


2015-02-10 20:23:38 | Telegraph (UK)

US defends unruly Greece as Europe steps up 'Grexit' threats
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 11:31PM GMT 09 Feb 2015
Germany's vice-chancellor said "zero chances" that his country will respond to Greek demand for Nazi war reparations


Europe's creditor powers have reacted with fury as Greece presses ahead with plans to smash its EU-IMF Troika programme and demand war reparations for Nazi occupation, raising the risk of a traumatic rupture with Athens by the end of the month.


Wolfgang Schauble, Germany's finance minister, said there could be no bridging agreement for the radical Syriza government, insisting that it must stick rigidly to the terms of Greece's €245bn bail-out package and secure a negotiated extension, or face the consequences. "If they want to deal with us, they need a programme," he said.


He issued a clear warning to the new Greek premier Alexis Tsipras that his country will be left penniless in a hostile world. "I don't know how financial markets will handle it, but maybe he knows better," he said.


Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission's chief, urged Syriza not to trifle with the EU or to overplay its hand after winning a landslide mandate last month to end austerity. "Greece shouldn't assume that the overall mood in Europe has changed," he said.


The EU authorities have told Mr Tsipras that a series of crucial meetings in Brussels this week are his last chance to retreat from hot campaign rhetoric and agree to an extension of the Troika bail-out.


The clear threat is that the European Central Bank will cut off €60bn of emergency liquidity support for the Greek financial system when the existing Troika arrangement expires on February 28. This would force Greece to impose capital controls, nationalize the banks, and reintroduce the drachma within days.


Even if the ECB agrees to a stay of execution, Athens will start to run out of money in March, when it faces repayments to the International Monetary Fund, followed by other creditors. Tax revenues have dried up over recent weeks as Greeks wait to see what Syriza does in office. The treasury's cash reserves have fallen to €1.5bn.


Fears of an imminent collision set off fresh alarm in Greek markets on Monday. The yield on three-year Greek bonds jumped over 300 basis points to 21pc, while bank stocks fell 9pc.


Greek lenders are under serious stress. The ECB's shock decision last week to stop letting them use Greek bonds and Greek-guaranteed debt as collateral for loans has forced them to take on emergency liquidity that is more costly. It also imposes greater "haircuts", effectively contracting of credit.


This comes at time when non-performing loans are already the highest in the world at over 40pc and still rising. Greek property prices fell a further 5pc in the fourth quarter of 2014, pushing large numbers of mortgage holders yet deeper into negative equity. Data released today showed that Greece's industrial output fell 3.8pc in December.


Europe's leaders were stunned by the aggressive tone of Mr Tsipras's address to the Greek parliament on Sunday night. They had assumed that Syriza would hold out an olive branch once it was safely in office, shifting its stance in time-honoured EU fashion.


Instead Mr Tsipras vowed to implement the party's radical Thessaloniki Programme in its "entirety", including a demand for €11bn of war reparations from Germany, a move deemed deeply offensive in Berlin.


Sigmar Garbriel, Germany's vice-chancellor and Social Democrat leader, said "the chances are zero" that his country will respond to such an extraordinary demarche. The German press decried Greece's use of the "Nazi card" as moral blackmail.


Mr Tsipras not only refused to renew the Troika bail-out – saying this would be an "extension of mistakes and disaster" – he also insisted on rolling back a clutch of EU-imposed reforms. His list includes an end to the privatisation of utilities, a return of collective bargaining, a halt to rises in the pension age, an increase in the minimum wage to €751 a month, the cancellation of a key property tax, and the rehiring of 10,000 public workers, among other measures.


Almost as he was speaking, Italy's RAI television broadcast an interview with Greece's finance minister Yanis Varoukais in which he likened the "cloud of fear" in Europe to the Soviet Union in its final agonies, and made it clear that Syriza intends to push Europe to the brink.


"Exit from the euro does not even enter into our plans, quite simply because we think the euro is fragile. It is like a house of cards. If you pull out the Greek card, they all come down," he said.


"Do we really want Europe to break apart? Anybody who is tempted to think it possible to amputate Greece strategically from Europe should be very careful. It is very dangerous. Who would be hit after us? Portugal?"


"There are Italian officials – I won't say from which institution - who have approached me to say they support us, but they can't say the truth because Italy is at risk of bankruptcy and they fear the consequence from Germany," he said.


While the bare-knuckled negotiating tactics are causing outrage, leading economists around the world doubt that a Greek exit could easily be contained. It would be "Lehman squared" warned Berkeley professor Barry Eichengreen.


Crude realpolitik suggests that Greece may not be as isolated as widely-presumed. American President Barack Obama told German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Washington that he expects Europe and the IMF to "work with the new Greek government to find a way that returns Greece to sustainable growth within the Eurozone."


In a clear sign that Washington is losing patience with the eurozone's strategy of fiscal contraction, Mr Obama almost seemed to endorse Greece's demands for a radical shift in policy. "You cannot keep on squeezing countries that are in the midst of depression. At some point there has to be a growth strategy in order for them to pay off their debts to eliminate some of their deficits," he said last week.


The worry is that Greece will spin out of control, either becoming another crisis state across the arc of instability from Ukraine through the Levant to North Africa, or turning its back on NATO and throwing in its lot with Russia.


Austria's Chancellor Werner Fayman appears to share the concerns about contagious instability in the Balkans, still a simmering hotbed of national tensions and contested borders. "We must save Greece and Europe from a Grexit outcome," he said.


Mr Faymann said there is much more at stake than the technical and trivial details of the bail-out. If the loan terms have to be changed - he said - so be it.



2015-02-10 20:23:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Greece's leaders stun Europe with escalating defiance
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 4:39PM GMT 09 Feb 2015
"The euro is like a house of cards. If you pull away the Greek card, they all come down," says Yanis Varoufakis, the Greek finance minister


Greece's finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has spelled out the negotiating strategy of the Syriza government with crystal clarity.


"Exit from the euro does not even enter into our plans, quite simply because the euro is fragile. It is like a house of cards. If you pull away the Greek card, they all come down," he said.


"Do we really want Europe to break apart? Anybody who is tempted to think it possible to amputate Greece strategically from Europe should be careful. It is very dangerous. Who would be hit after us? Portugal? What would happen to Italy when it discovers that it is impossible to stay within the austerity straight-jacket?"


"There are Italian officials – I won't say from which institution - who have approached me to say they support us, but they can't say the truth because Italy is at risk of bankruptcy and they fear the consequence from Germany. A cloud of fear has been hanging over Europe over recent years. We are becoming worse than the Soviet Union," he told the Italian TV station RAI.


This earned a stiff rebuke from the Italian finance minister, Pier Carlo Padoan. "These comments are out of place. Italy's debt is solid and sustainable," he said.


Yet the point remains. Deflationary conditions are causing interest costs to rise faster than nominal GDP in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, automatically pushing public debt ratios ever higher.


Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen warns that Grexit would be "Lehman squared", setting off a calamitous chain reaction with worldwide consequences. Syriza's gamble is that the EU authorities know this, whatever officials may claim in public.


Premier Alexis Tsipras is pushing this to the wire. Rightly or wrongly, he calculates that Greece holds the trump card – the detonation of mutual assured destruction, to borrow from Cold War parlance – and that all the threats from EMU power centres are mere bluster.


His cool nerve has caught Brussels, Frankfurt, Berlin, and the markets off guard. They assumed that this 40-year neophyte would back away from exorbitant demands in his landmark policy speech to the Greek parliament on Sunday night. Instead they heard a declaration of war.


He vowed to implement every measure in Syriza's pre-electoral Thessaloniki Programme "in their entirety" with no ifs and buts. This even includes a legal demand for €11bn of war reparations from Germany, a full 71 years after the last Wehrmacht soldier left Greek soil.


There is no possible extension of Greece's bail-out programme with the EU-IMF Troika, for that would be an "extension of mistakes and disaster", a perpetuation of the debt-deflation trap. "The People have abolished the Memorandum. We will not negotiate our sovereignty," he said.


Macropolis said every item was in there: a pension rise for the poorest; no further rises in the retirement age; an increase in the minimum wage to €751 a month by 2016; a return to collective bargaining; an end to privatisation of utilities; cancellation of a new property tax (ENFIA); a rise in tax-free thresholds from €5,000 to €12,000; and a rehiring of 10,000 public workers fired "illegally".


He did not row back from his campaign rhetoric. He did not water down anything. The demand for a debt write-down has been switched to a debt-swap, but this is presentational legerdemain. Nothing has in fact changed.


The speech puts Greece on a collision course this Wednesday with Eurogroup finance ministers, who are having great trouble coming to terms with the election of the first radical Left government in Western Europe since the Second World War. Nor are they listening to what Syriza is actually saying.


Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Eurogroup's chairman, issued an ultimatum last week that this week's meeting is the final chance for Greece to puts its Troika programme back on track. The implicit threat is clear. Should Greece refuse, over €60bn of liquidity support from the European Central Bank for the Greek financial system will be cut off on 28th February, forcing the country out of EMU in short order.


"We don't do bridge loans," said Mr Dijsselbloem. It was a revealing slip. Syriza has not asked for a bridge loan. It has stated repeatedly and categorically that it never wants another euro in EMU loans. Want it wants is a "bridging agreement" allowing it to raise an €10bn extra T-bills on its own domestic bond markets.


This showdown has reached the point where if goes beyond the proper authority of finance ministers and central bankers. Austria's Chancellor Werner Faymann has already sought to defuse the crisis, knowing from his country's history how seemingly minor confrontations in the Balkans can spin out of control. "We must save Greece and Europe from a Grexit outcome," he said before meeting Mr Tsipras in Vienna.


In Washington, President Barack Obama has already warned EMU elites to be careful. "You cannot keep on squeezing countries that are in the midst of depression. At some point there has to be a growth strategy in order for them to pay off their debts to eliminate some of their deficits," he said.


A team from the US Treasury has arrived in Athens with instructions to bang heads to together on both sides, and to push for a pan-EMU reflation strategy. Nobody in Washington wishes to see Greece spun out of the Western Nato ambit, a failed state spreading chaos across the Balkans and drifting into the arms of Russia.


Nobody knows how this brinkmanship will end but it is already clear that the EMU authorities have misjudged the furious determination of the Greeks. Brussels will have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a Plan B. "We will not roll over," said Mr Varoufakis.


The dispute is escalating to higher authorities, and changing its character. Europe's leaders can no longer delegate this to technical officials. The political stakes are too high. The integrity of monetary union and the security system of the Eastern Mediterranean are both hanging from a thin Greek thread.



2015-02-10 20:22:52 | Etcetera
A Game of Chicken
Paul Krugman
NYT:FEB. 6, 2015
On Wednesday, the European Central Bank announced that it would no longer accept Greek government debt as collateral for loans. This move, it turns out, was more symbolic than substantive. Still, the moment of truth is clearly approaching.


And it's a moment of truth not just for Greece, but for the whole of Europe — and, in particular, for the central bank, which may soon have to decide whom it really works for.


Basically, the current situation may be summarized with the following dialogue:


Germany to Greece: Nice banking system you got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it.

ドイツ→ギリシャ: 良い銀行システムだな。事故があったら困るよなあ。

Greece to Germany: Oh, yeah? Well, we'd hate to see your nice, shiny European Union get all banged up.

ギリシャ→ドイツ: はあ?俺達だってピカピカのEUが叩き壊されるのは見たくねーなー。

Or if you want the stuffier version, Germany is demanding that Greece keep trying to pay its debts in full by imposing incredibly harsh austerity. The implied threat if Greece refuses is that the central bank will cut off the support it gives to Greek banks, which is what Wednesday's move sounded like but wasn't. And that would wreak havoc with Greece's already terrible economy.


Yet pulling the plug on Greece would pose enormous risks, not just to Europe's economy, but to the whole European project, the 60-year effort to build peace and democracy through shared prosperity. A Greek banking collapse would probably lead Greece to leave the euro and establish its own currency — and if even one country were to abandon the euro, investors would be put on notice that Europe's grand currency design is reversible.


Beyond that, chaos in Greece could fuel the sinister political forces that have been gaining influence as Europe's Second Great Depression goes on and on. After a tense meeting with his German counterpart, the new Greek finance minister didn't hesitate to play the 1930s card. "Nazism," he declared, "is raising its ugly head in Greece" — a reference to Golden Dawn, the not-so-neo-Nazi party that is now the third largest in the Greek legislature.


What we're looking at here is, in short, a very dangerous confrontation. This isn't diplomacy as usual; this is a game of chicken, of two trucks loaded with dynamite barreling toward each other on a narrow mountain road, with neither willing to turn aside. And all of this is taking place within the European Union, which is supposed to be — indeed, has been, until now — an institution that promotes productive cooperation.


How did Europe get to this point? And what's the end game?


Like all too many crises, the new Greek crisis stems, ultimately, from political pandering. It's the kind of thing that happens when politicians tell voters what they want to hear, make promises that can't be fulfilled, and then can't bring themselves to face reality and make the hard choices they've been pretending can be avoided.


I am, of course, talking about Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and her colleagues.


It's true that Greece got itself into trouble through irresponsible borrowing (although this irresponsible borrowing wouldn't have been possible without equally irresponsible lending). And Greece has paid a terrible price for that irresponsibility. Looking forward, however, how much more can Greece take? Clearly, it can't pay the debt in full; that's obvious to anyone who has done the math.


Unfortunately, German politicians have never explained the math to their constituents. Instead, they've taken the lazy path: moralizing about the irresponsibility of borrowers, declaring that debts must and will be paid in full, playing into stereotypes about shiftless southern Europeans. And now that the Greek electorate has finally declared that it can take no more, German officials just keep repeating the same old lines.


Maybe the Germans imagine that they can replay the events of 2010, when the central bank coerced Ireland into accepting an austerity program by threatening to cut off its banking system. But that's unlikely to work against a government that has seen the damage wrought by austerity, and was elected on a promise to reverse that damage.


Furthermore, there's still reason to hope that the European Central Bank will refuse to play along.


On Wednesday, the central bank made an announcement that sounded like severe punishment for Greece, but wasn't, because it left the really important channel of support for Greek banks (Emergency Liquidity Assistance — don't ask) in place. So it was more of a wake-up call than anything else, and arguably it was as much a wake-up call for Germany as it was for Greece.


And what if the Germans don't wake up? In that case we can hope that the central bank takes a stand and declares that its proper role is to do all it can to safeguard Europe's economy and democratic institutions — not to act as Germany's debt collector. As I said, we're rapidly approaching a moment of truth.
