

シリーズ 日本人の英語: 車椅子のイメージを変えた若い日本人技師

2014年09月14日 | シリーズ:日本人の英語

シリーズ 日本人の英語: 車椅子のイメージを変えた若い日本人技師

シリーズ、日本人の英語を続けます。今回は、英語スクールに通っておられる方の会社が講演で呼んだ、若い日本人技師、あるいは、実業家です。斬新なデザインと、ぬきんでた可動性を持った新しい車椅子 = personal mobility deviceの販売をこのたび開始しました。自宅に外国人をインターンとして泊め、話し合いながら英語を習得したそうです。

Whill 1動画は、短い広告用のフィルムです。伝えたいことが簡潔にまとめられています。



WHILL: Expand Your Horizon
WHILL -Next Generation Personal Mobility-


Whill 2WHILL is the next generation of personal mobility device that offers both function and design. My name is Sugi, the CEO and the co-founder of WHILL.

Our mission is to change the negative perception of the personal mobility device through design and technology.

It all began with a wheel chair user’s voice. He said I gave up going to the store even just two blocks away. The reason was because he was embarrassed to be seen in a wheelchair.For that, we created a device so he could feel confident.

WHILL has core competencies, The first one is the design. It looks completely different from any other devices. The second one is maneuverability. So we invented special front wheel. It is composed of 24 small rollers. It can make a very tight turning radius for inside use. And also, this is four wheel drive. It can cover on snow, pebble, any terrain you can go. So we achieve both small tight turning radius for inside use, and good ground capability for outside use.

Whill 3A:
While I first saw WHILL, I was amazed by the design. I’ve never seen anything like it before. And I could immediately tell that the way people look at me was different.

What I really like about riding WHILL is it's a really enjoyable experience. It’s fun, it’s fast, and it’s also super smooth at the same time.

Unlike other devices that are more cumbersome and larger, the WHILL is compact, agile, and intuitive. Operation is very simple.

B: In social ??science??, it's sort of become an extension of myself.

Whill 4C:
People come up not to ask me if I need help, but because they want to talk to me, and also to talk about the chair. WHILL allows me to function in my active life style. I'm happy not to think about it; I just do it.

Mr. Sugi:
Our goal, at WHIll, is to provide independence and style to transportation.



シリーズ 日本人の英語:若き小澤征爾、英語でがんばる

2014年09月08日 | シリーズ:日本人の英語

シリーズ 日本人の英語:若き小澤征爾、英語でがんばる

小澤 What's my line? 1このハンサムな若者は誰でしょう、という問いかけで始めようか、と思いましたが、もう題字で出してしまいました。1963年、米国のクイズ番組、"What is my line?"に出演時の珍しい、動画です。lineは、職業という意味です。





Young Performers: Seiji Ozawa




★ 今回は、まず英語だけお送りします。和訳はのちほど。

★ 最初は音声で入って欲しいですが、「ここは分からないな」、という箇所があったら、下の動画を、右クリックし、一番上の「新しいタブで開く」で、動画を開き、画面の大きさを調整し、下のトランスクリプトと照らし合わせてください。その箇所には、プリントアウトしたテキストににマークをつけて、何度もその部分を聴きなおすことを勧めます。

What's My Line? - Seiji Ozawa (1963, TV Show)


小澤 What's my line 2Guest Woody Allen and regulars Bennett Cerf, Arlene Francis, and Dorothy Kilgallen appear on the panel. The program first aired on July 7, 1963.

John Charles Daly: And now to meet our first challenger. Will you enter and sign in please.
D: Seiji Ozawa. Is that right?
D: Mr. Ozawa, where are you from?
O: From Tokyo.
D: From Tokyo. I might say that I have had good fortune to be out in your country several times, and I think it’s a great nation and a great people. Enjoy to have you here with us, sir. May I present our panel, Mr. Ozawa. Now would you join me here please, sir. Do you know how we keep score on “What’s my line?” ?
O: Yes.
D: All right, in that event we’ll let the audience in the theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line is.

小澤 What's my line? 3<< SYMPHONY CONDUCTOR>>

D: All right. Panel, we can tell you that Mr. Ozawa is self employed, and deals in a service, and we’ll begin our general questioning with Arlene Francis.

Arlene Francis : Mr Ozawa. Is that the correct pronunciation?
O: Yes.
F : Mr. Ozawa. Is the service that you do, is it something that can be enjoyed by any of the members of the panel?
O: Yes.
F : Is it a service that has some entertaining aspects to it?
O: Yes.
F : Oh. Would you say, Mr. Ozawa, that you are a performer?
O: Yes.
F : Are you a performer in your country on television?
D: Sometimes.
O: Sometimes…
F : Do you ever perform in a quiz program?
O: No.
D: That’s one down. Nine to go. Mr. Cerf.
Bennett Cerf: Mr. Ozawa. Do you ever perform outdoors?
O: Yes.
C: When you perform outdoors, would it ever be in some form of athletic endeavor?
O: No.
D: No. That’s two down and eight to go. Miss. Kilgallen
Dorothy Kilgallen: Would you perform from indoors, too?
O: Yes.
K: Is there any music involved in what you do?
O: Yes.
K: Do you play a musical instrument?
O: No.
D: That’s three down and seven to go. Mr. Allen.
Woody Allen What's my line?Woody Allen: Uh… Do you perform that thing you do ….uh… by yourself?
D: performance he alone in the
A: Yes. Is there a one man act that you do?
O: No.
D: That’s four down and six to go. Miss Franklin.
F: Then, there are, Mr. Ozawa, other people associated with you when you are performing? Is that correct?
O: Yes.
F: Is music used when you are performing?
O: Yes.
F: Is there movement associated with what you do?
O: What?
D: Movement associated with what...I would think we could agree there was movement associated with that you do?
O: Yeah.
F: Is this, however, not the ballet?
O: No.
D: Yes, it is not the ballet. No.
F: It is not the ballet. Is there anything about what you do that, ………., requires a certain dexterity… or skill in the performance?
O: What?
D: Certain dexterity or skill in the performance? I would…, I would agree that these elements as you are pronouncing them are necessary in one degree or another.
F: Is there…… Do you use uh….. any accessories in your performance other than yourself?
O: Oh… I use… Yes, I would…Yes.
F: Um…Are the things that you use recognizable to American audiences?
O: Yes.
F: Yes? Are these things something you might hold in your hand?
O: My hand?
F: The …. the instrument or the accessories would it be something you hold in your hand?
(D: The things you are…?? )
O: Yes.
F: Yes? Also are you ever off the ground?
O: what!? (Laughs)
D: Are you ever off the ground? (Laughs)
O: No.
D: I think we say no to that. Five out of five. Mr Cerf.
C: Mr. Ozawa. Would your…the act that you do…in the company that you perform, be more apt in a circus or a carnival, or a state fair?
O: Yes.
C: Is the music that is part of your act, is it essential to the act rather than just the background? Do you do some kind of dancing or singing then?
O and D: No.
D: Six down four to go. Miss. Kilgallen.
K: Mr. Ozawa. Do you ever turn your back to the audience?
O: What did she say?
小澤 What's my line? 4D: Do you ever turn your back to the audience?
O: No.
D: You know, to the audience.
O: Oh. Yes, yes.
(D: Yes.)
K: When you turn your back to the audience, are you facing people who are making music?
O: Yes.
K: Are you a conductor?
O: Yes!
D: I must say, just for fun we'll ?slip/skip? all the cards, and I know now I'm going to refresh your memories. Seiji Ozawa won the Koussevitzky Prize at Tanglewood in 1960. Was assistant conductor of the philharmonic under Bernstein in the 1961-62 season, I believe.
O: Yes.
小澤 What's my line? 5D: Is a conductor of international reputation now, and is going to conduct here in New York at Louison Stadium on Wednesday or Thursday is it, this week?
O: Tuesday and Wednesday.
D: Tuesday and Wednesday at Louison, this week. I suppose one of the memorable television programmes, one of the many memorable ones, with which the New York Philharmonic Orchestra was associated was the one that was done in Japan, and all of us that saw that will remember Mr Ogawa and his work very well. Very nice to have had you with us, Mr Ozawa.

I like cards I know refresh memories Seiji Ozawa, one of the Koussevitzky prize, Tanglwood in 1960. assistant conductor of the philharmonic of Bernstein, 196I and 1962, I believe? conductor of international reputation. Now conduct her in New York stadium, on Thursday this week?
O Tesday and Wednesday
D: Tuesday and Wednesday in Stadium this week. I suppose one of the memorable television programs, one of the many memorable ones, which is New York Philharmonc Orchestra with…. associated with from Japan. All of us who saw that remember Mr. Ozawa. Well very nice to meet with us



木下是雄さん(3) パソコンのマニュアルの難しさ 国語教育と英語教育の架け橋

2014年09月02日 | 木下是雄:国語教育と英語教育の架け橋

木下是雄さん(3) パソコンのマニュアルの難しさ 国語教育と英語教育の架け橋






① 「グリーンであること」というのは、別の色である可能性もあるのか。

② 点灯と点滅は違うのか。


パソコン マニュアルさて、皆さんは、パソコンなどのマニュアルで困ったことはありませんか。コンピュータ時代になり、急増したマニュアルを書くことを、一つの職能として米国で発展させたのが、「テクニカル・ライティング」です。1980年ごろから木下さんは、米国でのこの新しい流れを紹介してきました。木下さんが二つの書を世に問うたときは、ワープロ(なにか懐かしい響きがします)から、パソコンへの移行期で、日本でも多くのマニュアルが書かれ出したときでした。



(1) どのマニュアルも、どういう目的で、誰が、どこで、何のために利用するかということへの配慮がない。

(2) ユーザーにとって不要な情報が混入して難解になっている。

(3) 不明確で、飛躍がある。

(4) パラグラフの切り方がでたらめである。














参考:『物理・山・ことば』 木下是雄 新樹社 (1987)

p.211 テクニカル・ライター  -  ハイテクの世界に生まれた新しい専門職 -

p.233 受信型教育から発信型教育へ