


2012-11-20 13:25:05 | Telegraph (UK)
Israeli minister vows Palestinian 'holocaust'
By Tim Butcher in Jerusalem
Telegraph: 2:25PM GMT 29 Feb 2008
A senior Israeli politician provoked controversy today when he warned that Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza would be punished with a "bigger holocaust" from Israeli armed forces.


The use of the Hebrew word for holocaust, "shoah", tends to be used exclusively in Israel to describe the Nazi persecution of Jews.


Palestinian activists routinely claim to be suffering a "shoah" at the hands of Israel, but the Jewish state normally denies any moral equivalence between the suffering of Palestinians today and European jewry under the Nazis.


Matan Vilnai, deputy defence minister, broke that taboo when he used the term "shoah" during interview on Army Radio.

Matan Vilnai副国防相はArmy Radioでのインタビューの中で「shoah」という言葉を使って上記のタブーを破りました。

"The more qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah because we will use all our might to defend ourselves," he said.


His use of the term reflects the febrile atmosphere in Israel where public opinion demands the government does something decisive to stop the daily barrage of rockets fired from Gaza over the border into Israel.


The issue dominates the media, sparking angry protests from Israelis who live within rocket range of Gaza and prompting an intense national debate about whether to negotiate with the Hamas authorities in Gaza.


Israel has lost eleven of its citizens to qassam strikes since the first one was launched in 2003. Many hundreds of Palestinians, mostly militants but civilians as well, have been killed in retaliatory Israeli attacks.


The Israeli government moved quickly to try to defuse the impact of Mr Vilnai's use of the sensitive term. His office put out a statement later trying to water down the meaning of the word.


"Mr. Vilnai was meaning 'disaster'," the statement said. "He did not mean to make any allusion to the genocide."


The foreign ministry also got involved seeking to downplay the linguistic faux pas.


"Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai used the Hebrew phrase that included the term 'shoah' in the sense of a disaster or a catastrophe, and not in the sense of a holocaust," Arye Mekel, Israel's foreign ministry spokesman, said.


This was not enough to placate Palestinians who sought to exploit the use of the word.


"We are facing new Nazis who want to kill and burn the Palestinian people," Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, said.


The tit-for-tat exchanges between militants firing rockets from Gaza and the Israeli armed forces trying to hit them and their commanders continued, with the Palestinian death toll reaching 31 since Wednesday. One Israeli has been killed in that period.


Tens of thousands of Gazans took to the streets to protest the worsening violence on Friday.


"Gaza today faces a real war, a crazy war led by the enemy against our people," Ismail Haniyeh, one of the most senior Hamas leaders, told a crowd gathered outside the mosque where he attended weekly prayers.

「今、ガザは本物の戦争、我々の敵による狂った戦争に直面している」とハマス幹部の一人、Ismail Haniyeh氏はモスクの外で群衆に語りました。

Israel has tried ground offensives into Gaza before to silence the rocket threat but they have failed to deal with the problem once and for all.


Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, has so far been wary of launching a ground offensive, which could incur heavy casualties and derail US-backed peace talks with Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian national authority.



2012-11-20 11:43:14 | Telegraph (UK)
Steady U.S. housing recovery is boosting economy
By Alex Veiga and Christopher S. Rugaber-Associated Press
Washington Times: Monday, November 19, 2012
WASHINGTON ― From purchases and prices to builder sentiment and construction, the U.S. housing market is making consistent gains.


The latest evidence came in reports Monday that sales of previously occupied homes rose solidly in October and that builders are more confident than at any other time in 6½ years.


New-home sales and home-price indexes have reached multi-year highs. And Lowe's Cos. on Monday reported a surge in net income, a sign that home-improvement retailers are benefiting.

また、Lowe's Cos.は月曜日、リフォーム業者が恩恵を受ける所得の急増を伝えました。

The housing market’s recovery still has a long way to go. But for now, it’s helping prop up an economy that’s being squeezed by a global slowdown and looming spending cuts and tax increases.


Joseph LaVorgna, an economist at Deutsche Bank, estimates that the housing recovery could boost U.S. economic growth by a full percentage point next year. That’s because a stronger housing market would mean more jobs, especially in industries like construction, and more consumer spending.

ドイチェ・バンクのエコノミスト、Joseph LaVorgna氏は住宅市場の回復は来年は米国経済の成長を1%押し上げるだろうと見積もっています。

“Housing could provide a meaningful ― and critical ― lift to overall economic activity when other growth drivers, like exports, are slowing,” LaVorgna said.


Helping drive the housing rebound is growing confidence among builders. An index of builder sentiment compiled by the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo builder rose to 46 this month, up from 41 in October. It was the highest reading since May 2006, just before the housing bubble burst.


Readings below 50 signal negative sentiment about the housing market. The index last reached that level in April 2006. Still, the index has been rising since October 2011, when it was 17. It’s surged 27 points in the past 12 months, the sharpest annual increase on record.


A second report Monday said sales of previously occupied homes are near five-year highs, excluding temporary spikes in 2009 and 2010 when a homebuyer tax credit boosted purchases. Sales rose 2.1 percent in October to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.79 million, the National Association of Realtors said.


Sales are nearly 11 percent higher than they were a year ago, though they remain below the more than 5.5 million that economists says is consistent with a healthy market.


The Realtors’ group said Superstorm Sandy delayed some purchases of previously occupied homes in the Northeast. Sales fell 1.7 percent there, the only region to show a drop. Those purchases will likely be completed in coming months, the group said.


A key factor fueling the gains is a gradually improving economy, which has increased the number of people looking for homes. At the same time, fewer homes are available for sale. The low supply is helping push up prices.


Only 2.14 million homes were available for sale at the end of October, the lowest supply in 10 years. It would take just 5.4 months to exhaust that supply at the current sales pace. That’s the lowest sales-to-inventory ratio since 2006.


“We built too many homes during the good years, and we have finally gotten rid of that excess,” said Patrick Newport, an economist at IHS Global Insight.


In addition, mortgage rates have hit all-time lows. And rents are rising, making the purchase of a single-family home or condominium more attractive.


The rise in people seeking to buy should support more construction over the next year or two, economists say. More Americans are looking set up their own households after living with relatives or friends in the recession and its aftermath.


In a healthy economy, the number of new households typically reaches 1.2 million a year. It averaged only 570,000 a year from 2007 through 2011, according to Census data compiled by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. It reached 635,000 last year. The Census expects about 1 million new households this year.


In September, builders broke ground on new homes at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 872,000. That was the fastest pace in more than four years. Yet it still trailed the rate of household formation. The trend suggests that home construction will have to keep rising.


Low inventory “is a sign that housing markets are tightening, and that builders will continue ramping up on new construction to fill demand,” Newport said.


For all the improvement in the housing industry, sales and prices remain below normal levels. In part, that’s because many potential buyers can’t meet stricter lending standards or make the larger down payments that banks have required since the housing bust.


That can be a particular obstacle for first-time buyers. They accounted for 31 percent of home sales in October. That was down slightly from September and below the 40 percent common in a healthy market.


Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said last week that banks’ overly tight lending standards might be limiting home sales and holding back the economic recovery.


Still, the steady improvement in housing is benefiting the economy. Each new home built creates about three jobs for a full year and yields $90,000 in taxes, according to the homebuilders’ group.


More building also creates demand for steel, glass and other materials. People who buy new homes usually buy more furniture, carpets and appliances. That typically generates more manufacturing and retail jobs.


More home construction generates more demand for pick-up trucks, as builders and contractors add trucks to handle more work. Chrysler said last week that it was adding 1,000 workers to a factory that makes Dodge Ram trucks. Ford and General Motors have also said demand for trucks is rising.


All told, Alan Levenson, chief economist at T. Rowe Price, estimates that the housing recovery could add 25,000 jobs a month next year.

以上により、T.Rowe Priceのチーフ・エコノミスト、アラン・レヴェンソン氏は、住宅市場の回復で来年は月間25,000人分の雇用が生まれそうだと試算しています。

Home improvement chains are benefiting. In addition to Lowe's higher earnings, Home Depot Inc. last week reported slightly higher third-quarter net income. And Home Depot raised its full-year forecast.

Lowe'sの売上増加に加え、Home Depot Inc.も先週、第3四半期の純利益が若干増加したと報告し、年間見通しを上方修正しました。

The clearest sign of a better housing market may be the increase in prices. A measure of U.S. prices jumped 5 percent in September compared with a year ago, according to private data provider CoreLogic. That was the largest year-over-year increase since July 2006. Other gauges have also shown solid gains in home prices over the past year.


Higher home prices can also make homeowners feel wealthier and more likely to spend more. And consumer spending accounts for about 70 percent of the U.S. economy.



2012-11-20 10:04:31 | Telegraph (UK)
Surprise rise in US home sales
By Richard Blackden
Telegraph: 3:47PM GMT 19 Nov 2012
America's housing market has offered fresh signs it is recovering, after homes sales rose more than expected last month.


The sale of previously owned homes jumped 2.1pc to a 4.79m annual pace in october, according to the National Association of Realtors.


That was stronger than Wall Street expected and is the latest evidence that the country's troubled market has reached a bottom.


A separate survey of homebuilders' confidence reached a six month high, the National Association of Home Builders said.


Signs of improvement come as the Federal Reserve continues to buy $40bn of mortgage-backed bonds a month in an effort to low mortgage rates for homebuyers.


Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Fed, has described the housing market as a missing piston in a recovery in the world's largest economy.


"With sales improving, prices stabilising and construction activity scrambling to its feet, the housing market has started climbing out of the abyss this year," said Teunis Brosens, an economist at ING. "We expect the positive trend to continue."

「住宅販売が改善するに伴い、価格が安定し建設業の活動が活発になり、住宅市場は今年危機から脱し始めた」とINGのエコノミスト、Teunis Brosens氏は言います。

Economists say the importance of a fledgling recovery in housing is sharpened because of the uncertainty American consumers and businesses face over fiscal policy next year.


President Barack Obama and Republicans in Congress are negotiating to avoid a series of spending cuts and tax rises due at the start of next year.


Even if they reach an agreement to avoid what has been dubbed the fiscal cliff, there is unlikely to be any more clarity on fiscal policy beyond that.


Stock markets took some encouragement from the home sale figures, with the S&P 500 climbing 1.5pc to 1,380.4 in late morning trading in New York.
