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社会問題 日々雑感 家庭料理 健康管理

世界最新情報 Q Anon - Q Wayのテレグラムから【他】:JST 2021/8/15

2021-08-15 20:01:40 | 社会問題 日々雑感


Q Anon - Q Wayのテレグラムから:JST 2021/8/15

photo_2021-08-03_05-04-59 (640x590)

Our event was an AMAZING success! So much so that General Flynn wrote this personally to me on my telegram @QAnonJohn17 afterwards!

「QAnon John
Forwarded Message
From:General Flynn

Thank you John and Amy both for putting on such an amazing weekend celebration.
Celebrating God, Country, Patriotism, our military and our veterans on this Memorial Day weekend is everything the Left in our country hates. We love our country and we always will.
Thank you so much for bringing together so many talented people for what turned out to be a very professionally organized and run event where everyone got educated on what is happening in America today but you also brought fun and superb entertainment for everyone to enjoy. God Bless and see you all soon(can you say Vegas in SEPT?)!!!
@RealGenFlynn 」

👉FOLLOW Q (https://t.me/QAnonQWay) 👈 to be up-to-date.
Trust the PLAN.

私たちのイベントは驚くべき成功でした! フリン将軍が後で私のTelegram@ QAnonJohn17にこれを個人的に書いたほどです!


このメモリアルデーの週末に神、国、愛国心、軍隊、退役軍人を祝うことは、私たちの国の左翼が嫌うすべてです。 私たちは私たちの国を愛し、常にそうします。
非常に専門的に組織され、運営されているイベントであることが判明した多くの才能のある人々を集めてくれてありがとう。 神のご加護を。またお会いしましょう(9月にラスベガスと言えますか?)!!!

👉FOLLOW Q(https://t.me/QAnonQWay)👈最新の状態にします。

Lin Woodのテレグラムから:JST 2021/8/15

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Let’s finish up the day remembering the children.

Child sex trafficking and pedophilia are the real pandemic. I have said it before and I will never stop saying it until the TRUTH is exposed and the children are safe.

But the issue of our children and their safety is not limited to trafficking and sick perverts.

In my opinion, forcing a child to wear a mask is a form of child abuse. The mask harms them psychologically and physically. The mask suppresses their immune system.

Forced social distancing of children is likewise child abuse. There is a reason God created an instinct in a child to play in the dirt. A child’s immune system is built around being in contact with germs.

By the way, the above comments about masks apply to adults too. But adults have a choice. When it comes to the children, there is NO choice. We ALL have a responsibility and legal duty not to harm them.

Masks harm children. Please use your common sense and do not force your children to hide their beautiful faces behind masks. Protect them from the lies of the enemy.








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