before dawn


Graceful Japanese woman "yamato nadesiko"

2005-06-28 03:11:05 | Weblog

(The diary of June 28 )
Today is the last day of the kimono school.
I started learning how to wear kimono and dress somebody from last November.
For 8 mounth , I passed the exam of third and second class .
I wanna take the lesson to pass the exam of first class.
But.... I have no time to do.
Because I have to go to Nagano prefecture from September.

The picture above is the last lesson.
The left person is me! Other person are class mates.

Today's lesson is how to dressing of long-sleeved dress "furi-sode" .
Of course, we learned how to knot "obi" .
Look at the picture. The shape of the obi is called "fukurasuzume".
I can make it not only on my back but also other person's back .
Today I dressed the person who was in the center of the picture.
The obi was a little bit large.

After finishing the lesson, I went to the restaurant with classmate.
We could eat as much cakes as we like for 1300 yen there.
We ate too muchBut it was so delicious

I decided to learn about kimono during traveling abroad.
As I was well impressed by other country's culture , I noticed that there is culture  that impress foreign people in Japan!

There is no one that equals a kimono as clothes that most beautifully produce
Japanese women.

I really like kimono . I long wanted to live in foreign country.
But now I wanna live wearing kimono .
The kimono is one of the causes that began to think I will live in not foreign
countries but Japan in Japan.
