Sino-Japanese War and advanced the wealth and military strength of a country.
Thinking that Samurai’s spirits, that is, Bushido form the basis of Japanese beliefs, he would like to make our sense of beauty understood.
When Itou Hirofumi of Iwakura good will mission established a new constitution, he thought that in Europe they believed in Christianity and had a main axle, but in Japan we didn’t have. Buddhism was declining. Shinto had no power as a religion. So, Itou put the Emperor to the core of a new constitution as ‘in Japan a main axle was in only the Imperial Household.’ Itou originally had republicanism, but he fully knew the power of the Imperial standard in the Meiji Restoration and the effect of an Imperial mandate. So he would understand the importance of the Emperor.
In this way Japan had been readiness for’ the national regime’ and had started to’ catch up with’ the development that Western countries accomplished for 40 years since the Industrial Revolution.
Japan didn’t make the sense of beauty understood. After 6 years since Dr. Nitobe made an announcement about “Bushido”, Japan defeated Czarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War. And Japan ran like crazy to the militaristic way.
The spirits of “Bushido”, that is, “Loyalty忠義” to our lord, ”allegiance忠誠” to our nation, got ahead of us. It was changed to “Loyalty and patriotism忠君愛国”in promoting the wealth and military strength of a country and had been made use of the spiritual evidence during general mobilization system.
After World WarΙ Japan became one of permanent members of the League of Nations with England, France and Italy. Dr.Nitobe was installed as a secretary-vice-chief. He made an effort to keep international peace and prevent Japan from being isolated. But in 1931 the Manchurian Incident broke out. In 1933 Japan withdrew from the League of Nations because Japan was dissatisfied with the judgement of the League of Nations.
A half a year later, August, Dr. Nitobe left for Banff Springs to attend the 5th Pacific
Conference. The Pacific Conference was a non-political organization to aim to understand each countries and achieve world peace in the field of Science.
Bearing his pain of stomachache on the dais of an opening ceremony, Dr. Nitobe told as follows.
“ Here are represented ten nations with vital interest in the Pacific. And China and Japan, the dwellers of its shores from the dawn of history, sit side by side at the Conference tables. It gives my Japanese colleagues and myself a profound satisfaction that in these halls of the Institute we can meet the illustrious sons and daughters of our time-honored neighbor land in an atmosphere of friendship and serenity. There are differences between our governments. That is too true. But, as a man, we harbor no ill will the one to the other.”
“ Discussions and deliberations are important. But is not the personal contact of the people of different nations also a matter of immeasurable consequence in the world afflicted with so many sufferings?
Is it too much to hope then that in the intimate contact of the nationals from all over
the earth the day will gradually come when not passion, but reason, when not self-interest, but justice will become the arbiter of race and nations? “
*It was words with all Samurai’s might thinking that life is not precious to us for “Loyalty” we believe.

カナダ,B.C.滞在記The story of my stay in B.C, Canada(2)

2007-07-27 00:27:16 | Weblog
カナダ, ブリティッシュ・コロンビア滞在記The story of my stay in British Columbia, Canada(2)平成丁亥年文月二十七日

タクシーも圧倒的にインド人だそうな。推測ですがイギリスの統治が原因だろうか? IT企業のインド人は多いのだろうか分からない。
 バスでびっくりしたのは、入り口のSTEPがpavement歩道までガタンガタンと下がるのである。足の不自由な人の乗り降りが良いよう圧搾空気を抜いている。日本では別のし方で対処しているが、おどろいた。みんな前から降りる時は運転手にThank you.を言って降りている。お互い様の精神がゆきわったっている感じだ。
 ある日、Mr.Dと会うため、メトロタウンへ行く時、Granville Streetの49Avenueで降りて、49Avenueを走る49番のバスに乗るという簡単な話である。問題は49Avenueの停留所の位置である。当然Street側にある。Avenueを越えてあるのか分からない。心配そうに座っていると、向かいのカナダ人がWhatdoyouwant? ときた。一瞬何だ。と思ったが、我に返って自分のことを聞かれてると気づき、I wanna get off at 49 and go to Metrotown.と答えたら、すぐだ。運転手に話し掛けて停まるよう勧めてくれた。感謝感激である。
停留所を降りて歩き出すとバスから怒鳴る声がする。運転手が手で反対だと言ってるみたいだ。やはり49Avenueを越して停留所があった。Thank you.の連発であった。 Metrotown は日本でいう一つのスーパーをキーとした商業地区を3つ集めたドデカイものであった。駐車場の広いこと。A~Zと1~番号が柱に書いてあるが、忘れたら大変だし、道順を覚えてないとたどり着けないことになる。何もかも自己責任ということか?
 バスにまつわる話はまだある。ダウンタウンにある専門学校に行くため、毎朝7時に食事をし、7時30分にファミリー宅を出て、Granville Streetの⑩番バスに乗る。乗って気づいたのは乗用車が走ってこない。交通事故でバスのみの規制だ。ポールに激突した乗用車が半分に押しつぶされていた。後で聞くと4人死亡。花がいっぱい添えられてあったという。しばらく行くと、変な警告音が断続的に聞こえ、バスが停まった。どこか悪いのだろう、運転手はバスから電話をしていた。するとPlease get off.ときた。乗客全員降ろされ、後続のバスに乗り換える羽目になった。こういう経験は、ホームステイとはいえ、旅行中だから、余計心配になった。(続く)

カナダ, BC滞在記The story of my stay in B. C., Canada(1)

2007-07-18 17:39:00 | Weblog
カナダ, ブリティッシュ・コロンビア滞在記The story of my stay in British Columbia, Canada(1) 平成丁亥年文月十八日

‘J’さんのようにツアーでない旅行がしたかった。仲間のIさんはホームステイによる旅行をされている。Hさんはこの前、英会話の先生のもとへニュージーランドを訪れている。 そんなことより期末テストが終わった子どもたちをそのままにして、出かけるわけにはいかない。夏休みに穴埋をすることにして、前倒しの夏休み計画を指示して飛び立った。

飛行機は、火山たぶんフィリピンの噴煙が偏西風the westerlies によって流れてきたため、それを避けようと迂回して1時間半余分にかかってバンクーバーへ到着。
時間が逆に回った感じだ。日本では6時頃は暗くなりだすが、ここでは、9時ころまで明るい。これこそ体験であった。 ダウンタウンへバスで20分の住宅街の一画。 滞在先の家族はとてもフレンドリーである。ホストファーザーはマレーシアから、奥さんは台湾からの移民で、奥さんの両親と子供1人という5人家族。その他に、半年になるブラジルからの学生がホームステイしていた。それに13歳になる犬がいた。 ここホームステイ先は、生垣が芝生で、地下住居含め15部屋以上の建物。車は4台、自動開閉のガレージに格納され、各部屋はバス・トイレ付きだから、ホテルに泊まったみたいであった。とにかく環境は広いのである。ここだけでない。住宅街にはプールがあるお家も見せてもらった。 子供のJ君は小学2年生で、英語力がすごい。当り前だが、英語が母国語となるのだ。ダイナソーの卵から恐竜を育てていた。そのケースに”Don’t disturb it !” と書いてあった。そして卵から孵化したので、私が” Hatched ! ” を使ったら理解できた。日本でいえば、中3年レベルである。
この夏、ロンドンからポルトガル、スペイン、フランス、イタリアと地中海クルーズの予定と聞いた。 移民の人たちのバックボーンは探検心と見た。
オーストラリアの人たちもそうだ。 ホストファミリーのお祖父さんより「台湾政府の移民政策は棄民だ。」という問題も聞かされ、私が去年ブログに取り上げた「ドミニカ移民の問題」(中国の農民6/27)を思い出すことになった。
普段の会話は勿論、英語である。しかし、お祖父さん、お祖母さんが加わると、戦前まで日本の植民地政策で徹底的に日本語教育されていたため、日本語、中国語が飛び出した。懐かしいのだろう。 しかも、ブラジルの学生が来ると、ポルトガル語が出る。お母さんは自然にポルトガル語を話した。後で聞くところによると15歳までブラジルに住んでいた。ペラペラと言う響きが妙とマッチする。 移民の国カナダならではの団欒であった。(続く)

The story of my stay in British Columbia, Canada(1)

The plane took one hour and a half extra detouring and arrived at Vancouver because the thick smoke of Philippine volcano was racing by the westerlies.
I felt the time had been reversed. In Japan it became dark around six, but here it was bright till around nine. This was just the experience. Here was a plot of a residential area that it took 20minutes to go to downtown by bus.
My host-family was very friendly. My host-father immigrated from Malaysia and mother did from Taiwan. They lived with their son and mother’s parents. The others were a home-stay-mate from Brazil and a dog 13years old.
Here hedges were the lawn and the house had 15rooms including basements. Cars were 4,and put away in garages with automatic control. Each room had a bathroom. So it was like a hotel. Anyway its surrounding was large. I was showed a house with a pool near here.
Their son ‘J’ was the second grade and good at English. It’s natural. English was his mother tongue. He was raising a dinosaur from an egg.
On the box “Don’t disturb it.” was written. As it hatched, I said “Hatched”.
And then he understood it. I suppose he was on the ninth grade in Japan.
This summer they are going to cruise in the Mediterranean Sea; from London to Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy. I found their backbone a spirit to explore. Australians are the same. My host-grand-father told me the problem” The policy of emigration by Taiwan government is to abandon citizens. I remembered “ The problem of emigration to Dominica in Japan.”
Of course, our usual conversation was in English. But my host-grand –parents spoke Japanese and Chinese because they were educated Japanese thoroughly as Japanese colonial policy. It would give them the good old days.
When “E” Brazilian came to us, Portuguese was spoken. Mother spoke Portuguese naturally.
Later I heard she had grown up in Brazil till 15years old. The sound of Portuguese fitted our conversation well. We couldn’t have a wonderful time if we weren’t in Canada. (continued )