
常套手段 Old Trick



その頃レイ・ラフッドは問題のクルマの所有者はクルマをディーラーに返せ!と言っていたが、最近娘がトヨタのクルマを買うので相談を受けて買うように勧めた。とのこと・・・  この変わり身の早さには笑える!








US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood spoke about the Toyota recalls yesterday and he declared there were no flaws in Toyota electronics that would cause acceleration. 


Many senators, congressmen and women shouted  " Contumelious Toyota ! Shame on you and don' buy Toyota ! " at the public hearing just year ago.


Ray LaHood spoke owners should get the troubled vehicles back to the dealer at that time, and he also said that he recommended to buy Toyota Sienna when his daughter asked his advice if she buy it lately. He's real funny-ha-ha quick changer !


I am tired with such old trick !


Anyway it took a year for the exoneration of Toyota,  Meanwhile General Motors came out alive out of his coffin by 

politicians and government. This is really unfair but it prove my article on 2/17/2010 was a relevant remark.   

I am tired with such old trick.....

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