


2012-11-13 13:51:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Universe 'expanding like a rollercoaster'
By Nick Collins, Science Correspondent
Telegraph: 12:01AM GMT 13 Nov 2012
The universe has expanded at vastly different speeds through its history in a pattern similar to the peaks and troughs of a rollercoaster, scientists claim.


Over the last five billion years a mysterious force known as dark energy has caused the Universe to grow ever faster, gaining speed as it continues to increase in size.


But a new study of an earlier period of history has revealed that the younger Universe was constrained by gravity and expanded at a much slower rate.


About seven billion years ago its growth pattern shifted as its energy grew and caused the rapid acceleration which still continues today, experts wrote in the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal.

約70億年前、宇宙のエネルギーが大きくなって、今日まで続いている急加速がもたらされて、この拡大パターンは変わりました、とAstronomy & Astrophysics誌で専門家は記しました。

The international team of scientists were able to measure the rate of expansion as early as 11 billion years ago – three billion years after the Big Bang – by measuring the distribution of gas in distant regions of the Universe.


Their findings are the first measurements of the Universe's growth during the first half of its history, before it began its "growth spurt".


Dr Mat Pieri of Portsmouth University, co-author of the study, said: "If we think of the universe as a roller coaster, then today we are rushing downhill, gaining speed as we go.


"Our new measurement tells us about the time when the universe was climbing the hill, still being slowed by gravity. It looks like the roller coaster crested the hill just about seven billion years ago, and we're still going."


The gas clouds can be measured because they absorb light from quasars, enormously powerful energy-emitting objects which are found at the heart of galaxies and are thought to be powered by black holes.


The resulting "shadows" can be analysed to map these distant regions, revealing how the Universe evolved through its history and how dark energy worked before the rapid expansion began.


Dr Pieri said: "No place in the universe is really empty. There is gas in even the most remote parts of the universe and we have used it to measure how the universe expands.


"This expansion is telling us that there is more than just gas out there – it seems that space itself comes with its own energy and the more space you have, the more of this ‘dark energy’ there is."




2012-11-13 11:41:54 | Telegraph (UK)
Smacking children may increase risk of them developing cancer
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor
Telegraph: 12:40PM GMT 12 Nov 2012
Smacking children may put them at greater risk of cancer, heart disease and asthma later in life, a controversial study has suggested.


Psychologists asked adults with the diseases if they had been verbally or physically abused as children and found they were more likely to say they had been than healthy adults.


The team from Plymouth University said the stress caused by the smacking or shouting in a child's early years may lead to biological changes which predisposes to disease.


Other studies have also suggested that severe trauma in childhood such as physical or sexual abuse may lead to an elevated risk of chronic diseases later.


However experts said it is difficult to rule out other factors such as poverty and social isolation which are often linked to physical and verbal abuse in childhood and could cause disease later in life.


The research team asked 250 healthy adults in Saudi Arabia about their childhood and compared the answers to 150 adults with heart disease, 150 with cancer and 150 with asthma.


Professor Michael Hyland, from the University’s School of Psychology, who led the study said: “Early life stress in the form of trauma and abuse is known to creating long term changes that predispose to later disease.


"But this study shows that in a society where corporal punishment is considered normal, the use of corporal punishment is sufficiently stressful to have the same kinds of long term impact as abuse and trauma.


“Our research adds a new perspective on the increasing evidence that the use of corporal punishment can contribute to childhood stress, and when it becomes a stressor, corporal punishment contributes to poor outcomes both for the individual concerned and for society.”


Smacking a child so hard it leaves a mark may lead to a criminal prosecution in Britain carrying a maximum five-year prison sentence.


Prof David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor Of The Public Understanding Of Risk at the University of Cambridge, said: “I would be very cautious about over-interpreting these results.

ケンブリッジ大学のWinton Professor Of The Public Understanding Of Risk、デイヴィッド・シュピーゲルホルター教授はこう言います。

"For example, the healthy group are taken from administrators and nurses at the hospital treating the patients, and so are likely to differ in many ways from the ill people. The controls reported less beating and insulting as children, so maybe not being beaten encourages people to enter a caring profession, rather than protecting them from disease?”


Dr Andrea Danese, Clinical Lecturer in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, said: “This research adds to the growing body of research linking childhood maltreatment to later disease. It is possible that child maltreatment may not only affect risk for mental illness but also contribute to risk for medical illness, such as asthma, cancer, and cardiac disease.

キングス・カレッジ・ロンドンの精神医学研究所のChild & Adolescent Psychiatryでクリニカル・レクチャラーを務めるアンドレア・ダニース医師はこう言います。

“This may have major implication for the way we understand the origins of disease and, thus, for disease prevention.


"However, the evidence is largely based on retrospective reports of childhood maltreatment. In other words, instead of assessing maltreatment in childhood years and following children for years until they reach adulthood to check their health status, often researchers have asked adult people with or without disease to report on their memories of maltreatment in childhood.


"The claims may therefore be biased or overstated, because ill people may be more likely to report unhappy childhood.


“It is also vital to understand the mechanisms through which child maltreatment may influence health. If we understand the biological and behavioural changes brought about by child maltreatment, we might be able to stop these processes before the onset of clinical symptoms."


The findings were published in the Journal of Behavioural Medicine.

実験結果はJournal of Behavioural Medicine誌に掲載されました。


2012-11-13 10:24:00 | Telegraph (UK)
US to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil as China's water runs dry
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics
Telegraph Blog: Last updated: November 12th, 2012
It is official. The US will overtake Saudi Arabia to become the world's top oil producer by 2017.


The International Energy Agency (IEA) said in its world outlook for 2012 this morning that the US will be a net exporter of gas by 2020, with all the vast implications of abundant cheap gas for its chemical, plastics, glass, and steel industries.


"The United States, which currently imports around 20 per cent of its total energy needs, becomes all but self-sufficient in net terms – a dramatic reversal of the trend seen in most other energy importing countries," it said.


This is entirely due to the shale and gas revolution. North America as a whole will become a significant net exporter.


People were too quick to write off America after the Carter Malaise of the 1970s, and they have been too quick again after the subprime bubble (now largely cleared). As Adam Smith said, there is a lot of ruin in a great nation.


Saudi Arabia will quickly fade as swing force in global energy markets unless it stops gobbling up its own output with such careless abandon. It currently charges 14 cents a litre for petrol and seven cents for diesel at the pump. They give it away.


They should copy to Abu Dhabi and switch to solar power pronto for air conditioning, freeing up oil for exports.


Whether or not the world can supply enough oil to feed the Chinese dragon depends on Iraq.


If it all goes well, output will jump from around 2 million barrels a day (b/d) to 8 million by 2035. It if goes really well, output could reach 10 million.


If all this turns out to be wishful thinking, the world is stuffed. The biggest "new supply" over the next quarter century is energy efficiency. That is worth a Saudi Arabia and a half. Allegedly.


A few things struck me:


* Coal has provided half the entire growth in world energy supply over the last decade, much more than renewables.


* Total investment in oil and gas alone this year is (estimated) $619 billion. It shows the sheer scale.


* Total oil output will be less than 100 million b/d by 2035. This is not that much higher than this year at 87 million.


This is Plateau Oil in all but name, yet the industrial revolutions of China and India will continue apace, and the nuclear industry has just taken a huge blow. More coal I guess, and windmills.


The 688-page report – which I am not at liberty to publish online – is full of fascinating details.


The clearest message is that water shortages in large parts of the world are the chief constraint on energy and power. Cooling a coal power plant without water is not easy, and solar parks are very thirsty.


Yes, China has the world's biggest shale gas reserves at 36 trillion cubic metres, but much of it is in places like the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang with "severe water scarcity".


Look at this chart (taken from the IEA report, page 518, figure 17.9)


Some 65pc of China's water use is for irrigation, and 23pc for industry – mostly in coal production. Notice how much of the coal industry is in areas with water troubles.


Non-renewable aquifers are being depleted very fast. Under the latest five-year plan China is diverting rivers equal to the Tigris and Euphrates combined to supply the dry belt.


Water will have to be rationed much more severely by price, as will electricity. That will be an extra cost/tax, a loss of competitive advantage. Ditto for India.


I was told a couple of years ago by Cheng Siwei – then head of China's green energy drive – that the country's economic growth over recent years has been negative if you adjust for eco-damage and exhaustion of non-renewable resources. This will soon become a tangible cost.


Water-adjusted GDP may yet become a vogue term.



2012-11-13 09:07:59 | Telegraph (UK)
Angela Merkel sticks to austerity script in Portugal as revolt builds
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:20PM GMT 12 Nov 2012
German Chancellor Angela Merkel braved hostile crowds in Portugal on Monday to show unflinching support for the country’s austerity ordeal and plead for patience as social cohesion frays.


The flying visit came as trade unions led a protest march through Lisbon “in defence of national sovereignty” and the Left Bloc in parliament said its top priority is to “bring down the government” and forge a salvation front.


Swooping into Lisbon amid tight security, Mrs Merkel praised the “courageous actions” of free-market premier Pedro Passos Coelho and vowed do to “everything possible” to help the country through hard times. Yet she also insisted that there would be no renegotiation of the country’s €78bn (£62.5bn) EU-IMF Troika package or softer terms to alleviate the slump, saying austerity is the “only way forward”.


The tough love message comes as unemployment reaches 15.7pc, with 35pc among the young, and dole duration is slashed from nine months to four under Troika reforms.


Mr Passos Coelho has been able to count on a tacit support from opposition socialists but consensus broke down two months ago in a bitter clash over payroll levies.


Socialist leader António José Seguro said on Monday that Portugal is crumbling under the weight of debt service costs and “cannot endure any further austerity”. The Troika has warned of mounting political risk and “austerity fatigue”.


German officials have cited Portugal as a success story, proof that Europe’s strategy of deep budget cuts combined with labour reform is paying off.


The country has complied with Troika demands – unlike Greece – becoming the pin-up country for advocates of fiscal shock therapy. But this means that any failure indicts the EU policy.


Raoul Ruparel, from Open Europe, said Mrs Merkel needs good news to mollify her fractious coalition and to keep alive hope that Greece is a one-off disaster. “They cling to the story that Greece is unique but Portugal has similar structural flaws and the same overvalued currency,” he said. Its stock of public, household and corporate debt is 370pc of GDP, the world’s second highest after Japan.


Portugal began its austerity after Greece, so the real test comes now. Exports have done well – growing faster than Germany’s – but gains have slowed and the current account deficit is still 3pc of GDP.


Dmitris Drakopoulos, from Nomura, said Portugal has avoided the sort of panic that tipped Greece over the edge: “There has been no massive capital fight. Some companies have been able to roll over debts so I don’t think we will see the real problems until the middle of next year.”


Nomura expects the economy to contract by 2.8pc in 2013, far higher than the official 1pc estimate. The Troika said credit is contracting at a 5pc rate and money is “very tight” for small firms.


The IMF has revised its public debt forecast to 124pc of GDP next year, chiefly due to the “protracted recession”. This is up from 118pc just months ago.


“The IMF is admitting that austerity is doing more damage than thought,” said Marchel Alexandrovich, from Jefferies. “They underestimated the fiscal multiplier and there is a risk that Portugal will go down the same route as Greece.”


The Troika said Portugal’s external debt has risen from 196pc to 239pc of GDP over the past five years and has yet to stabilise. While unit labour costs have begun to fall – plummeting 5pc over the past year – this is entirely due to pay cuts for public workers. Manufacturing wages have continued to ratchet up, casting doubts on claims that Portugal is really clawing back lost competitiveness within EMU by an “internal devaluation”. This is in stark contrast to the Baltics.


The Troika says there is no margin for error. If the slump drags on and there are any more shocks, Portugal’s debt dynamics will become “unsustainable”. That is a message that Mrs Merkel does not want to hear.


