隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


化石エネルギーの枯渇(2)A drain of fossil energy(2)

2006-02-23 08:08:04 | Weblog
化石エネルギ-の枯渇(2)A drain of fossil energy(2). 平成丙戌年如月二十三日

The time may come when people will have used up all the oil.

15 years passed. I cared how it had done and looked into it. The oil information center says in the end of 2004 the proved reserves was estimated one trillion two hundred seventy seven billion barrel and the probable years to get was 49 years. The proved reserves is certainly increasing, but the probable years only extends for three years. I just have to say that 300 years are suspect. Even if it is enlarged twice, it seems to be until this century. As the probable years to get uranium is 72 years, we had better try to develop new energies of using solar system. You know the oil is a valuable fossil fuel that carcasses of plankton piled at the bottom of the sea and changed chemically in the ground through tens of thousands of years. Even if it keeps for 300 years, I think we should carry out a new step in the good direction because the history of human beings is 3000 years old.

The United States of America is worthy to be a leader or a police officer of the world.
The president Bush made the State of the Union Message this year.
In spite of his political standing ,he proposed that the Administration will accelerate research in cutting-edge methods of producing wind power generation , hydrogen fuel cell vehicles , “cellulosic ethanol” and stuff like that to get rid of 'oil poisoning'. The president has set a national goal of replacing more than 75% of their oil imports from the Middle East by 2025.
I think it was a revolutionary resolution. Japan also needs to modify the prospects of supply and demand for oil by 2025. We have to make a great plan that we make up the deficit from the development of the new, advanced energy. It’s an issue of great urgency. The Junior high school textbooks( science, civics) say about the probable years to get from now. Copper is 55 years, Iron is 211years, Aluminum is 221 years, Coal is 212 years, Natural gas is 63.4 years.
We have enjoyed our comfortable and convenient lives since the industrial revolution for 230 years. I think we need to save natural resources and energy harder not to use up limited sources of energy.
Thank you for reading. I may make mistakes in translation.


化石エネルギーの枯渇(1)A drain of fossil energy(1)(23日改訂)

2006-02-21 09:38:41 | Weblog
化石エネルギ-の枯渇A drain of fossil energy. (23日改訂) 平成丙戌年如月二十一日

The time may come when people will have used up all the oil.
Just 15 years ago “The Gulf War” broke out on January 17 1991 because Iraq invaded Kuwait. When I was watching TV in Japan, the pictures that the multinational force was bombing Bagdad looked like a game. But women and children of noncombatant sacrificed themselves. Both armies had around operations. Casualties of multinational force were 500 soldiers and Iraq’s casualties reached eighty thousand people. The war finished on February 28.
What I found then was Scud missile of Iraq and surface-to-air missile ’Patriot’ of America. Today I don’t tell about the national defense. And then I studied “How many years will oils take to dry up?” At that time Husayn insisted that the annexation of Kuwait means to get back, but generally it was looked as a behavior to get oil resources of Kuwait.
In the end of 1989,the proved reserves of oil in the world was one trillion one billion five hundred seventy two million barrel, and the production of oil was twenty one billion seven hundred seventy six million barrel. And so the years that we would be able to get oil from then was about 46 years. 15 years ago I looked into this point again to be surprised. The proved reserves of oil was not enough to be objective. The computations had six ways, and they were considered politically as self-declarations of each country. The years that we would be able to get oil would increase thanks to the development of new oil fields and the improvement of rate to retire by new techniques. In addition the reserves had ‘the primitive and possible reserves’ , ‘the recoverable reserves’ and ‘the proved reserves’ to get in commerce. I heard it was OK for 300years.
I felt the figures like magic. (to be continued )


2006-02-15 14:41:51 | Weblog
教育より共育に思う。          平成丙戌年如月十五日

 いかに「先生」がきちんと『キャッチ』する「術」や「努力」を常に行っているか否か?が問題だ。鋭い指摘に耳が痛い。 先生の論議の持って行き方がちょっと「結論」を急ぎすぎたのかな。だから、クラス中が黙ってしまったのではないかと思います。 
ないい言葉が見つからない!「捨てる神あれば、拾う神あり」FP社長の言葉をいったり、「人間万事塞翁が馬」などと言って、はげました。Go for it! Good luck to you!

藤田監督のはげましFujita baseball maneger's encouragement

2006-02-10 07:43:53 | Weblog
藤田監督のはげましFujita baseball manager’s encouragement平成丙戌年如月十日

私のメモには<斎藤投手> 彼は気が小さい。小さいことはいいのだ。
      <木田投手> 150km投げることができるのに(好いことを先に)
      <悪い例> コントロール悪いから(悪いのが先)
そして、「逆から もっていくやり方」 を勧めておられた。
 ~~できる? できないでしょ!
 だから ~~~だ。
はげましの極意を語っておられた。コーチには「できるだけ短い言葉で何を伝えるかが大切だ。」とも。  合掌。


2006-02-08 00:14:50 | Weblog
ライムライトlimelight               平成丙戌年如月八日
先週 小泉首相が映画「ライムライト」の中のセリフを引用していた。
Last week the Prime minister Koizumi quoted the line of the movie”Limelight”.
I looked into the words “Limelight”.
Lime is calcium oxide. Limelight is a system that they heat the pieces of calcium oxide by special flames and made strong white lights for lighting scenery.
In England it is called ‘spotlight’, too. Oxford dictionary says the limelight means the center of public attention.
さて、映画の冒頭では 若さの登場に老いは去らねばならないライムライトの魅惑
Well, on the top of the movie, there is the glamour of limelight, from which age must pass as youth enters. It’s a story of a ballerina and a clown.
It is this Terry’s theme song that I feel very calm many times. I remember that in my childhood it was put an advertisement in TV on cosmetics,○○astringent.
One day Calvero,a clown, helped a daughter who was committing suicide by gas at a room of flats when he came back. Her name was Terry. She had been struck down by illness and lost her job. So she had despaired of her life. Calvero encouraged her very hard.
カルベロ 「そう、怖れなければ人生はすばらしいものになるのだ。人生に必要なのは勇気だけだ。想像力。そして少しの金銭。どうしたんだ。」―――いい言葉ですね。みんな勇気と想像力(夢、希望の訳あり)を持って、あとはビッグ・マネーでなくてもよい、生活できて 時々少しは楽しみの持てるサム・マネーがあればよい。
Calvero : Yes, life can be wonderful if you’re not afraid of it. All it needs is courage. Imagination. And a little dough. Now what’s the matter? That’s good words. If people have courage and hopes ,they don’t necessarily need a whole lot of dough. A little dough is fine as long as people have enough to make a living and have a bit of fun once in a while.
カルベロは言う。「ああ、それだ。それを認めたね。戦って何を勝ち取る?すべてだ! 人生そのものだ!それで十分ではないのかね? 生かされて、苦しまされて、楽しまされること。戦って何を勝ち取る? 人生は美しく、壮大な物だ。君には技術がある、踊りだよ!」
カルベロ 「私は腕のない男を知っている。――問題は君が戦おうとしないことだ。君は降参しようとしている。いつまでも病気と死をくよくよ考えても、ちょうど死と同じく避けられないものがある。そして、それは人生なのだ!人生なのだ!人生!宇宙にある力について考えてみなさい。地球を動かしている。木を成長させる。そして、それは君の中にある力なんだよ!勇気とそれを使う意志さえあれば!」

Terry : What is there to fight for?
Calvero : Ah, you see. You admit it. What is there to fight for ? Everything! Life itself ! Isn’t that enough ? To be lived, suffered and enjoyed. What is there to fight for ? Life is a beautiful, magnificent thing! You have your art , your dancing!
Terry : I can’t dance without legs.
Calvero : I know a man without arms… The trouble is you won’t fight. You’ve given in. Continually dwelling on sickness and death, but there’s something just as inevitable as death. And that’s life! Life! Life! Think of the power that’s in universe. Moving the earth. Growing the trees. And that’s the power within you ! If you’ll only have courage and the will to use it !
I am overpowered with his words. We must learn Chaplin’s posture to live actively as
a human being who fulfill a life.
Terry said to Calvero ,”Then let me go with you. I’ll do everything in the world to make you happy.”
Thanks to Terry, he performed on the stage with great applause. But during the encore, Calvero fell into the drum in the orchestra pit and had a heart attack.
At last he said ,”I believe I’m dying, doctor.”
Doctor said,”Are you in pain?”
Calvero said,”No more. Where is she ? I want to see her dance.”
In a few minutes he was dead on the couch. Terry continued dancing in the limelight.
The ending is fitting for the words, ”Life lasts forever.” The last scene impresses us his kindness
that he wanted to see her dance with his own eyes.
Thank you for reading.

論語the Analects of Confucious

2006-02-01 08:30:12 | Weblog
論語 the Analects of Confucius 平成丙戌年如月一日

子曰く「吾 十有五にして学に志す。
It is very serious thing. You know the Analects of Confucius.
I’ll expand it.
The Master said
At fifteen, I was determined to learn.
At thirty, I took my stance.
At forty, I had no doubt.
At fifty, I knew the will (fate) of Heaven.
At sixty, my ear was obedient.
At seventy, I couldn’t pervert the course even though I tried to do what I wanted.
① 生きて来てよかったと思いながら死ぬ。それを「大往生」という。
② 八十にして、心の欲する所に従い、矩を踰え、幸せな認知症に至る。 
③ 死ぬまで生きがいを持って、働きたい。(永六輔「大往生」参考)
I will try to make the analects that Confucius had never experienced.
At eighty
① I would die thinking that my life was well done. It’s called a great peaceful death.
② I would try to do what I wanted, pervert the course and suffered a happy senile dementia.
③ I would like to work with religion for the rest of my life.
In my opinion
I would like to work for the other people and die with all broad smiles in which I felt very happy to have been born.
井上 靖「孔子」より
From Inoue Yasushi “Confucius”
The Master said, “ Be a man of humbleness for Heaven and serve Heaven.”
However the society is in disorder, corrupted, the human beings have to
get only minimum happiness that we feel very happy to have been born as long as we have been born on the earth.
As the way to spend a nameless life of the masses, it must be the best way of living to live with having sympathy each other and thinking of a partner.
Through living like this each other, our life will be poor and not luxurious.
Probably I think in wild times we will be able to get this thought that we are happy to have been born in the world.
Thank you for reading.