before dawn


aozai party

2005-07-31 00:10:41 | Weblog
(the diary of july 31)
Today I went to Asakusa with my friends whose name are momo and aya.
We all majored in history at the university.
All of us have been to Vietnam before.
I have one a custom-made ao dai which I made in Vietnam .
It cost only 20 dollars. However, I never had the chance to put it on up to now. Momo and Aya were also the same.
So, we planed to go to Asakusa putting on the ao dai.

At the Asakusa temple, so many people made a mistake in us as the Vietnam people.
We were asked that let them take our photograph by foreigner.
It was so fun.

firewarks in high summer

2005-07-30 21:49:32 | Weblog
(the diary of july 30)
Today I went to Tachikawa city to see the fireworks.
I hadn't seen the fireworks for about 3 years ,because I wasn't in JAPAN in each summer.
So I really wanted to see the fireworks.
Of course , there was one more reason to wanna see the fireworks .
It was that I can get the chance to wear the Yukata.

In Tachikawa , there were so many people.
But the firework was so beautiful. I was really satisfied.
After seeing the fireworks , I went to Kichijyoji to meet my friends.
Reiko, kanami and Unbo.
This day , Reiko had part-time job. So we met at bar where Reiko is working.
Because of Yukta , the staff of that bar served us many foods for free.
If woman wear the Kimono , something good will happen.

大人の修学旅行 二日目

2005-07-24 00:06:18 | Weblog
(the diary of july 24)

結局 れいこの電話のせいで なんとなく6時から起きだしてしまう私たち。
うんぼが「もー電話のせいであんま眠れなかったよ」って言っていたが 奴の隣で横たわっていた私は 彼女が早々と寝息を立てていたのを聞いた気がしたが 本人が言うんだから間違いない。眠れなかったそうだ。
「電話もうるさいけど この天窓の光もまぶしいんだよね」とカナミが言うので カナミとうんぼで 天窓のカーテンを下げようとしたら ロールカーテンが壊れてしまった無言のうちに「これはなかったことにしよう」という誓いがわれわれの中でなされた。その後 その明らかに破壊されたカーテンについてだれも触れようとはしなかった。。。。

とりあえず 早く起きてしまったものはしょうがない。というより腹が減ってしょうがない。7時半くらいにチェックアウトをして とりあえず那須街道を走ればどっか食べるとこ見つかるだろう と 車を走らせる。
しかーし 甘かった。さすがにどのcafeもオープンは10時からである。
相談の結果 お菓子の城が8:30からやっているというので 開館同時に入る。
テーマパークなどに開館時間ちょうどに入場するならわかるが こんな「お菓子の城」なるただの土産屋に 開館時間ちょうどに来る客はさすがに我々だけであった。
着た目的が「試食をつまむ」ということだけだということも バレていたかも知れない。
そのことに気が付かれないように 「へーお菓子ってこういう風に作られるんだねー!」と 周りの店員に聞こえるようにオーバーアクションで まだ何にも動いていない製造機の前で 騒いでみる。 随時あたらしいお菓子の試食の箱が出てくると 一人3つくらいは食べてしまった。仕方ない。お腹がすいていたのだ!!お菓子だけならまだしも 我々は 漬物にまで手をつけ始めた。もう駄目だ。これ以上ここにいたらまずい。ということでまた車を走らせる。
何度となく 「ガストに入ってしまおう」 「ドリンクバーでええじゃないか ええじゃないか」という意見が出されたが せっかく那須にきたのだと なんとか耐える。
そこで cafeは諦めて パン屋なら朝からやてってるだろうから 予め私が調べておいたパン屋に行くことにした。実はそこは私が行きたかった場所だったのです。
その名はペニーレイン!この名を聞いて 分かる人は分かるでしょ?
なんですよ!(イマジンというペンションに併設している)。ここが 予想以上によかった!朝早いというのに このパン屋はとっても混んでいた。雰囲気も最高!パン屋には ビートルズサウンドが溢れ パンにもビートルズの名前がついていたりする。 しかも!買ったパンを 隣にあるペンションのオープンエアのカフェで食べられるんです!もう 私大興奮!
森林の中のカフェは 澄み切った深い緑の匂いで包まれ かすかにビートルズのサウンドが流れてくる。ドリンクもパンもお世辞抜きにおいしい。お店の人に聞いたところ 私がよく行く六本木のCAVERN CLUBで演奏しているsilver beatsのマブジョンも来たことがあるという!ぎゃーとにかく ここはマジでお勧め!
ようやく 腹も満たされた我々は 次にチーズファクトリーとビール工房に行った。行く先々で試食をしていたため 結構お腹いっぱい。
那須大満喫のまま レンタカー返却時間が迫ってきたため 那須塩原駅まで戻る。
レンタカー返却後 電車にのって一路宇都宮へ。
宇都宮。そう。それは 餃子の街。ここで遅い昼食を食べることにする。駅で餃子マップをもらい 有名店数件の餃子を食べられるという長崎屋の地下に行った。長崎屋の下というのが 物産展の類のような感じがして怪しかったが とりあえずそこに決めた。
これがまた当たりでうまい!昼からビール片手に餃子!っかあー最高!餃子熱に火がついたのか とりあえずメニューの餃子全部頼んでみようということになり 後で計算したらひとり2.5人分の餃子を食べていた。
そして ようやく帰路に着いたのであった。
今回の旅は おもしろかったねー 充実していた。
れーこがせっかく持ってきた紐パンを温泉の脱衣所で披露した際に「びんぼっちゃまじゃね?」と軽く一掃したことが 一番おもしろかった。
みなさん 是非那須に行ってみてくださいな!

大人の修学旅行1 (おしゃれなcafe画像)

2005-07-23 23:17:26 | Weblog
下で紹介したおしゃれなcafeが とってもよかったので、そのよさをなんとか伝えたいと思い画像をアップ。本当にいいcafeですよ。
写真のようにオープンテラスで 周りは森林に囲まれており 爽やかでありながらとても濃い木々の香りが 体の隅々まで染み渡ります。
こういうとき「ああ 今呼吸をしているんだ」と実感しますよね。

もちろん ドリンク 料理 ともに満足できること間違いない!
わたしは フレッシュブルーベリージュースを頼みました。おいしかったー!
ケーキも もちろんおいしいですよー(^^)

大人の修学旅行 一日目

2005-07-23 07:48:36 | Weblog

(The diary of July 23)
ちょっと ずるして 日本語で。
7月23 24日 で おなじみ地元メンツ れいこ かなみ うんぼ と 那須高原に行って来た。
我々は小学生の時、東京都内では割りと強かったサッカークラブに所属していて かれこれ17年の付き合いである。当時キャプテンだった 啓子はインド人と結婚して今はインドで暮らしている。来年は 私はトンガ うんぼもワーホリでオーストラリアへと旅立ってしまうということで 企画された「大人の修学旅行 in那須」。といっても 例のごとくみんな人任せなのでほぼ私の独断と偏見で予約など諸々の手続きを行う。

では 今回のエントリー。

うんぼ:背番号11(右ハーフ)一日目の弁当作成係。 残念ながら今年もボケ担当。

那須まで電車で行くので なんと7時40分にヒガコに集合だ。東小金井駅に着くと 遅刻常習犯のうんぼがすでに着いていたことにも驚いたが 彼女が那須高原に行くと言うのに仮面ライダーみたいなサングラスをかけてスカしていることに驚いた。ローカルな駅にそこだけサンフランシスコの風が吹いている。明らかに 浮いている。
那須高原に行くというのに 前日にメールで「水着はいるよね?」と聞いてきただけある。こいつは一体どこにいくつもりなのか。。。高原で一体いつ水着を着るのか?そもそも行き先が那須だということを理解しているのだろうか。一抹の不安がよぎる。
そのグラサンをみんなでいじりながら 列車は走るよ。 那須高原へ。

しおり係れいこは 「昨夜焦って一生懸命作ったんだよ!」と言っていたが寝坊したため それを人数分コピーするのを忘れるという致命的なミス!頑張って作ったというそのしおりには 何故かビールとおつまみと推測される染みやら 誤字が目立ったがそこは 一同で相談の結果容認することにした。
あまりに早く起きすぎた為に メンバー全員那須に着く前に空腹に負け 本来那須の牧場あたりで食べる筈の手作り弁当を 駅のホームでたいらげてしまう。周りの景観などこの際関係ない。

とにかく そんな感じで 那須高原に着いた。
レンタカーを借りて いざ出発!運転手はもちろん私です!ドキドキ。
まず最初に向かったのは サファリパーク!なめちゃいけない那須サファリ!
自分達がさっき借りたレンタカーで 放し飼いの猛獣達の中を進むわけです。
しかし 期待していた百獣の王ライオンは 腹をみせて爆睡していた。しかし意外にもなんと ロバが 獰猛さむき出して我々の車に突進してきた。しかも、ロバ!数多い!
車はロバさんsに囲まれ 身動きが取れない。腹をすかしたロバさんs 容赦なく車をかじり始める。一同しめきった車の中でテンションがあがりまくる。特にカナミは 叫びまくっていた。途中あまりに はしゃぎすぎた為車内の温度がかなり高くなり窓をあけたら、そっからロバやら鹿やらが顔を突っ込んでいて 車内大パニック!焦って閉めたら馬面なだけにロバの顔がはさまってしまった。しかも 何故か窓にうんこがついていた。
サファリを満喫したあと おしゃれなおしゃれなcafeでひとやすみ。那須にはオープンテラスのあるおしゃれなcafeが多い。 
その後 ステンドグラスミュージアムに行って パイプオルガンのコンサートを聞く。厳かな美しい調べの中で うんぼ 爆睡。残念!ミュージアムの外では結婚式が行われており 花嫁さんもさることながら 新郎さんの美男子ぶりに 一同の結婚願望一時的に高まりをみせる。
その後は 温泉にいった。露天風呂もあってとてもよかった。サウナで我慢大会をすることになったが 気がついたら 誰が一番はやく外にでられるか大会になった。沖縄で日焼けしすぎた私は 裸だというのにパンツはいてるみたいで 温泉のお客さん達の注目を一身に集めることに成功した。名誉。
露天風呂から眺める夕暮れ時の高原景色は 蜩の声も手伝ってとても美しかった。
あまりに気持ちが良かったので このまま裸で高原を走ってみてはどうか?という提案があったが議論の結果却下された。更に ブラジル体操ならばどうか?という提案もあったが却下された。また それではカズダンスなら ・・・・・ 以下省略。
こうやって 4人で同じ風呂に入るのはサッカーの合宿以来だろうか。今まで家族のような間柄で 会いたい時に会えて 誰かが泣いていたらすぐ集まってバカやってきた私達だけど これからはもう そうじゃない。私とうんぼが海外から帰ってきても 誰か結婚してしまったら こう気軽には旅はできないだろう。そう考えると さびしいなぁと思ってしまう。でも いつも 誰も「さびしくなるね」とは言わないんだ。今そう言うと 泣いてしまいそうだから。一緒に過ごした思い出が多すぎて。

そうこうしているうちに日もくれて 夕飯の時間。予め調べておいたおいしい うどんやさんで 天ぷらうどんを食べる。 おいすィー
決して素泊まり3500円には見えない上等な宿に戻り 酒をのんで 卒アルの写真や文集やらを見て あまりのダサさに大爆笑していると インドの啓子から国際電話がかかってきた!びっくり!みんなでかわるがわる電話に出て啓子と話した!ああ この場に啓子がいたら もっと下品な楽しい旅になるだろうに・・・と非常に悔やまれた。

みんな 早起きしたせいで 22時くらいには寝る準備をしていたが れいこにひっきりなしにかかってくる電話のおかげで 熟睡できず しかも私は気がついたらちょうど布団と布団の間の境目に寝る羽目になっていた。うんぼ もう少しそっち行って寝ろ!と心の中で唱えてみたが無駄に終わった。
いやぁ~しかし 充実した楽しーーーい一日だった

ちなみに写真は 温泉に入った後 マッサージ機で 忘我の境地に至った24歳。

The day of such rain ・・・

2005-07-09 08:06:31 | Weblog

(the diary of July 9th)
Today,I went to the alma mater “cyuo university "  by car.
The reason of going there was just to meet my teacher.
When I was a university student , I was the oriental history major.
Some people often say to me You are unique , when they hear that I studied about this classification of history in my school days.

That's right. The students of my class were somewhat unique.
But I love them all. I love to talk with them.
Because we have the same interests , the contents of talk are always getting deeper and deeper.

In the same generation , it is hard to find the person who wants to study about India , Nepal , China , Cambodia and so on. Especially woman in the same generation .
Though it is natural, I could find that kind of person in my class.

In my school days, I was really crazy about Southeast Asia and India.
So, the most interesting lesson for me was what covered the history and status quo of them.
The teacher of that lesson was Mr.Sekine.
Needless to say, I really respect and appreciate him.

I took his zeminar. His teaching was really interesting for me.
And the students who took his zeminar were all good friends.
We climbed mountain with our teacher. It is really good memory.

Today I met our teacher and one of my friend who took his seminar .
To report that I passed in the exam of JOCV and my friend decided about changing of job .
After reporting them, he gave me one document which had been copied out of a book .
The contents of that were about Tonga !
To my more surprise , this book had been written by him
I was really surprized because his field is India and Southeast Asia.
I had never thought that he would have written the book about Tonga!
I was really happy and respected him all the more.

We talked and talked . During talking with my teacher , I feel as if I were a university student.

On especially the day of such rain, I feel as if the rain witches to me and it makes me the university student again temporarily.....

The last day in Okinawa.

2005-07-08 03:39:28 | Weblog

(the diary of July 8th)
This day is the last day of these 5 days trip.
We ate a breakfast at the hotel and left the Zamami island about 10 am by ship.
In the ship, we went up to the roof of the ship to take a picture.
But we couldn't stand steadly because the great waves shook the ship.
So we had a good grip on a parapet and succeeded in taking two pictures somehow. It is one of the funny but precious memories.

As we arrived at the Naha city,we went to the airport to send our baggage to each house. It cost only 1000 yen.

And we went to the hamburger shop to eat the goya hamburger and goya juice.
The taste of them were .....
The hamburger was so delicious. On the other hand, the juice was more bitter than we had expected. we tried in vain to drink it by adding a syrup.

After the lunch , we went toThe syuri castle. It was too hot too look around in the outside.
So we staied in the musium and kept ourselves cool.

And then we tried to go tothe isidatami. But ,you know ,
it was very hot at that time .So we gave up going there on the way.

The next place we went to was kokusai street. There are so many souvenir shop along the road. I bought some souvenir.
And we ate an ice cream at the blueseal. The blueseal is the very famous ice cream maker in Okinawa.

And we went to the airport. I really felt sad. I didn't want to go back to Tokyo.....
We ate the last meal in Okinawa at the airport.

And we watched the sunset. The light of the sinking sun lighted up the runway. The sight was so beautiful.
I won't forget the sight and all memories of this travel.

We ate very much, swam very much , drove very much ,talked very much , cried very much , laughed very much ,and enjoyed very much.
Thank you . I love Okinawa. I will be back someday.

4th day in Okinawa

2005-07-07 17:37:53 | Weblog

(The diary of July 7th)
Today,we went to,say, the Zamami island by shipYippee

It took about 2 hours,maybe.
The staff of the small hotel we had reserved came to the harbor and took us  to the small hotel. The name of the pension is Pension takatsuki.

We had reserved more expensive hotel than the other hotels which we stayed the other day. It is just because this night is the last one in Okinawa.
It goes without saying that the room was so clean compared with the other hotels.
The most happiest thing of this hotel was we didn't need to insert 100yen coin in a slot to turn on an air conditioner every second hour.

At first, we went to the restaurant.
After the lunch,we went to the sea . We tried to go there on foot.
On the way to the sea, one car stopped beside us.
The driver said that ゛Ride on!I also just go to the sea. ".
Then , we ride on his car and was taken to the sea.

When we arrived at the sea, I was really surprised at beauty and the transparency of the sea.
We put on the snorkel tube right away and dove in to the sea.
There were innumerable tropical fish.
We became crazy about seeing swimming in the fish.
As a result,only the back of the body got terrible tanned .
After enjoying the diving, we went back to the hotel on foot
The way was longer than I had expected.But...It's ok!

We took a rest at the hotel ,and ate a dinner.
After dinner we went to the observatory on foot.
The landscape was really nice!! We shouted to the sea.

Because of the terrible sunburn, It was really hard to sleep .
But I will not forget this night. Because this night was the last one in Okinawa and also Tanabata festival.

3rd day in Okinawa

2005-07-06 02:16:09 | Weblog

(The diary of July 6th)
Yesterday, after dinner, we went back to Naha city and stayed there.
Today , we drove to the midland of Okinawa again to go to the aquarium.

On the way to the aquarium , we stopped by at ufuya- for lunch .
One of my friends had told me about this place.
And now I shall tell you about this place, because this place caught my fancy.
゛ufuya-" was a place with peace atmosphere. You can relax there.
We sat at the table beside cascade . It was a little bit cool.
We ordered ゛go-yacyanpuru" and ゛so-kisoba" .
Both of them were very tasty. Especially ゛go-yacyanpuru" , it was the most delicious in the Okinawa dish that we had eaten for five days.

After eating lunch, we went to the cyuraumi- aquarium.
You know, the advertisement of this place made me feel like going to Okinawa. So I was really excited!
There were a lot of fish . Whale shark which is biggest in fishes was especially wonderful.
3 whale sharks are swimming in the one water tank which is the biggest in the world. How tremendous it is!

And I really recommend you to take a rest at the cafe beside the big water tank. The seat of the cafe adjoin the water tank, so you can drink and eat while you look 3 whale sharks and other fishes.
The time we took a rest there was the time to feed  fishes in the water tank.
We could see the whale sharks were eating with a kingly zest.It was a tremendous scene.
This aquarium is the more wonderful than any other aquariums I had seen so far.I was very satisfied.

And then, we went back to Naha city and returned the car to the rent-a-car shop.
We stayed minsmikaze.
2000yen a night, a pereson.

2nd day in Okinawa

2005-07-05 05:54:20 | Weblog

(The diary of July 5th)
This day, we went to the midland of Okinawa main island.

You know, Okinawa is not so big island. So you can look around the main island by car.And I think using car for sightseeing in Okinawa is the best way.Because there is no train except monorail.

We went to ゛kaicyu-douro" , ゛ikeijima-beach" , ゛katsurenjyou-ato"and ゛manzamou".
゛kaicyu-douro" is the road above the sea.
This road connect the main island to the ikei-island .
If you drive the car on this road , you can feel as if you run on the surface of the sea
It goes without saying that we became refreshing feelings

After getting across the road , we swam in the ikeijima- beach.
And we went back to the main island through the same fantastic road.

゛manzamou"and ゛katsurenjyou-ato" were very suitable to enjoy seeing lovely landscape.

During looking for the restaurant for dinner, the accident happened.
Our car and oncoming car scratched each other when both tried to turn right.The accident shook me badly

Because I had got a driving licence only 2 weeks ago, I didn't know what should I do. I was just upset.

But all of us were not injured.what a relief

1st day in Okinawa

2005-07-04 04:28:56 | Weblog

(The diary of July 4th)
At last this day came
About 3 months ago I saw one advertisement in the train of Yamanote line.
It was about Cyuraumi aquarium that is in OKINAWA Prefecture.
I decided to go to OKINAWA as soon as I saw that.

Our plan is the following.
We planned to go sightseeing in Okinawa for 5 days!
From 1st day to 3rd day we intend to look around the main Okinawa island by car. And then we intend to go to the Zamami-island by the ship and one night stay there . And, we intend to return to the main island the next day, and return to Tokyo.

The flight to Okinawa was early morning. I was so excited.
My excitement had already culminated before reaching Narita Airport.
I have slept as soon as I take an airplane because I was continuation of
staying up all night recently.

After 3 hours voyage, we arrived in Okinawa.
We borrowed a car near the airport.
We were hungry , so first of all we went to the Nakaya-Syokudou along the Kokusai-street to eat lunch. It was so delicious

And We went to the ゛Okinawa - world". There is the limestone cave.
The cave was so huge. It took more than 30 minutes to look around.
And because the dripping of the lime dropped on, the body was sticky.

After that we went to the "hamabenocyaya". It is the calm cafe that is adjacent to the sea. I became really fond of this cafe.The picture above was taken at this cafe. I really recommend going this cafe.

After relaxing in the cafe, we went to the "saijyou migoku".
It is a kind of old holy place.

And then we drove the "niraikanai-bashi". This bridge sticks out into the sea It is really suitable to drive!
The wind was very pleasant.
Because it was very comfortable, I shouted instinctively while driving. .
The 1st day was something like that. We stayed "Okinawa guest house". It is a kind of the cheap hotel which the backpacker use.
2000yen for 1 night ,each person.

The site below concerns the place that we visited.

Okinawa world

Hamabeno cyaya

Okinawa Guest house

Tropical island !!

2005-07-03 17:45:39 | Weblog

I went to Okinawa last week! I have been there for 5days!!
It was sooooooooooooo fun! soooooooooooooo exciting!

The ocean was so beautiful. The seanery was also greate. ALL okinawan food were so delicious.

I was really enjoy these 5 days!

I will write down about this travel . later...
Because ,you know, I have a lot of work that should be hand in till july 20th.

Please wait for a while.