隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


真珠湾での慰霊A memorial service at Pearl Harbor2 

2016-12-31 22:13:01 | Weblog

真珠湾での慰霊A memorial service at Pearl Harbor 2    平成丙申二十八年師走三十一日


Prime Minister Abe, on behalf of the American people, thank you for your gracious words. Thank you for your presence here today … an historic gesture that speaks to the power of reconciliation and the alliance between the American and Japanese peoples; a reminder that even the deepest wounds of war can give way to friendship and lasting peace.
To Americans … especially to those of us who call Hawaii home … this harbor is a sacred place. As we lay a wreath or toss flowers into waters that still weep. We think of the more than 2,400 American patriots … fathers and husbands, wives and daughters … manning Heaven’s rails for all eternity.
We salute the defenders of Oahu who pull themselves a little straighter every December 7th, and we reflect on the heroism that shone here 75 years ago.
The character of nations is tested in war, but it is defined in peace. After one of the most horrific chapters in human history … one that took not tens of thousands, but tens of millions of lives … with ferocious fighting across this ocean … the United States and Japan chose friendship and peace.
<For each otherお互いのために>
It is here that we remember that even when hatred burns hottest, even when the tug of tribalism is at its
most primal, we must resist the urge to turn inward. We must resist the urge to demonize those who
are different. The sacrifice made here, the anguish of war, reminds us to seek the divine spark that is common to all humanity. It insists that we strive to be what our Japanese friends call otagai no tame ni …”with and for each other.”
この地でわれわれは思い出す。 憎悪が最も激しく燃えさかる時、民族主義が最も高まる時、内向きになることに抵抗しなければならない。

Prime Minister Abe, I welcome you here in the spirit of friendship, as the people of Japan have always welcomed me. I hope that together, we send a message to the world that there is more to be won in peace than in war; that reconciliation carries more rewards than retribution.
Here in this quiet harbor, we honor those we lost, and we give thanks for all that our two nations have won …
together, as friends.
というメッセージを世界中に送りたい。   この静かな湾でわれわれは友人として共に、亡くなった人々を悼み、両国が勝ち取ってきたもの全てに感謝をささげる。

May God hold the fallen in His everlasting arms. May He watch over our veterans and all who stand guard
on our behalf. May God bless us all.

  戦没者が神の腕のなかで永遠に抱かれますように。 退役軍人を、そしてわれわれを守る全ての人々を
神が見守りますように。 われわれ皆に神の祝福がありますように。

***いまだに 一神教同士の戦いが続いております。昔の左翼同士の争いがエスカレートしているような気が致します。


お読みくだされ、感謝致します。 皆さまも良き新年をお迎えください。

真珠湾での慰霊A memorial service at Pearl Harbor

2016-12-30 16:40:24 | Weblog

真珠湾での慰霊A memorial service at Pearl Harbor  平成丙申二十八年師走三十日


The world needs the spirit of tolerance and the power of reconciliation, now—and especially now.
Japan and the United States, which have eradicated hatred and cultivated friendship and trust on the
basis of common values, are now, and especially now, taking responsibility for appealing to the world
about the importance of tolerance and the power of reconciliation.
That is precisely why the Japan-U.S. alliance is “an alliance of hope”.
The words pass through my mind; those words inscribed on the wall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. where I visited with President Obama.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all …let us strive on …to do all which may achieve and cherish a …lasting peace among ourselves and with and with all nations.”
These are the words of President Abraham Lincoln.
On behalf of the Japanese people, I hereby wish to express once again my heartfelt gratitude to the United States and to the world for the tolerance extended to Japan.
The inlet gazing at us is tranquil as far as the eye can see. Pearl Harbor.
It is precisely this beautiful inlet, shimmering like pearls, that is a symbol of tolerance and reconciliation.
私たちを見守ってくれている入り江は、どこまでも静かです。   パールハーバー。
We will spare no efforts to continue our endeavors to make that wish a reality. Together with President Obama. I hereby make my steadfast pledge.
私たちはこれからも、願いを実現すべく、惜しみなく努力を続けていく。 オバマ大統領とともに、ここに、固く、誓います。


お読みくだされ、感謝致します。 PCが壊れたりしましたが、やっと年を越せそうです。オバマ大統領のスピーチは続きます。