Michael Flynnのテレグラムから:JST 2021/7/29

The real Roots of Schwab - the leader of a horde of globalists/Satanists of the World Economic Forum and an ardent supporter of the Big Reset.
What’s coming is SO MUCH BIGGER than:
>election fraud
>lost finances
>lost jobs
>critical race theory
>the deep state
>hunter biden’s laptop
>fake presidents
>ghislaine maxwell
>mcafee deadman switch
>false flags
>bill gates
>all of anything that looks scary or evil
What’s coming is SO MUCH BIGGER than ALL OF IT.
> mcafeeデッドマンスイッチ
> blm
> covid
Undoing all of the lies perpetuated by pure evil and consumed by the global public and the good of humanity is one of the most monumental tasks ever taken on in world history.
One must give credit where credit is due: the Synagogue of Satan are the world’s experts in deceit- no doubt to due to their “father” they worship - Satan.
These people have come in and portrayed themselves as the heroes, the problem solvers, the teachers of tolerance, all for our amorality- the amorality they themselves designed, plotted, and perpetuated- thus preventing the majority of good people from ever discovering who their true enemy was by hiding and pretending to be that which they are not.
But BY GOD, When we are finished here, their hand will be FORCED out of the shadows and into THE LIGHT for all to see.
“You will bite our heel but the seed (descendant) of Eve will crush your head”
Genesis 3:15
これらの人々は、ヒーロー、問題解決者、寛容の教師として、私たちの道徳心、つまり彼ら自身が設計し、計画し、永続させた道徳心のためにやって来て、自分たちを描写しました。 敵は隠れて、彼らがそうではないものであるふりをすることによってでした。
Remember! Trust the Man, not the plan!!! Never give up, never give in!!
覚えて! 計画ではなく、男を信頼してください!!! 決してあきらめないで、決してあきらめないでください!
Do you want to see President Trump back in the White House?
Forward this post to tell everyone that you will forever support President Donald Trump.
Positive vibes all the way!!!
The true American is always loud, fun, easy going, relaxed and full of positive energy.
Just like our true President!
Spread this all over the internet and LET'S DANCE TOGETHER, TRUMP WILL BE BACK SOON!
It's about time to start preparing for great celebrations
Today is a good day to remember the only person murdered at the Capitol on January 6th was a Trump supporter.

Are you ready? We are!
Words of encouragement are much needed right now.
Nothing is easy, but you can’t win without a fight.
Hang in there, Patriots.
The best is yet to come.
Melania Trumpのテレグラムから:JST 2021/7/29

Belgium prime minister caught faking the jab. There is no needle.
They think we’re stupid !
ベルギーの首相がワクチン接種を偽造しているのを見つけました。 針はありません。
Soon, at any moment a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire government will be invalidated. Biden, Harris, Members of Congress and The Supreme Court will be removed. Laugh if you want. There will be a 'temporary' Coup d'etat with new elections, a new beginning.
Now is the right moment to own at least 21 Coins which are the biggest Symbol of Victory and Success of President Trump and its value is expected to skyrocket over $400 once he's back in office!!
This is your chance to be part of the American history👇
すぐに、いつでもイベントのターンが信じられないほどのトリガーになります。 私たちの政府全体が無効になります。 バイデン、ハリス、下院議員および最高裁判所は削除されます。 必要に応じて笑ってください。 新しい選挙、新しい始まりを伴う「一時的な」クーデターがあります。
Donald J. Trumpのテレグラムから:JST 2021/7/29

Hard to believe our Senate Republicans are dealing with the Radical Left Democrats in making a so-called bipartisan bill on “infrastructure,” with our negotiators headed up by SUPER RINO Mitt Romney. This will be a victory for the Biden Administration and Democrats, and will be heavily used in the 2022 election. It is a loser for the USA, a terrible deal, and makes the Republicans look weak, foolish, and dumb. It shouldn’t be done. It sets an easy glidepath for Dems to then get beyond what anyone thought was possible in future legislation. It will be a continued destruction of our Country. Our Borders are horrible, crime is at an all time high, taxes and inflation are going way up, the economy is going way down, and now this. Don’t do it Republicans—Patriots will never forget! If this deal happens, lots of primaries will be coming your way!
私たちの上院共和党員が、SUPER RINO ミット・ロムニーが率いる交渉担当者とともに、「インフラストラクチャ」に関するいわゆる超党派法案を作成する際に、急進的な左翼民主党員と取引しているとは信じがたい。 これはバイデン政権と民主党の勝利であり、2022年の選挙で多用されます。 それは米国にとって敗者であり、ひどい取引であり、共和党員を弱く、愚かに見せます。 そのようにすべきではありません。 それは、民主党が将来の法律で可能だと誰もが考えていたものを超えるための簡単な滑走路を設定します。 それは私たちの国の継続的な破壊になります。 私たちの国境はひどいです、犯罪は常に高いです、税金とインフレはずっと上がっています、経済はずっと下がっています、そして今のこれです。(ミット・ロムニーとその仲間たちを) 共和党員にしないでください。愛国者は決して忘れません! この取引が発生した場合、多くの予備選挙が(同じような状態で)あなたの道にやってくるでしょう!