
A memory in Maryland back in early 90's

Frashback Friday......

March 1994, we stopped by Meryland and Baltimore after attnding the large antieque show in New Jersey. 

We visited Gil's store in Bethesda MD. Left is Gil and Right is Jaque.

The next day Gil invited us his home and show such a lot of Bursts !

He kept nice flame top vintage Gibsons.......

.......... Anywher in his house even the bath room. When I saw one in the bath room I said "OMG I was surprised there's nice one hanging on the bath room ! " and he said " I don't care that one was not so good one..."  I tell you what, it was 1964 Minty Jazz bass.

We also impressed his beloved buddy called "Travis", he was a remarkable dog. quiet and clever, he always stay with Gil and did what he was told by his master. 

We could hardly forget Travis after leaving US and we wanted to keep a good dog like him.   A little later we got a new dog here.... Called "Buddy Lee". 

Contrary to our expectation Buddy was absolutely silly just like the Movie "Marley & Me"  Although having said that, Buddy left us with an indelible memory and he taught us a lot of the ways how to take care of dogs. We still love him and always say sorry to him because we now realize that we were missing somethig about raising dogs raising dogs.


Several years ago Buddy Lee has gone at age 15 but we still have some great guitars bought from Gil in 90's.

This is one of them - 1959 Burst. 

In the near future we hope we could make a chance to see Gil to talk about our dogs and guitars.

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