


2014-08-23 09:29:44 | Telegraph (UK)

Nobel guru fears it may be nigh impossible to stop deflation
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: August 21st, 2014
A quick word from Lindau, where half the world's Nobel economists are gathered on a beautiful island with cobbled streets on Lake Constance, looking out across the Alps. It is a Wittlesbach jewel.


Christopher Sims – a monetary expert, who now thinks money indicators have been rendered "essentially obsolete" by modern finance – says it may be impossible to reverse deflation in the Western economies by any normal means, in which case we are in trouble.


He argues that the public (including investors) are convinced that there will have to be some sort of payback for all the debts accumulated during the great era of leverage and excess. They have "internalised" the prospect of future tax rises and spending that will make them feel poorer.


"Some 60pc of people in the US say they doubt there will be any government benefits for them when they retire, and 60pc of those already retired think their benefits will be reduced," he said.


This has powerful implications. Many of these people are retrenching pre-emptively, en masse, in most of the mature industrial economies. They are discounting a "future stream of primary surpluses".


By the same token businesses are putting off investment and hoarding cash in anticipation of a hit to come. We may be deluding ourselves in thinking that companies will soon be confident enough to let rip with a fresh burst of spending and investment. They may just sit on their money for year after year.


If this is broadly true, it means that any use of fiscal stimulus will be neutralised by the countervailing actions of taxpayers, and may even be a net negative. Deficits become "deflationary", contrary to standard textbook theory or populist assumptions, and threaten a self-fulfilling effect that becomes almost impossible to stop over time.


Prof Sims, who won the Nobel Prize in 2011 for studying "cause and effect in the macroeconomy", says monetary policy cannot do the trick either once interest rates have dropped to zero. He dismisses the monetary effects of quantitative easing as trivial. At best, he says, QE is a bluff intended to show resolve and change psychology.


We may be caught in a trap. Demographics lie at the root of this malaise. The collective mind knows that the pension/welfare structure is untenable. The implicit promises made can never be upheld in societies with ballooning numbers of pensioners, depending on a static or shrinking work force. This will catch China too before long.


Personally, I don't agree with Prof Sims that monetary policy is almost useless. I asked him why it is that the QE states (US, UK) seem to be recovering despite fiscal austerity, while the hard-money Europeans lurch from one debacle to the next. His answer is that the Bernanke/Yellen Fed "talks a better game" than Draghi's ECB.


I think there is enough historical evidence on QE, or open market operations as it used to be called in UK, to show that it can indeed have powerful effects if central banks purchase assets outright and force money into the system, and do so with enough panache. The technique dates back to the Venetian Grain Board in the late Middle Ages, and no doubt others before.


Japan is the modern laboratory. Governor Kuroda has launched a QE blitz on a scale never seen before to break the deflationary spiral. The Bank of Japan may own government bonds equal 100pc of GDP before long.


The jury is still out on its effects. Inflation has risen to 1.3pc, but seems to have peaked as the one-off effects of a massive devaluation fade. But the experiment has been contaminated. The rise in the consumption tax from 5pc to 8pc has hit the recovery like a sledgehammer. "It was not a bright move. They should have waited until recovery was stronger," said Prof Sims.


Let us give this another year before we reach a verdict. If Abenomics fails to generate inflation/recovery in Japan, we will have very compelling evidence that even extreme monetary policy cannot arrest entrenched deflation in ageing societies.


If so, we will have to come up with another plan. Perhaps we can dust off the Chicago Plan and nationalise credit. None of these challenges are beyond the wit of man.



2014-08-23 09:29:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Nobel economists say policy blunders pushing Europe into depression
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Lindau, Germany
Telegraph: 7:31PM BST 20 Aug 2014
German Chancellor Angela Merkel defends eurozone and says it is hard to manage a currency for 18 states


An array of Nobel economists have launched a blistering attack on the eurozone's economic strategy, warning that contractionary policies risk years of depression and a fresh eruption of the debt crisis.


"Historians are going to tar and feather Europe's central bankers," said Professor Peter Diamond, the world's leading expert on unemployment.


"Young people in Spain and Italy who hit the job market in this recession are going to be affected for decades. It is a terrible outcome, and it is surprising how little uproar there has been over policies that are so stunningly destructive," he told The Telegraph at a gathering of Nobel laureates at Lake Constance.


"It could be avoided with better use of stimulus, and spending on infrastructure. That would boost growth and helped the debt to GDP ratio," Mr Diamond said, echoing a widely-heard critique among the Nobel elites that Europe's policies have been self-defeating.


Professor Joseph Stiglitz said austerity policies had been a "disastrous failure" and are directly responsible for the failed recovery over the first half of this year, with Italy falling into a triple-dip recession, France registering zero growth and even Germany contracting in the second quarter.


"There is a risk of a depression lasting years, leaving even Japan's Lost Decade in the shade. The eurozone economy is 20pc below its trend growth rate," he said.


Mr Stiglitz said the eurozone authorities had massively underestimated the contractionary effects of austerity and continue to persist in error despite claims that the crisis is over. "I am very concerned about the future of monetary union, and they haven't yet felt the impact of geopolitical tensions."


He said the eurozone needs joint debt issuance to repair the structural flaws of EMU, but almost no progress has been made. "Europe suffers from fatal politics," he said.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the forum that it was hard to manage a currency for 18 states, when sovereign parliaments refuse to follow polices agreed by the EU institutions. Yet she insisted that the crisis countries had slashed current account deficits and the "first fruits" of durable recovery are in sight.


Professor Christopher Sims, a US expert on monetary policy, said EMU policy makers had not sorted out the basic design flaws in monetary union, and are driving Club Med nations into deeper trouble by imposing pro-cyclical austerity.


"If I were advising Greece, Portugal or even Spain, I would tell them to prepare contingency plans to leave the euro. There is no point being in EMU if all that happens when you are hit with a shock is that the shock gets worse," he said.


"It would be very costly to leave the euro, a form of default, but staying in the euro is also very costly for these countries. The Europeans have created a system that is worse than the Gold Standard. Countries are in the same position as Latin American states that borrowed in dollars," he said.


Mr Sims warned that the European Central Bank may not be able to carry out a mass of purchase of bonds unless the eurozone grasps the nettle on fiscal union, and might itself be engulfed by crisis. "A speculative attack could put the ECB balance sheet at risk," he said.


In the end, ECB president Mario Draghi may be forced to intervene and present Europe's political leaders with a fait accompli.


"The Germans don't want the euro to collapse, so if they really need a fiscal back-up in a crisis, they'll come up with it somehow," Mr Sims said.



2014-08-23 09:18:35 | Telegraph (UK)
Oil industry on borrowed time as switch to gas and solar accelerates
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:41PM BST 20 Aug 2014
There may be little point battling icebergs to drill in the Arctic, or in trying to extract oil from the ultra-deepwater fields in the mid-Atlantic, beneath layers of salt, three kilometres into the Earth


The props beneath the global oil industry are slowly decaying. The big traded energy companies resemble the telecom giants of the late 1990s, heavily leveraged to a business model already threatened by fast-moving technology.


Citigroup warns - or cheerfully acclaims, depending on your point of view - that world energy markets are entering a period of "extreme flux", with oil caught in triple encirclement by cheap natural gas, much more efficient vehicles and breathtaking advances in solar power as scientists crack the secrets.


The combined effect is to "bend" to the curve of global oil use over coming years, eroding the assumptions that have underpinned a threefold rise in Western oil industry debt to $600bn since 2005, much of it to hunt for crude in prohibitively expensive places. Costs rose 9pc in 2012 and 11pc last year, according to the US Energy Department.


There may be little point battling icebergs to drill in the Arctic, or in trying to extract oil from the ultra-deepwater fields in the mid-Atlantic, beneath layers of salt, three kilometres into the Earth.


The "oil intensity" of global GDP has already halved since 1980s. We are becoming more frugal. Gasoline demand in the OECD rich states has been sliding in absolute terms since 2007, punctuated by ups and downs, but dropping overall from 15.5m barrels a day (b/d) of crude to 14m b/d.


Citigroup's report - "Energy 2020: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" - says the average efficiency of new cars in the US has risen by 4.6 miles per gallon (mpg) since 2008 under fuel economy mandates. It is still rising at a steeper rate. Gasoline demand will slide by 900,000 b/d in the US alone by 2020.


China has even more draconian curbs coming into force, with a 50mpg fuel economy mandate by 2020. Its output of electric cars is up 177pc in a year, and hybrids are up 567pc. India will reach 50mpg by 2021, Mexico by 2025.


Crude prices have decoupled from the global commodity nexus for the past three years, held up by the Arab Spring and disruptions in Africa. This split-level energy market is becoming untenable.


The US shale revolution has caused natural gas prices in North America to collapse. With a long delay, and by convoluted means, this effect is spreading to Asia, where liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices have halved this year.


In the end, oil must converge towards gas prices since vehicles can be designed to use either source, or both. The new Cummins Westport ISX 12G gas engine released last year competes directly with diesel. Natural gas lorries are expected to take around 4pc of the US market this year as new taxes and pollution laws come to bear.

昨年発売されたCummins Wesport ISX 12Gガス自動車はディーゼルと正面から競争しています。

"We think a large portion of the freight market could utilise LNG and penetration rates could ultimately top 40pc," said Citigroup.


Navigant Research says the global gas fleet will reach 1.9m lorries and 1.8m buses by 2022. The switch to gas is spreading to pick-up trucks and passenger vehicles as the technology gets cheaper. The gas option for the new bi-fuel Chevrolet Silverado has fallen to $9,500. Even railroads are dipping their toes in the water. CSX is testing a hybrid that can run on natural gas or diesel.


It is possible that gas and LNG prices will converge upwards, rather than oil coming down. That seems unlikely. America's gas ouptut has risen from 440 to 720bn cubic metres (bcm) in six years - 20pc of global production - and is still rising. The US Energy Department expects it to reach 960bcm by the end of the decade. These are huge volumes.


The Marcellus Region in Pennsylvania has multiplied output seven-fold in four years, with an accelerating surge over the past year as drilling technology gets better.


There is now speculation that the US will surpass Qatar to become the world's top exporter of LNG by 2020. Australia is catching up - albeit at high cost - and it too is expected to triple LNG exports and overtake Qatar by 2020.


Even if global gas fails to deliver as expected, this will merely accelerate the powerful shift towards solar power already under way, eroding the demand for oil more slowly by a different means.


Citigroup said solar already competes in the growing regions of the world on "pure economics" without subsidies. It has reached grid parity with residential electricity prices in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Australia and the US southwest. Japan will cross this year, Korea in 2018. It forecast that even Britain will achieve grid parity by 2020, a remarkable thought for this wet isle at 51 or 52 degrees latitude.


The industry can at last tap a "large investor universe" through the market for asset-backed securities. It priced debt below 5pc last year. Some US electric companies are starting to build solar farms for hard-headed commercial reasons as a hedge against future shifts in the gas price. This is astonishing.


Roughly 29pc of all electricity capacity added in America last year came from solar. The story is by now well-known. A McKinsey study found that installed solar power in the US across all sectors has dropped from $6 a watt to $2.59 in four years, largely due to the collapse in the cost of solar cells.


The next leap in competitiveness will come from falling "soft costs", currently 64pc of the residential solar price in America. This happened in Germany as scale built up, and is following in the US. In California you can sign up for solar panels in a supermarket, with no money down, and make a saving from day one.


The clinching shift will come when the battery storage is cheap enough and lasts long enough for users to draw down their suplus generated during the day to cover needs at night, opening the way for mass exodus from the grid, unless utilities harness it first to their own advantage.


There are at least 220 research projects into energy storage currently under way in the US, many funded by the US Advanced Research Projects Agency and other arms of the world's scientific superpower. It is Hegel's irony of history. We can now see that the oil price shock of 2008 was traumatic enough to draw an emergency response, bringing forward oil's nemesis.


Harvard is working on an organic flow battery using quinones - from rhubarb - instead of rare earth metals. It hopes to cut battery costs by two-thirds within three years. Rivals at the University of Southern California think they can eventually slash the cost by 90pc below today's lithium-ion batteries.


It is a fair bet that scientists will have conquered intermittency by the end of the decade, at which point the switch to renewables becomes a stampede. This is where great fortunes may be made, perhaps the mirror image of the wealth to be lost on fossil defaults.


Brokers Sanford Bernstein call it the new order of "global energy deflation". Technology momentum is unstoppable, and one-way only.


Big Oil is trapped, gradually running down legacy reserves. The longer that geopolitical eruptions disguise this erosion of competitiveness by propping up prices, the more emphatic the shift to renewables. Yet if prices do drift down to $80 - as many expect - they will lose money on their exotic ventures.


The energy group Douglas-Westwood says half the oil industry needs prices of $120 or more to generate free cash flow under current drilling plans and shareholder dividends. Leverage may catch up with them, a risk flagged recently by Standard & Poor's.


The oil-exporting states are also trapped. Russia needs crude prices near $110 to balance the budget. Natixis says the fiscal break-even cost for Iraq is $108, for Saudi Arabia $97 and the Emirates $89. Bahrain and Algeria are over $120.


Oil-patronage regimes violate the loose rule that societies with a per capita income above $10,000 become more tolerant, rational and pluralist over time, so we may be doing a favour for these nations if we curb our appetite for oil. Their revolutions may, however, be televised.



2014-08-23 09:18:16 | Telegraph (UK)
The deadliest Ebola outbreak in history

By Joel Gunter and Mark Oliver
Telegraph: 1:00PM BST 19 Aug 2014
The ongoing outbreak of Ebola virus in Western Africa is now by far the biggest in the 38-year history of the disease, with 1,145 deaths and 2,127 suspected cases recorded as a virulent strain of the disease spreads across across Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone


Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone remain in the grip of the worst outbreak of Ebola virus in history. According to the latest figures from the Centre for Disease Prevention, 1145 people have died so far from 2127 cases. That number is likely to have already risen.


To put that in context, the biggest previous outbreak of the disease saw 224 deaths from 425 cases, and there have only been 2,300 deaths from all previous outbreaks of the virus. This outbreak, which has been growing since March, concerns the deadliest form of the Ebola virus, Zaire ebolavirus.


Health officials are now exploring whether the natural immunity survivors gain after they shed the virus can be shared with others. The idea would be to use their plasma, the part of blood that contains immune system warriors called antibodies, to help fight off the infection.


Named after the country which saw the first outbreak of the disease in 1976, the Zaire strain kills on average 78 per cent of those who contract it. It is mainly found in tropical Central and West Africa and can have up to a 90 per cent mortality rate.


"This is the largest outbreak of this disease to date, and it's clear it is not under control, " said Dr Brian McCloskey, director of global health at Public Health England.


The health body has issued an urgent warning to doctors in England to watch for signs of the lethal disease. Phillip Hammond, the foreign secretary, will chair an emergency Cobra meeting on Wednesday to discuss the outbreak.


The Ebola virus first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous outbreaks - in Nzara, Sudan; and in Yambuku, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The outbreak in DRC was in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.


It is introduced into the human population through close contact with the sweat, blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals such as chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines.


Early symptoms are similar to those of flu but are followed by severe vomiting and diarrhoea, and eventually internal and external bleeding.
