


2014-08-15 21:22:57 | Telegraph (UK)


Germany is itself a victim of EMU's austerity fanatics
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: August 14th, 2014
So now we learn. Germany had a double-dip recession last year without telling us. This could soon turn into triple-dip after contraction of 0.2pc in the second quarter.


German bond yields are pricing in stagnation as far as the eye can see. 10-year Bunds fell below 1pc this morning for the first time in history, and far below levels seen during the deflationary episodes of the Second Reich in the late 19th Century.


The bond markets are flashing deflation warnings, but they are also indicting the European authorities for gross incompetence. Professor Paul De Grauwe from the London School of Economics says policy elites have misdiagnosed the fundamental cause of Europe's chronic slump and its failure to recover. They are treating a demand crisis as if it were a supply crisis, imposing "reforms" – an Orwellian touch – that can only exacerbate EMU-wide distress in the short-run.


"They are doing everything they can to stop recovery taking off, so they should not be surprised if there is in fact no take-off," he said.


"It is balanced-budget fundamentalism, and it has become religious. We know from the 1930s that if everybody is trying to pay off debt and the government then deleverages at the same time, the result is a downward spiral," he said.


"The rigidities in the European economy have been there for ages. They have absolutely nothing to do with the problem we face today."


The claim that Spain's recovery validates the EMU strategy of retrenchment and reform makes you want to weep. To the extent that Spain has reached self-sustaining take-off – questionable given the collapse of investment and the damage from labour hysteresis – it is largely because Spain is pursuing a beggar-thy-neighbour wage squeeze policy, just as Germany did nine years ago with such malign effects for the eurozone as a whole.


This displaces the contractionary pressures into France and Italy. "You can do this in one country but it can't possibly be a model for the whole eurozone. If everybody does this it leads to generalised deflation, and that is what we are seeing," he said.


The outcome of Europe's strategic incoherence is that EMU output is still 2.5pc below its 2008 peak. This six-year slump is worse than Europe's performance the early 1930s by a wide margin. It is the most serious European depression seen in peacetime for 170 years, and I would wager that the 1840s were better.


By contrast, US output is nearly 8pc above its old peak. America has achieved escape velocity. It is growing at a sustained rate that is 2pc to 3pc faster than in the eurozone. The compound effects of this are devastating. Europe is falling off the economic map.


While growth is allowing the US to reduce its aggregate debt ratio, slump is causing Europe's ratios to ratchet higher. There is no reward for hair-shirt policies. Calvinism is best kept in the Presbystery.


Europe's relapse is entirely self-inflicted. It is the result of policy failure by the European Central Bank, by the European Commission, by the Eurogroup (much of it under Jean-Claude Juncker), and above all by the German finance ministry, the body that is ultimately responsible for EMU crisis strategy.


The revised figures this morning from Wiesbaden (Destastis) show that the German economy has been far weaker than originally supposed. GDP contracted by 0.4pc in Q4 2012, and again in Q1 2013. Average growth over the last two years has been little more that 0.6pc.


Germany is the victim of its own policy of pro-cyclical fiscal austerity and its refusal to invest. It is gaining nothing from a current account surplus of 7.5pc of GDP (in breach of EU limits). The secondary effects on other countries are so damaging that they more than negate any gain for Germany itself.


The eurozone as a whole has stalled to zero growth. It has no safety margin as the effect of Russian sanctions start to bite, lopping 0.3pc off Europe's GDP this year (according to a leaked document by the Commission). It has no margin against a potential credit shock from China, nor against knock-on effects from Fed tightening in the US.


The ECB is paralysed by politics. It cannot secure German assent for quantitative easing because Berlin/Buba are using stimulus as an instrument to enforce their reform dictates, and they are not yet satisfied that Italy is complying. Monetary policy has been contaminated.


Those in charge are so stubborn, ideological, and certain of their cause, that they are willing to drive Europe over the edge to force obeisance. They are doing so even though credit is still contracting, the M3 money supply has ground to a halt, a third of the eurozone is in outright deflation, and now Germany itself has buckled. Policy is too tight even for Germany itself. Yet it goes on, because otherwise Latins might get off too lightly.


If you want a good target for "structural reform" – the mantra that grates, the more it is repeated – you might start with institutional governance of the eurozone itself. That certainly cries out for a neutron bomb.


Since we all know that EMU politics are intractably hopeless, we can only conclude that Europe will lurch from debacle to debacle until the Project is shut down for the good of humanity.


Thank you. Now I will take my medicine.



2014-08-15 21:22:34 | Telegraph (UK)
France rebels against austerity as Europe's recovery collapses
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:26PM BST 14 Aug 2014
France's finance minister sends tremors through European capitals with a defiant warning that his country would no longer try to meet deficit targets


Eurozone strategy is in tatters after economic recovery ground to a halt across the region and France demanded a radical shift in policy, warning that austerity overkill is driving Europe into a depression.


Growth slumped to zero in the second quarter, with Germany contracting by 0.2pc and France once again stuck at zero. Italy is already in a triple-dip recession.


Yields on 10-year German Bunds fell below 1pc for the first time in history, beneath levels seen during the most extreme episodes of deflation in the 19th century. French yields also touch record lows. Much of the eurozone is replicating the pattern seen in Japan as it slid into a deflation trap in the late 1990s.


It is unclear whether tumbling yields are primarily a warning signal of stagnation ahead or a bet by investors that the European Central Bank will soon be forced to launch quantitative easing, buying government bonds across the board.


Michel Sapin, France's finance minister, sent tremors through European capitals with a defiant warning that his country would no longer try to meet its deficit targets and would not inflict further damage on its economy by tightening into the downturn. "I refuse to raise taxes to close any budget gaps," he said.


"What is absolutely necessary is to adjust the pace of deficit reduction to the exceptional situation we are in today. Growth is too weak in Europe and inflation is too low. We must therefore stop reinforcing the causes of this depression," he told RTL television.


"We must face the figures in front of us with realism. The truth is that, contrary to the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund and the [European] Commission, growth has broken down, both in France and in Europe."


He halved his French growth forecast to 0.5pc this year and to little more than 1pc next year, too weak to stop unemployment hitting fresh highs. The IMF has already warned that there will be no job growth until 2016.


Germany has so far refused to yield any ground on austerity policies but is increasingly vulnerable. Revised data show that the economy has been far weaker than thought over the past two years, falling into a significant double-dip recession last year. Professor Paul De Grauwe, from the London School of Economics, said: "They are victims of their own folly. Germany needs massive investment in its energy sector and it should be doing it now while it can borrow for almost nothing."


Mr De Grauwe said EMU elites have misdiagnosed the cause of Europe's intractable slump, blaming it on lack of reform when it is in reality a "demand crisis" made worse by a debt purge since the financial crisis. "They are doing everything they can to stop recovery taking off, so they should not be surprised if there is, in fact, no take-off," he said.


"It is balanced-budget fundamentalism and it has become religious. We know from the 1930s that if everybody is trying to pay off debt and the government then deleverages at the same time, the result is a downward spiral. The rigidities in the European economy have absolutely nothing to do with the problem we face today."


Many German economists said one-off factors explained the "sudden stop" in the second quarter but Berlin's Institute for Economic Research (DIW) warned that deeper forces may be at work, with a risk of recession as Germany suffers the blowback effects from sanctions against Russia. "The economy may shrink again in the third quarter," it said.


Sigmar Gabriel, Germany's vice-chancellor, blamed the slowdown on "geopolitical risks in eastern Europe and the Near East".


The contraction of world trade over the early summer has undoubtedly played a role since Germany is highly-geared to global exports.


The signs of a policy revolt in France could prove a turning point in Europe. Mr Sapin said his country would miss its deficit target this year but not try to make up the ground because the shortfall was caused by the deflationary conditions in Europe. He pledged to cut the deficit at an "appropriate pace" but would not go further. It is likely to exceed 4pc of GDP.


President Francois Hollande has so far gone along with EMU austerity demands, imposing severe fiscal tightening in his first two years in office, even though the ECB refused to offset the effect with monetary stimulus.


The result has been a permanent slump, with industrial output down 14pc from its peak. Mr Hollande has suffered a collapse in his approval ratings and faces a mutiny by the Left-wing of his own Socialist Party. There is increasing speculation over whether he may be forced to resign before the end of his term in 2017.


However, Mr Hollande is known for pirouettes that come to little. It is too early to tell whether he is willing to form a "Latin alliance" with Italy to force a change in policy, launching what amounts to a rebellion against German policy doctrines. Any such demarche would risk a dangerous rupture with Berlin.


The collapse of economic recovery in Europe leaves the ECB in a delicate position. Mario Draghi, the bank's president, offered no clues earlier this month on when the ECB might finally resort to QE, insisting that it will wait to gauge the full effects of its negative deposit rate and the result of new loans to banks (TLTROs) in September and December.


This delays any likely QE until next Spring, yet it is far from clear whether the TLTROs will make much difference. They involve exchange of collateral and are merely asset swaps. Banks are in any case shrinking their lending to meet new capital ratios. The IMF said QE is a far more powerful instrument.


"The ECB will do as little as possible in the hope that something will come along to save them, and the euro will weaken," Gabriel Stein, from Oxford Economics, said. "They are desperate not to do QE."



2014-08-15 21:22:09 | Telegraph (UK)
Russian armoured vehicles and military trucks cross border into Ukraine
By Roland Oliphant, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky and Tom Parfitt in Kharkiv
Telegraph: 8:15PM BST 14 Aug 2014
Exclusive: Telegraph witnesses Russian armoured vehicles and military trucks cross the border from Russia into Ukraine


A column of armoured vehicles and military trucks crossed the border from Russia into Ukraine on Thursday night, in the first confirmed sighting of such an incident by Western journalists.


A separate, larger convoy of around 270 Russian trucks, which Moscow claims is carrying aid, rumbled to a halt just short of the border on Thursday night, while in east Ukraine, shells hit the centre of rebel-held Donetsk for the first time.


The Telegraph witnessed a column of vehicles including both armoured personal carriers and soft-skinned lorries crossing into Ukraine at an obscure border crossing near the Russian town of Donetsk shortly before 10pm local time.


The Ukrainian and Western governments have long accused Russia of filtering arms and men across the border to fuel the separatist insurgency in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions, but such an incident has never before been witnessed by Western journalists.


The convoy, which included at least 23 vehicles, appeared to be waiting until sunset near a refugee camp just outside Donetsk, before moving towards the crossing without turning off headlights or making any other attempt to conceal itself.


While it was not immediately clear whether all of that convoy crossed the border, The Telegraph did see a substantial number of vehicles pass through check point manned by gunmen after shadowing the convoy down narrow country lanes near the frontier.


While the force did not seem to be a substantial invasion force, it confirms that military supplies are moving across the border. While the APCs carried no visible markings the fuel tankers and soft-skinned trucks in the convoy bore black Russian military number plates.


The vehicles do not appear to be associated with the Russian aid convoy that is camped 20 miles further down the same road.


Russia claims it wants to prevent a humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine, where civilians are caught in the crossfire in a conflict between pro-Russian separatist rebels and government troops that began in April.


Intense shelling on Luhansk and Donetsk left more than 25 people dead, while Ukrainian forces reported nine troops dead and 18 injured over the past day.


Igor "The Shooter" Girkin, the rebels' military commander, resigned from his post on Thursday. He will be replaced by a senior militiaman known only as "The Tsar".

反乱軍のイーゴリ・The Shooter・ガーキン司令官は木曜日に辞任しました。
彼の後任はThe Tsarというニックネームだけが知られる幹部だとのことです。

The separatists – who Ukraine and Nato say receive volunteers and weapons from across the border with Russia – have been on the back foot in recent weeks. Besides Mr Girkin, another senior rebel leader, Valery Bolotov, resigned yesterday saying it was due to injuries.


Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, said in a speech that Moscow wanted "to stop bloodshed in Ukraine as soon as possible".


Speaking in Yalta on the Crimea peninsula, which Russia seized from Ukraine in March, Mr Putin added that, "the situation is becoming more dramatic by the day. The country has immersed itself in bloody chaos, a fratricidal conflict". He stressed that Russians should avoid a rift with the West over Ukraine and "build our country, not fence it off from the outside world".


Kiev sees Moscow's calls for peace as deeply hypocritical and is suspicious of the aid convoy, which it believes is a possible covert invasion, or at least an attempt by Moscow to freeze a Ukrainian advance on rebel strongholds.


Russia's aid convoy is aimed at Luhansk, the worst-hit city, where residents have been without electricity and running water for several weeks, homes have been destroyed by artillery and mortar fire and food supplies are dwindling.


Under a tentative agreement between the two countries earlier this week the aid was supposed to be brought in to Ukraine at a border crossing near Kharkiv, in the northeast of the country, outside the conflict zone. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) agreed to help with the handover and possibly with providing vehicles for the cargo to be transported across Ukrainian territory.


However, that agreement collapsed amid bitter recriminations on Wednesday, and on Thursday the convoy struck south to Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, close to the rebel-controlled portion of Ukraine's border with Russia.


The ICRC said that it would not facilitate the convoy if Russia decided to send the trucks into Ukraine without permission. "Talks between the two sides are continuing but we can't help unless they come to an agreement," said Victoria Zotikova, a spokesman.

「両国の協議は継続中だが、合意が結ばれない限り支援出来ない」とVictoria Zotikova広報担当者は言いました。

Laurent Corbaz, the organisation's head of operations for Europe and Central Asia, is due to travel to Kiev on Friday and Moscow early next week for talks over the convoy.

ICRCの欧州・中央アジア担当部門を率いるLaurent Corbaz氏は、コンボイを巡る協議のため、金曜日にキエフ、来週早々にモスクワを訪れる予定です。

For a short time on Thursday it looked as if Vladimir Putin had resolved to send the aid mission straight across the border, in spite of Ukrainian objections.


After leaving Voronezh, the 270-vehicle convoy barrelled south towards Rostov-on-Don – a major city that could serve as another staging point.


But halfway the vast column of white-painted lorries and support vehicles took a westward turn towards the border town of Donetsk – not to be confused with the Ukrainian city of the same name – where Ukrainian forces have lost control of the border and rebels rule the land.


In a choking cloud of dust, the white-painted lorries crawled off the road and lumbered into place in serried lines on the parched field.


The drivers, in their unmarked khaki uniforms of baseball cap, T-shirt and slacks, slipped out of their cabs and made for the makeshift showers set up by soldiers from a neighbouring army base.


Luhansk was just a few hours drive a way. There appeared little reason the trucks could not press on. Military police, two army helicopters, and a number of unmarked vehicles bearing the black-number plates of the Russian ministry of the defence were escorting the convoy. But instead the vehicles parked up at an army base about 30 miles short of the frontier.


"We didn't try at Kharkiv yesterday, the Ukrainian's wouldn't let us through," said one older, khaki-clad man in glasses who was talking with an airborne officer from the base. "We just go where we are told, to deliver this aid."


The drivers The Telegraph spoke to said they had no idea where they would be sent next.


Neither the men in beige, nor the soldiers, made attempt to prevent journalists from wandering the site as lorries pulled in.


If anything, they were keen to show off their cargo, apparently in a bid to dispel accusations from some Ukrainian officials that the convoy may contain something sinister.


Two trucks, chosen at random by The Telegraph, proved to contain sacks of buckwheat and cardboard boxes full of sleeping bags – exactly the kind of aid Russia has always insisted it is sending over the border.


But while there are no guns on display, the mission has a distinctly military flavour.


The drivers in khaki are clean-shaven service age males, and they drive originally army-green lorries that have been hastily spray-painted white. At least one bore distinct tattoos normally associated with the armed forces.



2014-08-15 21:21:40 | Telegraph (UK)
Israel's shelling of Gaza is a vast game of Russian roulette
By Idan Barir
Telegraph: 9:49AM BST 13 Aug 2014
Artillery fire is a statistical means of warfare. By using it in Gaza, Israel cannot claim it is doing everything in its power to spare the innocent


Among the difficult reports streaming in from Gaza over the past few weeks, two especially painful events have captured my attention.The first was the shelling of a UN school building in Jabalya, where a number of families that had escaped or been forced to flee their homes had taken refuge. At least 15 civilians were killed, and dozens more wounded. Israel argued they were targeting an area from which fire had been directed at Israeli forces.


The second was the bombing of a bustling market in the Shuja'iya neighborhood. At a time of precious few opportunities for civilians to safely buy food and other vital supplies, 17 people were killed, 160 wounded, and shops, stalls and merchandise burned or destroyed.


Harsh criticism of Israel followed each incident but – as in the past – Israel defended its actions, arguing that it was targeting militants and doing its best to avoid civilian casualties.


I served as a crew commander in the Israeli artillery corps at the beginning of the Second Intifada and I feel compelled to counter this claim. The images, evidence and army reports from recent operations in Gaza – of more than 1,800 deaths and a third of the population left without shelter – show that Israel has deployed massive artillery firepower. Such firepower is impossible to target precisely.


Artillery fire is a statistical means of warfare. It is the complete opposite of sniper fire. While the power of sharpshooting lies in its accuracy, the power of artillery comes from the quantity of shells fired and the massive impact of each one.


The truth is that artillery shells cannot be aimed precisely and are not meant to hit specific targets. A standard 40kg shell is nothing but a large fragmentation grenade. When it explodes it is meant to kill anyone within a 50-meter radius, and to wound anyone within a further 100 meters.


Furthermore, the humidity in the air, the heat of the barrel, and the direction of the wind can all cause unguided shells to land 30 or even 100 meters from where they were aimed. That is a huge margin of error in somewhere as densely packed as Gaza.


The imprecision of this weaponry is so great that Israeli forces are compelled to aim at least 250 meters away from friendly troops to ensure their safety – even if those troops are sheltered. In military terms, this distance is called the "safe range of fire."


In 2006, when shelling was first used against the Gaza Strip, the "safe range of fire" for Palestinian civilians was reduced from 300 to just 100 meters. Shortly afterwards, a stray shell landed inside the home of the Ghaban family in Beit Lahiya, killing nine-year old Hadeel, and wounding 12 other members of her family.

それから間もなく、目標をそれた砲弾がBeit LahiyaのGhaban家に落ちて、当時9歳だったHadeelを殺し、家族12人を負傷させました。

In response to this and similar tragedies, human rights organizations appealed to the Israeli High Court of Justice to cease this lethal practice, and in June 2007 the Attorney-General announced that no more artillery fire was to be used in the Gaza Strip.


But just three years later, during Operation Cast Lead, extensive artillery fire was again aimed at the heart of the Gaza Strip. And up until the recent ceasefire, throughout Operation Protective Edge, Israel has fired thousands of artillery shells into Gaza – causing intolerable harm to civilians and widespread destruction, the extent of which will only be fully exposed when the fighting ceases.


It's true that in at least some cases, the army has informed civilians of its plans to attack a certain area, and advised them to leave. But this in no way excuses the excessive damage and huge toll on civilian lives.


I write this with great sorrow for civilians hurt on both sides. Sorrow for our soldiers who have fallen in this operation, and sorrow for the future of my country and the entire region. I know that as I write soldiers like me are firing shells into Gaza. They have no way of knowing who or what they will hit.


Faced with so many innocent casualties, it is time for us to state very clearly: this use of artillery fire is a deadly game of Russian roulette. The statistics, on which such firepower relies, mean that in densely populated areas such as Gaza, civilians will inevitably be hit as well. The IDF knows this, and as long as they continue to use such weaponry, it will be hard to believe them when they claim to be minimizing civilian deaths.


As a former soldier and an Israeli citizen, I feel compelled to ask today: have we not crossed a line?


Idan Barir served in the Israeli artillery corps during the Second Intifada and is a member of Breaking the Silence


2014-08-15 21:21:20 | Etcetera

Japan's economy:Fingers crossed
エコノミスト:Aug 16th 2014 | TOKYO | From the print edition
A sudden, sharp contraction may be more than a blip


THE government of Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, has put a brave face on the news that GDP shrank by 1.7% in the second quarter of this year. Akira Amari, the economy minister, blamed the fall, of an annualised 6.8%―the steepest since the earthquake and tsunami that pummelled Japan in 2011―on the decision to raise the consumption tax from 5% to 8% in April and said the economy will rebound. Not everyone is so sanguine.


Worryingly, private consumption plunged by 5% from the previous quarter. Besides having stocked up ahead of the tax rise, households are feeling squeezed by higher prices in the shops. Mr Abe's most vaunted achievement has been to reverse years of stubborn deflation, a strategy that depends on wages rising. Yet in real terms they fell by 3.2% year-on-year in the second quarter, the steepest drop in 18 quarters, according to Barclays Research in Tokyo.


Most analysts expect Japan's increasingly tight labour market to push wages up in the coming months, but many of the jobs created under Mr Abe are "non-regular", with lower pay and benefits. That will embolden critics of Abenomics, who claim that it is enriching corporations and investors and leaving the rest behind. The signs for Mr Abe are ominous: his popularity has fallen below 50% for the first time since he took office in December 2012.


The Bank of Japan has pumped billions of dollars into the economy to buy up government debt, which has driven the yen down against the dollar. Yet exports have been sluggish; the main impact of the cheaper yen seems to have been to push up the price of Japan's imported-fuel bill.


The new data also complicate Mr Abe's pledge to raise the consumption tax by a further two percentage points next year. Everyone remembers the effect of a previous tax hike, from 3% to 5%, in 1997. Then, a recovering economy tumbled back into recession. Economists play down the parallels: for one thing, Japan in 1997 was struggling with the consequences of both a domestic banking mess and an Asian financial meltdown. So most predict a sharp rebound in the third quarter. Mr Abe will opt for another supplementary budget―his third―to boost the economy, rather than abandon the tax rise, says Kyohei Morita of Barclays. That risks piling more debt on to the world's most indebted advanced economy, further raising the stakes in Mr Abe's daring economic gamble.
