

ユーモアについて:「何が面白いの、これ。」 モンティ・パイソン 『議論』

2014年04月17日 | 言葉について:英語から国語へ

  ユーモアについて:「何が面白いの、これ?。」 モンティ・パイソン 『議論』








議論 受付「議論教室」の受付場面から始まります。このへんも学習には適しているのですが、01:15へ飛んでください。




<<The Argument Sketch>>

(The man goes into room 12A. Another man is sitting behind a desk.)

(Come in.)

Man: Is this the right room for an argument?
Argument ①口論 ②議論、論拠

Other Man:(John Cleese) I've told you once.

Man: No you haven't!

Other Man: Yes I have.議論 最初

M: When?

O: Just now.

M: No you didn't!

O: Yes I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I did!

M: You didn't!

O: I'm telling you, I did!

M: You did not!

O: Oh I'm sorry, is this a five minute argument, or the full half hour?
The full half hour:正規の30分版

M: Ah! (taking out his wallet and paying) Just the five minutes.
just theちょうど~

O: Just the five minutes. Thank you.

O: Anyway, I did.
anywayとにかく、すくなとも言えることは = at least

M: You most certainly did not!
most certainlyたしかに、 米国ではmost likely

O: Now let's get one thing quite clear: I most definitely told you!
get ---- clear:SVOC明らかにする   quite①かなり ②まったく most definitelyたしかに

M: Oh no you didn't!モンティ 議論 5分ですか

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh no you didn't!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!
モンティ 議論
M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: No you DIDN'T!

O: Oh yes I did!

M: Oh look, this isn't an argument!


O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!


M: It's just contradiction!

O: No it isn't!

M: It IS!

O: It is NOT!

M: You just contradicted me!

O: No I didn't!モンティ 議論 客

M: You DID!

O: No no no!

M: You did just then!

O: Nonsense!

M: (exasperated) Oh, this is futile!!
exasperated激昂して   futileむなしい


O: No it isn't!

M: Yes it is!


M: I came here for a good argument!

O: AH, no you didn't, you came here for an argument!

M: An argument isn't just contradiction.

O: Well! it CAN be!
CAN:ありえる (可能性のcan)

M: No it can't!

M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.
intended to~を意図する   proposition命題

O: No it isn't!

M: Yes it is! 'tisn't just contradiction.

O: Look, if I *argue* with you, I must take up a contrary position!

M: Yes but it isn't just saying 'no it isn't'.

O: Yes it is!モンティ 議論 2

M: No it isn't!

O: Yes it is!

M: No it isn't!

O: Yes it is!

M: No it ISN'T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
intellectual知的な  gainsay反論する   the other personもう一人の人

O: It is NOT!

M: It is!

O: Not at all!

M: It is!

(The Arguer hits a bell on his desk and stops.)

O: Thank you, that's it.
That’s it.:はい、それまで。

M: (stunned) What?

O: That's it. Good morning.議論 ジョン クリース

M: But I was just getting interested!

O: I'm sorry, the five minutes is up.
is up = is over

M: That was never five minutes just now!!

O: I'm afraid it was.

M: (leading on) No it wasn't.....

O: I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to argue any more.


O: If you want me to go on arguing, you'll have to pay for another five minutes.

M: But that was never five minutes just now!
Oh Come on!
Oh this is...
This is ridiculous!

O: I told you... I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you PAY!

M: Oh all right. (takes out his wallet and pays again.) There you are.
There you are.:どうぞ(ものを差し出すときの表現)

O: Thank you.

M: (clears throat) Well...
clear throat:咳払いする

O: Well WHAT?

M: That was never five minutes just now.

O: I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you've paid!

M: Well I just paid! モンティ 議論④

O: No you didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I DID!!!

O: YOU didn't!

M: I don't want to argue about it!

O: Well I'm very sorry but you didn't pay!

M: Ah hah! Well if I didn't pay, why are you arguing??? Ah HAAAAAAHHH! Gotcha!

O: No you haven't!

M: Yes I have! If you're arguing, I must have paid.
must have paid払ったに違いない

O: Not necessarily. I *could* be arguing in my spare time.
Not necessarily必ずしもそうでない。  couldということもありえる
spare time余分な時間

M: I've had enough of this!モンティ 議論 gotcha

O: No you haven't.

M: Oh shut up!

(Man leaves the office)






Man: Is this the right room for an argument?

Other Man: I've told you once.

Man: No you haven't!

Other Man: Yes I have.

M: When?

O: Just now.

M: No you didn't!

O: Yes I did!


最初は、I've told you once.ですから、No, you haven'tです。






 I'm not allowed to argue unless you PAY!は聞き取れますか。講師役を勤めるジョン・クリースは、早口な上、口を動かしていません。allowedとか、unlessは、きっと耳に残らなかったのではないでしょうか。



では、どうして、こういうのを聴き取れるようになるのか、といえば、こういう短い会表現を覚えてしまうことです。そして、何度もこのスケッチを聴いていると、聞いているのか、記憶で分かった気になっているのか、分からなくなります。この状態、これが大切です。この感覚を大事にして、しばらくして、また聴いてみます。そのとき、「聴こえたら」、一歩前進。そうでなかったら、忘れたなと自分に厳しく覚えなおしてください。モンティ タイトル






