k-sun's Blog


Today's Writing (140)

2013年08月04日 14時46分08秒 | Weblog
A picture of a sunflower expresses "hope".

The picture shows that the sunflower is striving to extend toward the sky,
curling up its stem through debris generated by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.

"Hope" must stem from the zest for living like the sunflower.
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Three Sentences (34)

2013年08月03日 15時11分50秒 | Weblog
Three illustrative sentences of my own composition

 ~する気が向く ⇔ 気が向かない :be in the mood to do ⇔ be in no mood to do

① Because of scorching summer heat, I'm in no mood to do any physical exercises.

② I'm really in the mood to do English reproduction practice after a sound sleep.

③ He will never be in the mood to date with such a wicked girl.
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