Push-ups :31 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :2 minutes
I have been able to be a non-smoker for thirteen years
and three hundred and seven days in a row.
I was able to keep above 9-time push-ups for the one
year and forty-fifth successive day including the most
recent three days of 31-time push-ups.
It is now beautifully sunny in Nagoya and there are
few white clouds in the blue sky.
The current temperature is almost 24 degrees with less
than 50% humidity, which I feel is crisp and autumnal.
I bought a book for rapid reading in English and tried
some, but actually it is very difficult.
Although I may end up giving up, I would like to
challenge a little more.
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :2 minutes
I have been able to be a non-smoker for thirteen years
and three hundred and seven days in a row.
I was able to keep above 9-time push-ups for the one
year and forty-fifth successive day including the most
recent three days of 31-time push-ups.
It is now beautifully sunny in Nagoya and there are
few white clouds in the blue sky.
The current temperature is almost 24 degrees with less
than 50% humidity, which I feel is crisp and autumnal.
I bought a book for rapid reading in English and tried
some, but actually it is very difficult.
Although I may end up giving up, I would like to
challenge a little more.