before dawn


The things I want to find in Tonga

2005-11-28 12:56:44 | Weblog
この写真は終了式の時に所長から受け取った修了証書とブレザー(制服)につけるエンブレム、そしてmy teacherブライアンからもらったコアラ(^u^)訓練所でのわたしの学習言語は英語でした。トンガではトンガ語と英語が話されています。イギリスの保護領下におかれた時代があったからです。

The things I want to find in Tonga
My host country is Tonga. I’ll teach Japanese language in ‘Eua – High school.
Today, I’m going to tell you about the things I want to find in Tonga. I mean , I want to find answers to my questions relating to development and what role I can play.
It’s related to my motive for joining the JOCV program.

When I was a university student , I majored in Oriental history.
Especially the relating to southeast Asia and India .
These areas have a lot of magnificent ruins.
Some of them are designated as world heritage areas , you know.
Once I studied about the histories of those areas , I couldn’t help going to the countries and seeing the ruins, because these things really attracted me , so I decided to go to Cambodia to see one famous world heritage , Angkor vat ,at that time I was in the second year in my university.

The experience I had in Cambodia changed my life.
It was a first time that I had traveled in a developing country. I had already gained much information and some knowledge of developing countries before going to Cambodia ,but I was surprised and shocked many times to see the real situation in Cambodia as a one of the developing countries.

There were many beggars , street children , and people who lost parts of their bodies because of landmines. I faced the real situation of developing countries at that time.
To my surprise, the knowledge I had already had in Japan was useless in helping me to understand the real situation or think about the things that I could do for the people who live in these countries.
The most surprising things was their ability to smile and their strength in adversity,

The life in developing countries is far harder and more inconvenient than that in Japan , but people who live in those countries , lives more strongly and smile more happily than Japanese people seem to.
For me , their lives seemed to be splendid because they realize the preciousness of life..
A lot of people who live in the industrial countries , like Japan, haven’t realized how important their lives are and how rare and precious their situations are.
Japan is a very safe and economically strong country.
We sleep inside of the house, take medicines, wear nice clothes ,eat great food and study.
In a sense, we can do everything we want. The situation of our lives is rather rare in the world,but most Japanese don’t realize the value of the situation we have.

In the process of development , people tend to lose track of the very important things in their lives , so I am confused!!
To develop is a good things or not !!
What is development? Dose it necessarily bring happiness to people??
It has been a big question to me . After traveling in Cambodia, I went Cambodia 3 times and traveled 12 developing countries for 3 years to find the answer but I couldn’t.
I think the knowledge and experiences that I have now isn’t enough to find the answer , so I joined the JOCV program with the hope that I will have the opportunity to learn more,
The term of a JOCV is normally 2 years. For 2 years , I will endeavor to think about these things from the viewpoint of the local people.

I don’t know whether I will be able to find an answer or not after 2 years . but if I can’t find the answer , I think , that’s the answer !!

Depending on the answer , my future will be decided . I will formulate a new direction for my future.
