


2015-02-28 09:47:42 | Telegraph (UK)

Spain organ transplants get high speed rail boost
By James Badcock, Madrid
Telegraph: 8:21PM GMT 24 Feb 2015
Spanish doctors to use the country's high-speed rail network to transport organs for transplant


Spanish doctors are to use high-speed trains to transport organs for transplant under a new deal between the country's health and infrastructure ministries.


Spain is already the world leader in terms of donations per capita and this latest logistical advance is viewed as an opportunity to boost the number of kidney transplants in which partners from couples without compatibility donate their organs to other couples in a chain of solidarity.


"We saw an opportunity to unite engineering excellence with our branch of organisational engineering," said Dr Rafael Matesanz, the director of Spain's National Transplant Organisation (ONT).


Dr Matesanz is credited with transforming Spain's organ and tissue transplant industry from medical mediocrity to the envy of the world over the past 25 years.


Last year 4,360 transplants were carried out in Spain, with the deceased organ donation rate rising to 36 per million inhabitants.


In France and the United States this figure is 26, while the UK's rate for 2013 was 21 per million inhabitants.


Impressively, transplants in Spain have continued to rise despite the country's economic crisis, which saw public health spending fall by 11 per cent per capita between 2010 and 2013.


A symbol of the country's boom years in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Spanish government's commitment to expanding the AVE high-speed rail network has been criticised as an expensive luxury when unemployment stands at 24 per cent.


But for multiple kidney transplants, Dr Matesanz said using trains is the best way to ensure that the organs arrive on time, as delays are less likely than with planes.


"We are connecting two great sources of Spanish pride," he said.


Renfe, Spain's train operator, will appoint coordinators to guarantee the smooth transit of the cargo, accompanied at all times by a health professional from the hospital where the kidney was extracted.


The "Spanish transplant model" is based on the existence of a designated coordinator in all major hospitals who ensures that all health staff are doing their utmost to maximise the number of donations and procedures.


Around 1,000 kilometres of high-speed track is due to be opened this year, expanding the AVE network by a third.



2015-02-28 09:47:26 | Telegraph (UK)
Tensions high as Greece scrambles to keep rescue deal alive
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Athens
Telegraph: 8:23PM GMT 23 Feb 2015
The radical Syriza government submitted a five-page list of measures to EMU officials in Brussels in time for a deadline on Monday


Greece has vowed to shake up labour markets and push through far-reaching reforms to avert a fresh showdown with eurozone creditors this week, hoping to stave off bankruptcy within days as cash runs dry.


The radical Syriza government submitted a five-page list of measures to EMU officials in Brussels in time for a deadline on Monday, including an assault on trade union powers that risks setting off a revolt by the movement's Communist and hard-left factions.


Failure to reach an agreement would lead to yet another round of crisis talks, backed by the threat that the European Central Bank could at any time cut off emergency liquidity support for Greek lenders and effectively force the country out of the euro.


European officials said the Greek list had run into reservations at its first hurdle with technocrats in Brussels, causing a delay. This is even before it goes to eurozone finance ministers on Tuesday, where the reception may be frigid. There is pervasive concern that any deal will unravel within weeks even if there a reprieve now.


The deal aims to give Greece four months breathing room to flesh out its plans. It requires the approval of all the EMU parliaments, including the German Bundestag, where Chancellor Angela Merkel faces her own headaches if the terms are not tough enough.


Bavaria's Social Christians (CSU), her coalition allies, reacted angrily to claims by Greek premier Alexis Tsipras that Athens had scored a major victory over European creditors last Friday. "If Mr Tsipras is now saying that austerity is over in Greece, and if he is saying he has won the battle, all the alarms must go off," said Gerda Hasselfeldt, the CSU's parliamentary leader.

「ギリシャでの緊縮財政は終了などとツィプラス首相が言うなら、その上闘いにも勝利をおさめたなどと言うなら、警戒警報は鳴りまくりだ」と議会党首のGerda Hasselfeldt氏は言います。

The neuralgic issue for the Greek left is a proposal in the list for "smart" rules on collective bargaining that hint at the firm-level and factory-level wage deals implemented in Germany under the Hartz IV reforms. Syriza had campaigned to restore full union powers that were rolled back by the Troika.


Panagiotis Lafazanis, head of the Left Platform and now the production minister, said his grouping cannot accept any departure from a "radical left orientation". He vowed to press ahead with new laws freezing foreclosures on primary homes and stretching out payments on €74bn of tax arrears. The Left Platform controls 30pc of the seats on Syriza's central committee.

Left Platform党首で今は生産担当大臣を務めるパナギオティス・ラファザニス大臣は、うちのもんは「急進的左翼オリエンテーション」からの離脱なんぞ一切認めない、と言いました。
Left PlatformはSyriza中央委員会の議席の30%を占めています。

Syriza leaders are alarmed by a cri de coeur on Sunday by Euro MP Manolis Glezos, the legendary resister who tore down the Swastika flying over the Acropolis under Nazi occupation.

日曜日、ナチス占領下でアクロポリスに翻る鍵十字の旗を引き摺り下ろした伝説の抵抗者、Manolis Glezos欧州議会議員の発言に、Syriza指導部は飛び上がりました。

He apologised to voters for selling the "illusion" that Syriza could overthrow the EU-IMF Troika. "There can be no compromise between oppressor and oppressed. Freedom is the only solution for the slave," he said.


Syriza sources expect party discipline to hold despite "kicking and screaming" from the Left. The labour reforms are to be carried out with the worker-friendly International Labour Federation instead of accepting the harsher variant of the IMF under the Troika. The OECD will "mentor" measures to boost productivity.


Greek officials say the package will uphold the "first pillar" of Syriza's Thessaloniki Programme for humanitarian needs, costing €1.8bn. This includes free electricity and food stamps for 300,000 for the indigent, and a pension boost for the less well-off.


The most contentious elements of the "second pillar" for economic policy have been shelved or toned down, such as plans to scrap a new tax on first homes (ENFIA) and boost income tax thresholds to €12,000.


Privatisations under way will be respected. New sales will be reviewed. The state will keep control of strategic companies and utilities.


There will be a new regime for state procurements, which gobble up 15pc of GDP. The financial crimes squad will be revamped, with a crackdown on smuggling for shipping fuel. Fuel tankers will have to carry GPS devices. Tax loopholes preserved by Greece's ruling dynasties until now will be attacked.


"This is a fresh start for us. The Greek people will have the opportunity to co-author our 'contract' with Europe," said the finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, in an interview with CNN.


Syriza will press ahead with a rise in the minimum wage, though the list does not specify the figure of €750 a month in the manifesto. The International Monetary Fund warned that any rise will make it even harder to combat unemployment stuck at 24pc. It says the current level is already on the high side, given Greek productivity.


The package is just a starting point. It will face fresh hurdles, amid a mood of zero-tolerance in northern Europe. Walter Bosbach, interior spokesman for Germany's Christian Democrats, said the terms are far too vague to pin down Syriza, and accused the Greeks of promising anything to get more money. "Billions more are going to be flowing to Greece. It is highly unclear whether we will get anything back from this," he said.

キリスト教民主同盟の内務省広報担当、Walter Bosbach氏は、Syrizaの首に縄をかけるには余りにも条件があいまいだとして、ギリシャはおかわりするためになんでもかんでも約束しまくってると批判しました。

Germany may be right to suspect that Syriza has slipped the austerity leash. The deal scraps Troika demands for a rise in the primary budget surplus from 1.5pc of GDP in 2014 - in reality nearer 0.6pc - to 3pc this year, and 4.5pc next year. The surplus will now be "appropriate" to economic circumstances.


Dimitris Drakopoulos, from Nomura, said relations between Athens and EMU creditors could go wrong at any time. Syriza will have to deliver on pledges with actual legislation to meet a deadline in April before it receives the next €7.2bn of bailout money. In the meantime, Greece may face "cash flow problems" within 15 days. Syriza will need to raise €4bn to €5bn by the end of March in a hostile market. "The risk of capital controls remains elevated," he said.

野村證券のDimitris Drakapoulos氏は、ギリシャ政府とユーロ債権国の関係はいつとっちらかってもおかしくない、と言います。

Mr Drakopoulos warned that there will be a constant risk of a "new stand-off" until the political landscape changes again, perhaps with a national unity government. There may yet be a referendum on the bailout package. "Very soon the Syriza-led government will be forced to face its own contradictions," he said.



2015-02-28 09:47:09 | Telegraph (UK)
Italian anger over English-language slogans used to promote Rome and country's navy
By Nick Squires, Rome
Telegraph: 3:59PM GMT 23 Feb 2015
Growing use of English in slogans such as "Be Cool, join the Navy" hurt pride in the land of Dante
『Be Cool, join the Navy』などの英語のスローガン利用増加がダンテの国のプライドをずたずたに…。




2015-02-28 09:46:52 | Telegraph (UK)
Stop pitying British schoolgirls joining Islamic State - they're not victims
By Emma Barnett, Women's Editor
Telegraph: 1:33PM GMT 23 Feb 2015
The latest British teen girls to join Islamic State are not 'missing' - they've joined a murderous cult of their own volition, argues Emma Barnett

All weekend a triptych of British girls' faces have been staring out at the nation from newspapers and TV screens.


Shamima Begum (15), Amira Abase (15) and Kadiza Sultana (16) have legged it to join Islamic State in Syria. They eloped last week and by now are probably shacked up with a hipster jihadi, locked in their homes and expected to crack on with popping out a few kids to populate the Caliphate.

Shamima Begum(15歳)、Amira Abase(15歳)、Kadiza Sultana(16歳)の3人はシリアでイスラム国に参加するために家出しました。家出は先週ですから、恐らくもうイケメン・ジハーディストと共同生活中で、王国の人口増加に貢献することも期待されていることでしょう。




2015-02-28 09:46:34 | Telegraph (UK)
Weimar on the Aegean
Paul Krugman
NYT:FEB. 16, 2015
Try to talk about the policies we need in a depressed world economy, and someone is sure to counter with the specter of Weimar Germany, supposedly an object lesson in the dangers of budget deficits and monetary expansion. But the history of Germany after World War I is almost always cited in a curiously selective way. We hear endlessly about the hyperinflation of 1923, when people carted around wheelbarrows full of cash, but we never hear about the much more relevant deflation of the early 1930s, as the government of Chancellor Brüning — having learned the wrong lessons — tried to defend Germany's peg to gold with tight money and harsh austerity.


And what about what happened before the hyperinflation, when the victorious Allies tried to force Germany to pay huge reparations? That's also a tale with a lot of modern relevance, because it has a direct bearing on the crisis now brewing over Greece.


The point is that now, more than ever, it is crucial that Europe's leaders remember the right history. If they don't, the European project of peace and democracy through prosperity will not survive.


About those reparations: The basic story here is that Britain and France, instead of viewing the newly established German democracy as a potential partner, treated it as a conquered enemy, demanding that it make up their own wartime losses. This was deeply unwise — and the demands placed on Germany were impossible to meet, for two reasons. First, Germany's economy had already been devastated by the war. Second, the true burden on that shrunken economy would — as John Maynard Keynes explained in his angry, powerful book "The Economic Consequences of the Peace" — be far greater than the direct payments to the vengeful Allies.


In the end, and inevitably, the actual sums collected from Germany fell far short of Allied demands. But the attempt to levy tribute on a ruined nation — incredibly, France actually invaded and occupied the Ruhr, Germany's industrial heartland, in an effort to extract payment — crippled German democracy and poisoned relations with its neighbors.


Which brings us to the confrontation between Greece and its creditors.


You can argue that Greece brought its problems on itself, although it had a lot of help from irresponsible lenders. At this point, however, the simple fact is that Greece cannot pay its debts in full. Austerity has devastated its economy as thoroughly as military defeat devastated Germany — real Greek G.D.P. per capita fell 26 percent from 2007 to 2013, compared with a German decline of 29 percent from 1913 to 1919.


Despite this catastrophe, Greece is making payments to its creditors, running a primary surplus — an excess of revenue over spending other than interest — of around 1.5 percent of G.D.P. And the new Greek government is willing to keep running that surplus. What it is not willing to do is meet creditor demands that it triple the surplus, and keep running huge surpluses for many years to come.


What would happen if Greece were to try to generate those huge surpluses? It would have to further slash government spending — but that wouldn't be the end of the story. Spending cuts have already driven Greece into a deep depression, and further cuts would make that depression deeper. Falling incomes would, however, mean falling tax receipts, so that the deficit would decline by much less than the initial reduction in spending — probably less than half as much. To meet its target, then, Greece would have to do another round of cuts, and then another.


Furthermore, a shrinking economy would lead to falling private spending too — another, indirect cost of the austerity.


Put it all together, and attempting to cough up the extra 3 percent of G.D.P. the creditors are demanding would cost Greece not 3 percent, but something like 8 percent of G.D.P. And remember, this would come on top of one of the worst economic slumps in history.


What would happen if Greece were simply to refuse to pay? Well, 21st-century European nations don't use their armies as bill collectors. But there are other forms of coercion. We now know that in 2010 the European Central Bank threatened, in effect, to collapse the Irish banking system unless Dublin agreed to an International Monetary Fund program.


The threat of something similar hangs implicitly over Greece, although my hope is that the central bank, which is under different and more open-minded management these days, wouldn't go along.


In any case, European creditors should realize that flexibility — giving Greece a chance to recover — is in their own interests. They may not like the new leftist government, but it's a duly elected government whose leaders are, from everything I've heard, sincerely committed to democratic ideals. Europe could do a lot worse — and if the creditors are vengeful, it will.
