before dawn


Graceful Japanese woman "yamato nadesiko"

2005-06-28 03:11:05 | Weblog

(The diary of June 28 )
Today is the last day of the kimono school.
I started learning how to wear kimono and dress somebody from last November.
For 8 mounth , I passed the exam of third and second class .
I wanna take the lesson to pass the exam of first class.
But.... I have no time to do.
Because I have to go to Nagano prefecture from September.

The picture above is the last lesson.
The left person is me! Other person are class mates.

Today's lesson is how to dressing of long-sleeved dress "furi-sode" .
Of course, we learned how to knot "obi" .
Look at the picture. The shape of the obi is called "fukurasuzume".
I can make it not only on my back but also other person's back .
Today I dressed the person who was in the center of the picture.
The obi was a little bit large.

After finishing the lesson, I went to the restaurant with classmate.
We could eat as much cakes as we like for 1300 yen there.
We ate too muchBut it was so delicious

I decided to learn about kimono during traveling abroad.
As I was well impressed by other country's culture , I noticed that there is culture  that impress foreign people in Japan!

There is no one that equals a kimono as clothes that most beautifully produce
Japanese women.

I really like kimono . I long wanted to live in foreign country.
But now I wanna live wearing kimono .
The kimono is one of the causes that began to think I will live in not foreign
countries but Japan in Japan.

Drive a go go !!

2005-06-27 01:59:03 | Weblog

(The diary of june 27)
Today I drove the car at last. It was the first time to drive after getting the driver licence.
I .... I ..... I was so nervers
I practiced manual car skill at school. So I was confused about the operation of automatic...
Generally, it is said that the operation of the automatic car is far easier than the
the manual one....
It is impossible for me to do excluding my having learnt it at the driving school
No adaptability

Though my hand was trembling , the driving was forced ...
Of course , I didn't drive without other people.
I really relied on him about driving
I drove under his instruction.

And we went to the restaulant . I think we were at the parking area for more than 20minutes. Because I couldn't park .
First he drove and parked for teaching me how to park .
And my turn .... I failed many times as expected!

After parking , we ate tendon and so on .
As we eating meal , my cell phone rang. It was my mam.
She said to me " You have to apologize to him for taking him on ! He is really brave to ride the car which Kyoko drive"
I wonder everytime I drive, I have to apologize to people....
Apologizing driver......Such a driver should not drive.

Anyway,after eating meal , I practiced parking again !

When we come back my house , It had already darkened completely.
I was really thankful to him. And I was sure if I were him, I never ride the car which Kyoko drive.....
Today I was dismayed.... But I will keep driving!

The person who wants to take my car must gather
Lie. No one comes. please.....

funny guys , precious guys

2005-06-26 00:42:25 | Weblog

(the diary of June 26th)
The picture above is Miss Unbo. Yes, she made some legends.
One of them is her very famous comment .
"minna de tukurou kamakurabakufu "

Today I met the especial friends in Kitigyoji.
We have been friends for over 15 years
We all belonged to the same soccer team when we were the students in the elementary school. The team was strong . We practiced three times a week .
We participated the training camp every summer vacation.
The training was very hard but I had never thought it heavy .
Just because there were friends.

You know , there are more than at the least 11 members in the soccer team .
But I have been good terms with especially 4 women of the team.
KEIKO (she married Indian man.
And now she lives in India) ,Reiko ,Kanami,Unbo .... No no no, I am kidding , Honbo.
They are so funny and crazy . I am without exception.....

Today we planed to hold Reiko's birthday party.
It is usual party. I mean we hold each birthday party every year.
The party took place at Cafe BLUE-MOON which I like in all dining bar in kitijyo-ji .
We laughed and laughed
We gave some presents and birthday cake which kanami's papa made .
And I gave the neckless whose head is the picture of 12years old Reiko.
That picture is so funny. The outline of her face is like an eggplant.
I really love my close friends. We are like family.
I wanna laugh and cry with them from now on .
Now keiko is India.
And next year,I will be in the kingdom of Tonga . And unbo will be in Australia...

Even if there are very long distance ,
we will be able to connect each other .

The recip for your taste

2005-06-25 23:11:22 | Weblog
I forgot to take a photo of the cake... I made a boob!
Anyway, yesterday I made the banana maple syrup cake.
I am good at making sweets. For example. Cream puff, butter cake,pie,cheese cake,cookie ,muffin,Japanese-style confection and so on.

The banana maple syrup cake is very easy to make compared with other sweets.
And It is like a man's cooking . So, you can change the taste as you like.

I will show you the recipe of the banana maple syrup cake .

The banana maple syrup cake

ingredients: sifted flour 120g ./ baking powder 1 teaspoon ./ egg 2 / sugar 2 tablespoon / maple syrup 2 tablespoon / vanilla essence as you like. / banana 170g

1. Preheat oven to to 170degrees C. Grease the pans for the batter cake.
Mash the banana by fork.
2. In a large bowl, beat sugar, 2 eggs until smooth.
Then add maple syrup ,vanilla and mashed banana. And beat them together .
3. Add sifted flour and baking powder to the mixture.
And stir them.You had better use not the beater but the spatula .
Because it it very important to stir without making the flowr stickiness.
4. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes
5. After baking, put the maple syrup on the cake.

It is really easy to make but it tastes so good!
Don't you think this recipe is worthwhile ??

Drowsy driver

2005-06-24 22:14:50 | Weblog
YippeeToday, I got the driver's license.Some people know how difficult it was for me to get it.
Yes, I had knew well that I have no sense of driving...
But I tried to get the manual car driving licence!
How reckless!.
But one of my friends said to me .
゛I had already been convinced that you would choose the manual car.
Because you always choose more difficult way."
Exactly. I like to choose a difficult way.
I failed the skill test so many times. I was depressed many times.
But I didn't give up.
Finally, I got the license!
It was a quite long way.So my pleasure is deep all the more.

I know some people whose photo of the licence is so funny.
I didn't want to make the photo funny ! Never!
So I made up my face more carefully than usual.

Buuuut. Look at the above photo ....
Oh my dear..... I was really disappointed . I totally failed .
what a lazy ,drowsy ,and shiftless countenance it is!
At first sight,the people can understand that this woman isn't adequate for driving .
What a cool photo it is!

Anyway, I am relieve to get the driver's licence .

The precious junk

2005-06-23 23:17:32 | Weblog
One man's junk is another man's treasure.
Do you agree to the sentence above. Me? Of course I do.

The worth of the thing is what arises when each person recognizes how it is important.
How to recognize worth is different people with different tastes.
So, The worth of one thing is not one .

The above photograph is what was taken at the corner of my room .
I took the phot of lots of treasures which other people may recognize as junk.

For example.
Some pictures which I took in the country during my travel.
Some postcards sent by some foreign or Japanese friends who I met on my travel .
Some tickets of the world heritage , the long distance bus and so on.
Some cards of the guest house (it means the very cheap but dirty hotel) which I stayed .
Some beer cans and bottles which I brought from foreign country.
And so on....

All of them have the meaning which is recognized by only me.
The meaning is exactly the worth.

I am really disappointed that I cannot go with them to The Kingdom of Tonga.
But I am sure.
Even if the things lose their shape , the meaning of them will remain in my soul.
How much precious junk can I collect in my life in the future???
It must be uncountable

A casual discovery

2005-06-22 22:20:44 | Weblog
Have you ever happened to find what you had long looked for??
If you had that kind of experience even once , you will be able to understand how deep the surprise and pleasure which the person feel at that time are!!

Have you ever heard the word “trackback"??
It is the terminology of a blog.
For example.
You have read the article in the somebody's blog.
And if you wrote the thing related to that article , you can link your article to his or her blog.
All informations are what I got from the article of my fellow's blog.
He belonged to the same swimming circle ゛dolphin club " as me.
Yesterday , he wrote about a casual discovery and did trackback to my blog.

So,today I am trying to do “trackback".

I like T-shirts. So I have long wanted to collect some cool T-shirts.
I had long looked for the T-shirts of The ROLLING STONES.
Of course, I could find so many T-shirts of The ROLLING STONES at old clothes shop.
But all I have ever found was not to my taste or too big for me.
I was almost going to give up finding the T-shirts.....
But. Finally,I found it!! I was really pleased with the design of it ,the price as well !
It was really a casual discovery. I felt so fine.
I intend to wear this T-shirts many times in this summer.
I wanna cherish this T-shirts from now on

The only global map in the world

2005-06-21 19:33:48 | Weblog
The photo in the right side is that of my room's wall.
Some photos are the post cards which I bought in the each country , and the others are the photos which I took in the each country.
In a word, those photo are that of the countries I have been to.
The first travel is 4 years ago. I was 20 years old.
Oh my goodness..... How young I am!
I have traveled 12 countries for 4 years at my own expense.
So, for 4 years I have worked very hard. But I could do it.
Because all difficulties were just for what I wanted to do most.
In the other words, all difficulties enhanced my life.
Of course those are still enhancing my life.

Canada, Cambodia,Mongol,India,Vietnam,Thailand,Laos,Myanmar, Indonesia, Nepal,Turkey,Egypt.
All of the countries which I have traveled are really nice !
I want to revisit all of them !
I have already revisited Cambodia ,and India. I have visited Cambodia 3 times !

I have already talked about how much I like Cambodia.
So,today I will talk about Mongol a little.

Have you ever experienced the world of no sound?
If you want to, you should go to Mongol.
You know, there are Gobi dessert and a grassland of vast extend.
You can see the horizon . And you can see horse, cow, camel, sheep, and nomad's races slowly moving far away.
You can see the sun set down below the horizon.
After the sun set, there is innumerable stars in the night sky.
I am sure you have never seen such a many stars. I thought it is the most beautiful night sky in the world at that time.

You had better see that kind of scenery .
Because it is certain that your sense of value will change.
You will feel how big the earth is and how small you are!

One of my dreams is a travel around the world. And I wanna make the original map of the world . I am absolutely sure that it is the only map in the world

Cook easily,dish up richly

2005-06-20 23:04:05 | Weblog
These days,I am really into cooking.
Of course, I have long liked cooking.
But I found the joy in the cooking these days.
I started to think that cooking is the very creative work.
You can make the taste as you like.
The dishes you made will make the persons whom you love happy.
What a nice work it is!

Today I will introduce one of my pet recipes.

[go-ya chanpuruu / Okinawan food]
*ingredients(for 2 persons)‐-‐1 bitter melon(go-ya)./2 eggs./1 bean curd (to-fu).
/ 1/2 luncheon meat can.

salt , pepper, the powder of broth .--- suitable

1) slice the bitter melon thin. And boil plenty water in the pan,then add a tablespoonful of sesame oil. And put the slices of bitter melon in the pan. Boil them about 5 minutes.

2) Slice the luncheon meat . And fry them . Then, add the boiled bitter melon and fry again. Season with salt and pepper.

3) Add bean curd while breaking it by hand . And fry them again.

4) After bean curd are stir-fried properly, drizzle beaten raw egg.

5) Melt the powder of broth by water of half glass . To melt it in dense is a kind of point. After the egg are stir-fried properly,drizzle the broth.

6)Fry them again,and turn the heat off. Arrange the meal on a plate!

Don't you think it is very easy to make?
Because even I can make it.
You should be able to make it.

Rock and Roll...ING STONES!!

2005-06-19 02:59:18 | Weblog
2005 JUNE 18
The person who knows that I like The Beatles may think why I am wearing the T-shirt of
Yes,my favorite musician is The Beatles. But I don't hate the sound of ROLLING STONES.

Today (JUNE 18), I met one of my friends . Her name is MOMO.
We had gone to the same university . We had studied in the same class.
During the summer vacation,we had traveled to Cambodia,Nagano Prefecture,Okinawa Prefecture,and Tohoku district together. ALL travels were soooooo fun!
We laughed together,cried together,got angry together.
We talked about each future , some international situations and what the genuine happiness is.
Those memories of university days with MOMO and other friend are really precious for me.

We met in Shinjyuku. And we went to the beer garden in Kabuki-cyo.
That beer garden was so fun
The name of the beer garden is “tenkuu no machi -Shinjyuku Asia yokocyo"
Click here

There are various country's 7 restaurants in the roof.
korea , Okinawa(Japan),Chaina,Nepal and Tibet,South east Asia (Thai, Indonesia...).
And You can eat any restaurant's foods regardless of the restaurant where you sit in.
We sut in the nepal ans tibet restarant. Both of us have been to Nepal singly.
We ordered one nepalese food , two Okinawan foods , one chinese food ,one korean food!
Those were delisious! Some taste of foods reminded me of my journey.

It was the first experience of me in the beer garden!
The breeze was supremely pleasantAnd the atmosphere of evening was soooooo nice! We promised to go to other beer garden in next time wearing Yukata !

After enjoying the beer garden, we went to the bar.
The name is........ “ROLLING SOTNE"
That day was the last day of “ROLLING SOTNE". I mean the bar would close.
I had gone there 2 times,but MOMO had gone there many times.
The bar was in the basement and very narrow. Because of the closing day,it was very crowded . Something like the closing party.
I requested “Are you gonna be my girl"(JET) “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" (Beatles).
MOMO requested “Brown sugar"(ROLLING STONES) “I saw her standing there"(Beatles).
But....the music we requested was not played.
But some music I like were played (Oasis , GREENDAY),so I really rocked in the music.
It was soooo exciting, soooo cool

I saw one bartender wearing cool T-shirt of ROOLING STONES.
We asked him about the T-shirt.He said to us “this T-shirts is original of this bar."
The logo of the T-shirt was not "ROLLING STONES" but "ROLLING STONE"(The bar's name)!!
And he went on."You can buy it for only 2000yen"
The moment I hear the imformation,I decided to buy it.
For a long time, I had looked for the T-shirts of which I am going to be pleased with the design .
But I couldn't find it. But! Finally,I found it in the bar! so hot

When we went out of the bar, we have already got drunk somewhat.
So...... on the way to the Shinjyuku station, we sang some beatles songs loudly.
And we changed the clothes to the ROLLING STONE T-shirts!!And we began to sing agein in the starion...
It is very shameful and foolish .....but so fun

You konw, Mick Jagger said that!

Don't stop
Honey don't stop
Don't stop
Baby don't stop can see the picture of ROLLING SOTNE

The Tsukiji-market 

2005-06-18 23:58:50 | Weblog
2005-JUNE 17
2005-JUNE 17
I went to the Tsukiji-market. It was the first time for me to go there.
But I wanted to go there for a long time!So,my tension was high!
We arrived at the tsukijishijyo station at around one o'clock.
We had already searched for a good place in the Tsukiji market to eat by using the Internet.
After going around some places,finally we decided to eat in one table d'hote shop. The name is “uotake”.
We ordered  ゛Slices of raw fish table d'hote” and “Broiled fish table d'hote”.
The content of former was 3 slices of Middle fatty tuna and 3 slices of a red snapper.
And the latter was a grilling mackerel with salt anda backbone section of a fish of a tuna .
Of course ,You can have another serving of rice and miso soup how many times.
Do You wanna know what kind of taste they were, don't you?
They were soooooooooooooooooo delicious!!!
It is unforgettable experience....
I really thought at the time that it is good thing that I am Japanese.
Because,we can eat a raw fish . I love slices of raw fish !!

The price was 1200 yen each !
How cheap!
After eating lunch, we looked around the market.
And we found one shop. something like a stand. They serve “gyu-don”. (Stewed beef and rice). It looked delicious! Though we were on a full stomach,but of course ,we ordered one! We couldn't help ordering that!

The beef was so tender and juicy!
We really enjoyed in Tsukiji! 
I really recommend you to go there! And I think that place is very suitable for foreign tourist’s sightseeing spot! 
They can enjoy not only eating a fresh fish but also seeing the scenery of downtown.

I will write today’s diary (June 18 diary) tomorrow!!

2005-06-17 01:08:08 | Weblog
What a shock..... I wrote about Cambodia this afternoon .
After writing that ,I got one shocking news about Cambodia.
Militants in Siem Reap killed one Canadian child at the kindergarten.
How cruel!
Though Siem Reap is famous for the Angkor Vat,it is very small village.
I have already talked about my 3 times visit to Cambodia.
ALL of that 3 times visit , I visited Siem Reap.
And the 2nd time I visited there,I helped one orphans’home.
So I cannot think it is none of my business.....
why did Militants barricade themselves in ? What did they want to do?
Don't say they are remnants of Khmer Rouge!! no,no,no! It is only one guess.
I am really sad to hear the news.
Meanwhile, I was surprised. The kindergarten where the kidnapping occurred is “ International school"!!
International school !?
My first visit to CAMBODIA is 3 years ago. For 3 years ,Cambodia has been continuing remarkable development in order to bury the woud of the civil war .
like a International school , convenienced stores,high-class restaurant.......

I hope present peace in CAMBODIA continues ....
I wish the civil war never to occur in CAMBODIA again.
I wish for Cambodia to develop without losing the smile.
It is easy to lose and forget a smile and something important in the process of development. Like JAPAN......


2005-06-16 14:36:53 | Weblog
Do you know what the picture above is ??
Though the picture is just the shilhoueto of it, I think the people more than half the number will be able to answer.
Because it is very famous in the world.

I will give some hints to the people who have no idea of this question.
As for the number of a level, high one is difficult

level 5: In the 17th century,one japanese (his name: 森本右近太夫一房) visited this structure. And he made graffiti to the wall of the structure. And the graffiti still remain now.

level 4 : AT present some teams of various countries are restoring this structure. One of the team is a university in Japan(SOPHIA univ.). That team is very famous worldwide.

level 3 : This structure was built by the king of the dynasty at that time (his name: Suryavarman II)in the eary 12th century. This used to be the Hindu temple,but now this is the buddhist temple.

level 2 : This is one of the World Heritage. And this is designed at the center of the national flag now.

level 1 : This is the remains of the Khmer dynasty. It is a Cambodian kingdom now!!

The answer is .....of course Angkor vat

I have been to CAMBODIA 3 times!
But whenever I visit the Angkor vat,I had gooseflesh.
When I went to CAMBODIA 1st time, I had experienced many culture shocks and been impressed a lot too.
the magnitude and solemnity of the Angkor remeins,the enchanting and rich smile of the CAMBODIAN,
the vigorousness and beauty of the life......
Everything that I had seen and met in CAMBODIA gave me deep impressions. 
That travel changed my life. A kind of the turning point.

I really recomend going to CAMBODIA. And You should visit the Angkor remains.

That's all for today

From today to ・・・ ?

2005-06-15 17:49:47 | Weblog

It is generally accepted opinion that it is hard to write diary for 3days or more.
I agree this opinion.
but! When I travel ,I cannot help writing diary.
It is because I meet the great number of people, and experience a lot of moving events in one day. You know ,travel is really exciting and moving!

I have already traveled 12 countries.
I usually travel on my own.
If you travel on your own,You will be able to have the much time to talk directly with foreign people in English or a local language.
Even if you can't speak ENGLISH well ,don't worry.
When you talk to foreign people,The most important thing is not a language but a soul.
I have seen some Japanese who couldn't speak English well make a lot of foreigner friends.
I am also so.

I'm sorry that the talk shifts.

I can't speak English fluently,but I have already made a lot of foreigner friends .
But I will have to live in a foreign country for 2 years .
So I have to study English more and more!
To write diary in English is one of the way to study English.

I wrote tooooooooooooooo much.....
So much for today