隻手の声(佐藤節夫)The voice of one hand clapping.


軟禁延期postponed under house arrest

2006-05-30 10:14:10 | Weblog
スー・チーさん軟禁延期Suu.Kyi postponed under house arrest 平成丙戌年皐月三十日

I wrote about Aung San Suu Kyi on my blog last year.
I have thought that half a year passed and she will be released. 
 The newspaper said on Saturday May 27 the military regime noticed her to extend being under house arrest for another year again. Regrettably the United Nations Secretary General Anan had sent the strong message to the chairman of the military regime.
Similarly on May 18 the President Bush had exercised pressure on them making a statement that he extended taking sanctions against them for another year.
It was of no effect. The reason will be that the release of Suu Kyi will cause fiery protest movement of democratic power and a few people of anti-government.
It is a serious invasion of fundamental human right.
The Japanese government is weak-kneed. This fact is mentioned in the textbook of a junior high school. The United Nations should wake up to the fact that it’s useless to give a message to them. I don’t know her ability. But before the democratization by the military regime, the lives of Myanmarese will become worse and worse.
I greatly worry about their making opium, poppy at “Golden Triangle”.
On June 19 she will be 61 years old.
Thank you for reading.