


2008-11-10 17:47:33 | Telegraph (UK)



China plans $586 billion economic stimulus
By David Barboza
IH:Sunday, November 9, 2008
SHANGHAI: China announced a huge economic stimulus package Sunday aimed at bolstering its weakening economy and, in the process, perhaps helping to counter the effects of the global economic slowdown.


In a sweeping move, Beijing said it would spend an estimated $586 billion by 2010 on wide array of national infrastructure and social welfare projects. They would include new railroads, subways and airports and rebuilding areas like those devastated by the Sichuan earthquake in May.


The package, which was announced by the State Council, or cabinet, is the largest economic stimulus effort ever undertaken by the central government. It would amount to about 7 percent of China's gross domestic product during each of the next two years. Beijing also said that it would be loosening credit and encouraging lending and that it needed to have a more "pro-active fiscal policy" to strengthen its economy.


"Over the past two months, the global financial crisis has been intensifying daily," the State Council said. "In expanding investment, we must be fast and heavy-handed."



The stimulus plan would be enormous for any country, let alone one whose gross domestic product is lower than most other major industrialized countries, at around $3.5 trillion. By comparison, the United States, with an economy of almost $14 trillion, sent out about $100 billion in tax rebate checks this summer. Germany last week agreed to a ・23 billion stimulus plan, or about 2 percent of its GDP.


"It's a huge package," Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, was quoted as saying by Reuters after a meeting of Group of 20 finance officials in S黍 Paulo. "It will have an influence not only on the world economy in supporting demand but also a lot of influence on the Chinese economy itself, and I think it is good news for correcting imbalances."


China's announcement comes days before the President Hu Jintao is scheduled to travel to Washington for a global economic summit meeting that will be attended by leaders from around the world, including President George W. Bush. At the meeting, China is expected to be pressed again to do its part to help strengthen the global economy in the face of what some economists say is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. But Beijing has already indicated that it intends to help stabilize the global economy by helping keep the Chinese economy, the world's fastest-growing, on track.


On Saturday, Hu spoke by telephone with President-elect Barack Obama about issues including the global financial crisis and how China and the United States might cooperate to help resolve economic problems, according to China's state-run news media.


At home, Beijing is struggling to cope with a rapidly slowing economy. After five years of growth in excess of 10 percent, the Chinese economy is weakening because of slowing export and investment growth, declining consumption and severely depressed stock and property markets.


Factory closings in southern China have led to mass layoffs and even sporadic protests by workers who complained that owners disappeared without paying them their wages.


With many economists in China now projecting that growth in the fourth quarter of this year could be as low as 5.8 percent here, and worries that China's economic miracle could be walloped by the global financial crisis, the government is moving aggressively.


Analysts were expecting China to announce a big stimulus package but were surprised at the size of it.


"That is much more aggressive than I expected," said Frank Gong, an economist in Hong Kong with JPMorgan Chase. "That's a lot of money to spend. They'll be building subways, railroads, bridges, roads. The key is to stimulate end demand."


Beijing undertook a much smaller effort after the Asian financial crisis in 1997 to help keep the economy growing.






2008-11-10 17:47:11 | Telegraph (UK)

Latvia mulling IMF loan as crisis sweeps Nordic region
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:09 Nov 2008
Latvia has been forced to bail out its second largest bank over the weekend and may soon need a rescue by the International Monetary Fund as the financial crisis engulfs the Baltic region, and much of Scandinanvia.


Premier Ivars Godmanis stunned the country by announcing that Parex banka had been half-nationalised in an attempt to head off a serious crisis in the face of escalating capital flight from the country.


"We have to do everything to avoid trouble, not only for specific banks, but for the banking system as a whole," he said.


Mr Godmanis said Latvia was examining a raft of measures to rescue the economy, including possible aid from the IMF and European Union. Iceland, Hungary, and Ukraine have already obtained loans for the IMF.


Latvia is facing a brutal recession after years of torrid credit growth and one of the most extreme property bubbles in Eastern Europe. The economy contracted by 4.2pc in the third quarter.


House prices have fallen 21pc over the last year, according to Global Property Guide. The swing from boom to bust has been made worse by heavy use of mortgages in euros, Swiss francs, and yen.


The rating agencies have rushed through a spate of downgrades in recent days for the Baltic trio of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania, warning that heavily reliance on short-term foreign funding has left them dangerously exposed to the global squeeze.


"If the situation were to worsen, Latvia could be forced to seek balance-of-payments support from the EU or the International Monetary Fund," said Kenneth Orchard, senior analyst at Moody's


"The global liquidity crisis will probably cause a shock to the Latvian banking system, which will reverberate throughout the rest of the economy. Unless there are major improvements in the European syndicated loan market by early 2009, the government will be forced to take remedial action."


Oskars Firmanus, head of the Latvian consultancy Paus Konsults, said the Parex rescue had badly shaken depositors in Riga. "It has come as a big surprise. The bank has been very secretive and did not tell anybody there was a problem. People have been lining on the streets over the weekends trying to get their money out of ATM machines," he said.

ラトヴィアのコンサルティング会社Paul Konsultsの代表、Oskars Firmanusは、パレックス銀行救済で、リガの預金者は酷く動揺していると語った。

Swedish banks have large exposure to the Baltic market, adding to their woes as the industrial downturn hits Scandinavia.


The IMF warned in a recent report that the Baltic operations of Stockholm's banks "could cause a credit crunch in Sweden itself" if the closure of the wholesale capital markets continues for much longer. Total lending to Eastern Europe by Swedish banks is equal to 25pc of the country's GDP.


Swedbank dominates lending in Latvia and Estonia, while SEB is the biggest lender to Lithuania. The share price of the two banks have fallen by 70pc from their peak.



