k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (293)

2017年03月09日 12時22分10秒 | Weblog
According to one of the aphorisms of Swiss great educationist Pestalozzi,
if education is not predicated on the cultivation of the heart,
development of intellect will never be able to dignify human beings.
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Three Sentences (186)

2017年03月07日 12時35分57秒 | Weblog
Three example sentences of my own composition

        ずっと多くの名詞 :many more 複数形

① I was surprised that he had many more good ideas at that time.

② Nowadays there are so many more elderly people in Japan.

③ The special committee on administrative reform has so many more important things to discuss.
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2017年03月05日 12時34分38秒 | Weblog
何かお気づきなら :If you've noticed something, SV
(規則)を守る :stick to 名詞
緊張しないで自分らしくいられる :I can truly be myself without strain.
安全についての懸念 :concerns about security
助けを呼ぶ :call for help
急いで食事をとる :have a hasty meal
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Today's Writing (292)

2017年03月03日 12時00分05秒 | Weblog
It is the mystic power of music that can encourage human life "now", "here" and "immediately."
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2017年03月01日 12時14分29秒 | Weblog
Suppose tomorrow is your wedding anniversary
and you want to surprise your spouse.
Tell me about your plan.

Well, actually, I'm single.
Of course, I have no knowledge of her likes and dislikes.
But if I put myself in that situation, what I want to do the most
is to say "Will you marry me again today?" or something like that.
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