


2010-03-25 22:37:07 | Telegraph (UK)
Explain why you sold Britain's gold, Gordon Brown told
By Holly Watt and Robert Winnett
Telegraph:24 Mar 2010
Gordon Brown has been ordered to release information before the general election about his controversial decision to sell Britain's gold reserves.





加藤 哲太郎



2010-03-25 22:29:35 | Telegraph (UK)

Budget 2010: bond vigilantes slam Budget as UK downgrade moves closer
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:24 Mar 2010
If Alistair Darling was to convince global investors that Britain deserves to keep its AAA-rating and that its debt is more or less comparable to the bonds of sovereign peers, he needed to tighten the Government's fiscal belt by a couple of notches at least.


Pledging to raise real public spending by 2.2pc over the next year is not what markets had in mind. The world's largest bond PIMCO warned earlier this year that Britain's Debt Management Office is sitting on nitroglycerine, and nothing changed its view today.


"We at PIMCO are still seeking clarity on the spending plans," said the firm after the Budget. " While we understand that part of this relates to the political cycle, the last years have taught investors not to take guidance on 'intentions' as a guarantee of future action."


It is remarkable that a government with a budget deficit of 11.8pc of GDP thinks it can safely expand a state sector already consuming 52pc of GDP, or that it can convince global markets that brisk growth of 3.5pc a year will whittle away the debt.


Marc Ostwald, a bond vigilante at Monument Securities, said Labour is still scattering money it does not have to hold the public sector vote. "We are heading for a downgrade because I don't think this is going to look like a credible plan to Standard & Poor's or the other rating agencies."


Brian Coulton at Fitch Ratings said Britain faces a beauty contest problem. Eurozone states are cutting their deficits to 3pc of GDP within three years. Britain is cutting to 5.2pc over four years. Whether or not the Europeans are right to enforce a fiscal squeeze of such severity is a debatable point. The difficulty is that Britain already sticks out like a sore thumb.


Mr Coulton warned earlier this month that the UK is facing "the most rapid rise in the ratio of public debt to GDP of any AAA-rated country. Why the UK thinks it has more time than other countries , we're not sure."


The Chancellor did little to reassure him in the Budget today, though it is some comfort that public debt will peak on Treasury estimates at 89.2pc of GDP instead of 91.6pc . "Public debt does not fall materially until after 2014-15. This projected path leaves the public finances vulnerable to shocks," he said.


Mr Coulton said the Treasury seems to assume that the economy will rebound at the same brisk pace as it has in past recoveries but this ignores the deeps scars if the global financial crisis and the overhang of debt.


Rival S&P has already placed the UK on "negative outlook". It said tartly today that it was waiting to see "concrete details of the next government's deficit reduction plan before deciding on any rating action."


The Treasury is to issue £187bn in Gilts over the coming year, down from £228bn over the last fiscal year. Yields nudged up six basis points to 3.98pc on the news. Sterling slipped.


"The bottom line is that gilt issuance is going to remain very high indeed over the next few years," said David Owen from Jefferies Fixed Income. "There are people out there in the market who refuse to believe that Darling's plan represents a tightening of fiscal policy."


That is the danger.


童門 冬二



2010-03-25 21:38:50 | Telegraph (UK)
Portugal downgrade knocks euro as Merkel imposes IMF solution for Greece
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor
Telegraph:24 Mar 2010
The euro has tumbled to its lowest level in 10 months against the dollar after Fitch Ratings downgraded Portugal to AA- and markets digested the likelihood of an IMF rescue for Greece, a move that reveals a fundamental break-down of Europe's governing machinery.


Fitch said Portugal's austerity plan, while "credible", does not go far enough to control surging debt.


Finance minister Teixeira dos Santos said he would do his utmost to ensure that Portugal does not succumb to the same sort of crisis engulfing Greece. "I am worried because we know that markets overshoot sometimes. The risk exists, I cannot ignore that," he said.

Teixeira dos Santos財務相は、ポルトガルがギリシャを飲み込んでいるような危機に屈しないよう全力を尽くすと語った。

There are clearly concerns that the crisis runs deeper than Greece and may set off further North-South tensions in Europe. A report by UBS entitled "How to Break up a Monetary Union" has been circulating like wildfire in financial centres. "It is relatively clear that the euro does not work. That is to say, parts of the Euro area would have been better off (economically) if they had never joined," it said.

UBSの『How to Break up a Monetary Union(通貨統合の壊し方)』と題されたレポートが、金融センターを野火の如く広がっている。

UBS said Greece should consider default within EMU rather that risk leaving monetary union if matters ever reach that stage.


There continued to be confusion over the role of the IMF in any rescue for Greece as briefings from different EU capitals muddy the waters. However, it is clear that France has bowed to German demands, opening the way for the once unthinkable step of IMF policing within Euroland borders.


The Frankfurter Allgemeine called it "game, set, and match" for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is to meet fellow EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday. She has imposed stringent conditions, refusing to back EU aid for Greece until the country is on the brink of disaster and cannot raise money from the capital market. There must be treaty changes to enforce discipline on fiscal laggards.

Frankfurter Allgemeineはこれを、アンゲラ・メルケル首相の「勝利」と呼んだ。

Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi, a board member of the European Central Bank, said it would be folly to leave Greece hanging until it a full crisis had already begun. He said recourse to the IMF would take Europe down a perilous path.


"Anybody interested in the economic and monetary stability of Europe should be against going to the IMF," he wrote in Die Zeit, denying that EU treaty law prohibits emergency aid.

「ヨーロッパの経済的、金融的安定に関心のあるものは、IMFへの駆け込みを反対しなければならない」と彼はDie Zietに記し、EU条約は緊急支援を禁止していないと主張した。

"If the IMF steps in, the euro would have the image of a currency that can survive only with the help of an international organisation. Market reactions in the last few days have shown that resorting to the IMF can damage the stability of the euro." He said Mrs Merkel had made matters worse by talking of ejecting sinners from the eurozone.


Sources in Brussels said Germany had wider support for its proposals that generally realized, with a string of Northern countries open to the IMF plan. One diplomat said Germany cannot sign up to any formula that breaches the German constitution, warning that critics are ready to file lawsuits challenging any bail-out the moment the ink is dry.



"The EU has one shot to intervene," he said. If the EU botches it by launching a rescue that is clearly illegal, it will tip the eurozone into an even deeper crisis.


Mrs Merkel is unlikely to yield to ECB criticisms. Berlin is already angry over comments by Vitor Constancio, the ECB's incoming vice-president, who said this week that loans for Greece would not amount to a rescue, implying that an EU aid package would not breach of the `no bail-out' clause of Article 125 of the EU Treaties - and therefore not breach Germany's constitution. "Credit is not a bailout", he said.


Commerzbank said the claim that emergency loans are not tantamount to a bail-out is absurd and suggests the ECB is itself has lost the plot. "These comments from a central banker mark the lowest point in the discussions so far. The German Chancellor is well advised to stick to her view," it said.


Mrs Merkel is still balking at the creation of a specific stand-by facility for eurozone states, fearing a slipperly slope towards an EU debt union. She has agreed only to a "general help-mechanism", a vague concept that adds little to a string of accords already reached in recent weeks.


BNP Paribas said German terms will drive Greece and other peripheral states in the eurozone into a "deeper deflationary shock". It said Greece has no way to avoid implementation of these harsh conditions "short of declaring bankruptcy and leaving EMU."


Markets are concerned that any recourse to the IMF increases the risk that Greece may ultimately resort to debt restructuring, a technical default. This would have been unthinkable under a full-fledged EU bail-out that effectively guaranteed Greek debt.


Spreads on 10-year Greek bonds have widened to 325 basis points over German Bunds since the IMF entered the frame. The euro fell to $1.3330 against the dollar in early trading Wednesday.


French president Nicolas Sarkozy said the EU should play the lead role in any joint rescue with the Fund. While some formula is likely to be found that saves face, this will do little to disguise the deeper failure of the Eurogroup to forge its own internal EU package.


ザ・バンク ― 初めて明かされる真実 ユーロ誕生と欧州中央銀行(ECB)の苦悩



2010-03-25 11:43:17 | Telegraph (UK)
A levy on banks would give them a licence to demand taxpayer aid
By Damian Reece, Head of Business
Telegraph:23 Mar 2010
Imposing a levy on banks will achieve precisely nothing in terms of either avoiding another financial crisis or protecting taxpayers from another bail-out.




図解入門業界研究 最新銀行業界の動向とカラクリがよーくわかる本 (How‐nual Industry Trend Guide Book)
平木 恭一



2010-03-25 11:37:40 | Telegraph (UK)
German spies may target speculators
By Sean Farrell
Telegraph:18 Mar 2010
Germany takes its fear of financial speculators to new heights by suggesting it may deploy spies to monitor investors who target currencies.




スパイのためのハンドブック (ハヤカワ文庫 NF 79)
