


2014-08-18 21:21:40 | Telegraph (UK)


Ukraine army pushes into rebel stronghold of Luhansk
By Tom Parfitt, Moscow
Telegraph: 7:04PM BST 17 Aug 2014
Government says state flag raised over police station in separatist-held city, as foreign ministers of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany meet in Berlin to discuss crisis


The Ukrainian army pushed into a key city controlled by Russia-backed separatists on Sunday, the government said, as the two countries' foreign ministers met in Berlin for crisis talks.


Kiev also admitted the rebels had shot down one if its fighter aircraft, while accusing the separatists of bringing three missile launchers onto Ukrainian territory from Russia.


Andriy Lysenko, a Ukrainian military spokesman, said government forces had advanced into the Zhovtneviy neighbourhood in the northeast of the besieged city of Luhansk and taken control of the neighbourhood police station.

ウクライナ国防省のAndriy Lysenko報道官は、ウクライナ政府軍が占拠されているルハンスクの北東にあるZhovtneviyに進攻し、その警察署を制圧したと伝えました。

"They raised the state flag over it," he told a news briefing.


Luhansk, with a peacetime population of 420,000, is the second largest stronghold being defended by the rebels in eastern Ukraine, whose main bastion is the city of Donetsk, 90 miles to the west.


Seizing Luhansk would be a major victory for Kiev, disrupting alleged supply lines from Russia. A picture posted on Twitter appeared to show the Ukrainian flag being fixed on the side of the police station, but it could not be independently verified.


As fighting continued, Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, and Pavlo Klimkin, his Ukrainian counterpart, flew to Berlin to meet with Germany and France's top diplomats.


Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany's foreign minister, said the talks were aimed at "restarting the political process", seeking options for a cease-fire and finding a "framework for effective border controls". The crisis risked entering a "intensified spiral of escalation" without such action, he warned.


Diplomacy around the Ukraine crisis intensified at the end of last week after reporters from the Telegraph and the Guardian spotted a column of military vehicles crossing from Russia into Ukraine at a rebel-controlled section of the border.


Moscow denied the crossing had taken place but Nato said there had been an "incursion" and Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine's president, claimed part of a Russian column was subsequently destroyed by artillery on Ukrainian soil.


Mr Lysenko added more pressure on Sunday, claiming that "a convoy of military equipment, including three Grad rocket launchers, have crossed into the territory of Ukraine" and continued on to Nizhniy Nagolchyk, a rebel-controlled village in southern Luhansk region.

日曜日、Lysenko氏は「ロケット・ランチャーなどの軍装備品を積載した車列がウクライナ領内へと国境を越え」、ルハンスク南部にある反乱軍に制圧された村、Nizhniy Nagolchykに向かったと主張して圧力を強めました。

Pro-Russian rebel militias have been fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine since April, when they launched an armed bid for autonomy.


The rebels shot down a Ukrainian Mig-29 near Luhansk on Sunday, Ukraine's military said. Ukraine has lost more than 20 aircraft during the conflict, including a transporter plane that was shot down in June, killing all 49 servicemen on board. The Mig-29 pilot ejected and was recovered.


Also on Sunday, 16 out of a convoy of 270 Russian trucks carrying aid for civilians in eastern Ukraine reached the border between the two countries for a check of the cargo by both sides.



2014-08-18 20:59:06 | Telegraph (UK)
If we have to work with Iran to defeat the Islamic State, so be it
By Malcolm Rifkind
Telegraph: 9:07PM BST 17 Aug 2014
As the lessons of history clearly show, distasteful temporary alliances can be the best option


Has there, suddenly, emerged an American-Iranian axis? Are the ayatollahs in Tehran working hand in glove with the Great Satan?


If you look at recent developments as regards Iraq and the so-called Islamic caliphate you might be forgiven for thinking so. The United States and Iran joined forces in calling for Nouri el-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, to step down as a precondition for real progress in getting rid of the jihadi terrorists in Mosul and the north of Iraq. There have been no protests from the Iranians as American jets carry out bombing attacks across their border.


They seem quite relaxed as the US arms the Kurdish peshmerga, who are also their neighbours. All this is in the context of the continuing American-Iranian negotiations on the future of Tehran's nuclear programme, the deadline for which has been extended by mutual agreement in the hope of making a permanent breakthrough.


Before one gets carried away, one needs to put this apparent rapprochement in context. It is often forgotten that ever since the Iranian revolution , and the ousting of the Shah in 1979, there have been several occasions when the Iranians have been working, informally, with the Americans though neither side found it convenient to draw attention to it.


Whenever this has happened it has not been because of hypocrisy or double standards on either side. It has been because their national interests have coincided on specific issues, and co-operation has been an entirely logical consequence.


The most striking example was the Iranian response after the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York. Al-Qaeda was a Sunni terrorist organisation that, if anything, loathes Shia Muslims even more than they hate Americans. The Iranians were very content to see them crushed by the United States. In Afghanistan, the Sunni Taliban were in power and giving sanctuary to al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. It suited the Iranians to give covert support to the American-led determination to oust the Taliban and destroy al-Qaeda. That co-operation largely disappeared in subsequent years as, not surprisingly, the Iranians became uncomfortable with the US appearing to be exercising continuing control over their eastern neighbour. The threat to Iranian interests is, today, far greater from Isis and the Islamic "caliphate" than it ever was from al-Qaeda.


The jihadi terrorists now control a large part of northern Iraq, close to the Iranian border, and have declared that territory to be a new state. If they succeed, on a permanent basis, that will result in the dismemberment of Iraq – with not only a caliphate but the Iraqi Kurds no longer ruled from Baghdad. What would be left of Iraq would be a rump Shia state deprived of many of its most valuable oil fields, and struggling to survive as a meaningful political entity.


That would be a massive setback for Tehran. It is worth recalling that the single greatest beneficiary of the Bush-Blair Iraq war in 2003 were the Iranians. Without them having to fire a shot, their challenger for control of the Gulf, Saddam Hussein, was overthrown. Iraq became ruled, for the first time in a hundred years, by Iran's Shia co-religionists and Iran became the most influential power in Iraq's domestic politics.


That whole achievement is now a shambles, and for Iran the need to eliminate the Isis terrorists is more powerful than ever. But that is not the whole story. The "caliphate" is not limited to northern Iraq but also controls large swathes of northern Syria. The Syrian moderate, secular opponents of the Assad regime are in disarray, and the Isis terrorists are fast becoming the main serious opponents to the pro-Iranian government in Damascus.


It was not long ago that King Abdullah of Jordan warned of a Shia arc, from Iran through Iraq, across Alawite Syria to Shia Hizbollah in Lebanon. The Iranians saw themselves as the ringmaster with powerful influence in Baghdad, providing arms to Assad and pulling the strings with Hizbollah. That strategy is now collapsing. So much for the Iranians. If recent developments have been so bad for them why should Washington not be gloating? Why should they want to work with the Iranians in a manner that is designed to stall and, if possible, reverse these developments.


Again, the answer does not lie in American hypocrisy, stupidity or naivete. They are well aware of all these considerations and if they were the only relevant ones they could sit back and enjoy the spectacle. But international politics is never as simple as that . The good guys aren't always good; and the bad guys aren't always bad. Realpolitik requires unusual, temporary, alliances as governments try to juggle and reconcile conflicting interests. Think of the Second World War when Churchill and Roosevelt allied themselves with Stalin in order to defeat Hitler.


Churchill was not naive. For the previous 20 years he had been the most vociferous opponent of the Soviet Union and all it stood for. He was well aware that when the alliance with Stalin led to the defeat of Hitler's Germany the Soviet Union would emerge far more powerful than before and control much of eastern Europe.


But history has not found fault in the judgment that the price was worth paying if Britain was to be freed from Nazi invasion and western Europe from Hitler's domination. The balance of advantage and disadvantage of working with the Iranians is not nearly as difficult as it was with the Russians. Iran, unlike the Soviet Union, will never be a superpower or a global threat.


Its economy is in a mess and the future of the ayatollah's regime is far from certain. If the co-operation of the Iranians in keeping Iraq together and defeating the jihadi terrorists would suit Tehran, the reality is that it would help the moderate Arab governments and the West even more.


An Islamic State straddling Iraq and Syria would destabilise the whole Arab world and be a base for exporting terrorism not just in the Middle East but throughout Europe and the United States. Furthermore, it would accelerate the radicalisation of a small but dangerous number of Muslims throughout the world. It is not inconceivable that Iran, one day, will be closer to the United States and to the West. That is not just because the Shah was a close ally. It is because Turkey, Iran and, of course, Israel are the real serious players in the Middle East. Egypt should be, Saudi Arabia and some others aspire to be but they have not had the political power or weight to enable them to succeed.


Iran could, one day, become a formidable, modern pluralist state. If it did it could be a considerable force for progress and stability. At present, however, it is a threat and the need for co-operation with the Iranians over the "caliphate" must not blind us to that fact.


On this occasion, my enemy's enemy is not my friend. But to borrow Margaret Thatcher's comment on Mikhail Gorbachev, we can, on the issue of jihadi terrorism, do business with them.


Sir Malcolm Rifkind MP was Foreign Secretary from 1995-97. He is Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament.

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2014-08-18 20:58:46 | Telegraph (UK)

うちのExtensive Family Membersを考えると、億超えてたのに「寂しい、虚しい、死にたい」が口癖だった人もいれば(死ななかったけど)、非課税証明が出せちゃう人でも「今が一番幸せ」っていう人もいて。


Money can buy you happiness...but only up to £45,000
By Miranda Prynne
Telegraph: 7:40AM BST 15 Aug 2014
A study suggests being frugal could make us happier as relationships and personal development become more important after £45,000


But having enough money to live comfortably will help, according to new research.


It is the pursuit of great riches which can lead to misery as it distracts people from more fulfilling aspects of life such as their relationships and personal development, the study found.


Feelings of wellbeing rose up to an income of £45,000 a year ($75,000) but then stalled beyond this point, according to the research presented to the American Psychological Association.


Frugality and a move away from materialism lead to greater contentment, the authors claimed.


"Emotional well-being rises with income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of about $75,000," said Dr Miriam Tatzel, from Empire State College, State University of New York.


"A society in which some people are idolised for being fabulously rich sets a standard of success that is unattainable and leads us to try to approach it by working more and spending more.


"Cooling the consumption-driven economy, working less and consuming less are better for the environment and better for humans, too."


Several studies have determined that people's basic psychological needs include competence, autonomy, positive relationships, self-acceptance and personal growth.


Research has shown that rather than meeting these needs, the pursuit of wealth reduces the time spent on more personally fulfilling activities and social relationships.


Dr Tatzel added: "Materialism is bad for consumers' wellbeing.


"People's wants escalate as they tire of what they have and they want something else, which in turn leads to more consumption.


"The larger the gap between what one wants and what one has, the greater the dissatisfaction. Less materialism equals more happiness."


Dr Tatzel also found that thrift boosted wellbeing.


She said: "This means conserving resources as well as money. Frugal people are happier with life in general.


"That may be because avoiding the negative consequences of spending too much and going into debt is one way to avoid unhappiness."


People enjoy doing things more than having things, with other studies finding that people realise more lasting happiness by changing their activities than by changing their material circumstances.


She added: "Experiences live on in memory, are incomparable, often shared with others and don't have to be resource intensive."
