Media Close-up Report 東京オリンピック ラグビーW杯 五輪レガシー 放送・通信・ICT 

4K8K 5G AR/VR AI 新国立競技場 FIFAW杯 メディア評論 国際メディアサービスシステム研究所

阪神大震災20年 ~震災報道担当者からのメッセージ~

2015年04月23日 21時32分49秒 | 評論

阪神大震災20年 震災体験をどう語り継ぐか

 毎年1月17日、神戸市東遊園地で行われる追悼行事で、その会場に設けられ、“シンボル”となっている「竹灯篭」の行事を担っていたボランティア団体「神戸・市民交流会」が高齢化のために解散を決めたという。(追悼の灯が岐路 高齢化で解散の意向 朝日新聞 2015年4月23日



■ 阪神大震災 20年目の追悼行事




 東遊園地の隣にある関西電力の本社ビルには、「20 1.17」の文字が、浮かびあがっていた。


■ 震災報道

■ 初動情報の重要性





■ 地域コミュニティの防災力


■ なぜ助けられなかったのか
 昔ながらの木造住宅の多い商店街だった。この地区の家屋はほとんどが倒壊し、多くの被災者が、倒壊した家具や、柱、壁、天井の下敷きになり、閉じこ められた。負傷はしていたと思われるが、まだ一命はとりとめていた。






■ 「ボランティア元年」


■ 結び2011年3月11日、三陸地方を襲った巨大津波で、犠牲者1万8517人という戦後最悪の被害となった東日本大震災から、まもなく4年を迎える。



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Portrait Rights Japan

2015年04月14日 14時35分04秒 | 評論
I Who Owns our Faces? -- Portrait Rights

Archivists and librarians who handle image sources are well aware of portrait rights. The concept has taken root all over the world. In fact, though, few countries have defined these rights clearly in statute and problems often arise. In France, for example, an airline that used photographs of the president and his wife in an advertisement without permission has been ordered to pay compensation. In the United States, the rights to portraits of the actress, Marilyn Monroe, have been annulled and it is no longer necessary to pay any fee to her estate for their use. In Japan, a web site has been sued for damages for using the picture of a woman taken while she was walking down a busy street. Images are, of course, covered by copyright and appropriate copyright arrangements must be made prior to use. Portrait rights are different in that they refer to portraits that appear within the image. The interpretation of portrait rights varies from country to country. This report’s discussion centers on portrait rights in Japan.

II Two Elements of Portrait Rights: Privacy and Publicity rights

No specific law regulates portrait rights in Japan but the issue has been raised frequently in case law and the nature of these rights has gradually been clarified through legal precedent. Portrait rights entail the two elements of rights related to privacy and publicity.
Portrait privacy rights apply to the freedom not to have one’s features or figure photographed without permission (photograph rejection rights). There is also a publication rejection right to prohibit the release of one’s photographic portrait without permission. Portrait privacy rights are considered personal and fundamental, belonging to everybody.
Portrait publicity rights, on the other hand, are regarded as a proprietary right to monopolize the profit derived from the use of one’s own portrait. The portraits and names of famous actors/actresses, celebrities, sports stars and so are often used to advertise merchandise and this gives rise to a form of commercial value known collectively as publicity. The concept grew up in the U.S. and several states there, including New York and California, have established laws related to publicity rights. Japan has no law that defines portrait publicity rights but they have gradually been accepted on the basis of case law.

* Figure 1 for the relationship between portrait rights, portrait privacy rights and portrait publicity rights.

III-1 How are Portraits Protected in Streets and Crowds? -- The Citizen’s Portrait Privacy Rights

Ordinary people are necessarily seen when images are shot in a busy city such as London, Paris and Tokyo. Do these people have any recourse to portrait rights? Can archives and libraries sell such footage freely?
In the case of Japan, the answer is yes but with various conditions attached. There is no violation of a person’s rights if the person is only small on the screen and it is hard to distinguish his or her features. There is also no problem if the person is photographed as a part of a crowd in a wide or long shot of a busy street.
Even if the photographed person is quite large on the screen and can be distinguished, there is still no problem if the portrayal remains within the “tolerable” range. This is deemed to be the case when, for example, such a person only appears incidentally in the scene, such as when a person passes behind a reporter. The same applies to inclusion in a general crowd of an unspecified number of people, as in scenes of shopping districts, commuting at railway stations, pedestrian crossings, and airports, and also to inclusion in views of seasonal landscapes.
The “tolerable” range may be transgressed, however, by such scenes as a person who stumbles on a snowy road, or whose clothes have been ruffled by the wind, or who is wearing swimwear at a beach or pool, or who is made a special focus of attention. This also applies when people clearly reject being filmed and to inappropriate modes of coverage, such as the use of hidden cameras. There are also cases which touch on the public utility of the purpose of the coverage.
There was a case in Tokyo in which a woman sued for damages after being photographed without permission while walking in Tokyo’s Ginza district when those images appeared on a website. The court accepted this as a case of publishing identifiable images photographed without permission and ordered the website managers to pay her compensation.
The photograph showed the clearly recognizable woman wearing a brand-name T-shirt and was uploaded to a fashion website. Gossip about her later appeared on a different website and she complained that this had caused her mental distress. The court ruling noted that the aim of introducing could have been achieved without publishing a picture of the plaintiff in an identifiable manner and rejected the defendant’s plea stating it was an appropriate exercise of expression.
The website probably did not photograph this woman and publish her picture on the web with malicious intent. Once the unanticipated gossip had emerged, however, they did have to take responsibility for the violation of her portrait rights.
Scrupulous care is necessary when photographs focus on a specific and clearly identifiable individual. In order to avoid trouble, the basic practice must be to obtain the person’s consent.

* Figure 2 NHK image of people on a pedestrian crossing. Most are seen from the rear.

III - 2 Portrait Rights of Politicians and Other Famous People

Portrait privacy rights are extremely limited in the case of famous people. This applies to such public figures as members of the Imperial family, presidents, prime ministers, cabinet ministers, other politicians, executives of major companies, and representatives of organizations.
When filming such people within a private domain, however, such as their own home or in hospital, or when the manner of shooting is remarkably unfair, a violation of privacy may be recognized. In practice, very few cases are regarded as problematic.

IV Is a Celebrity Portrait a Property? – Portrait Publicity Rights

Conversely, portrait publicity rights are a big issue in the case of celebrities. The Right of Publicity – the right to use the commercial value of a portrait or name – of celebrities such as film actors/actresses, singers, sports stars is acknowledged in many advanced economies. Celebrities can demand appropriate compensation on this basis.
In Japan, celebrities can claim publicity rights when their portrait or name is used for a commercial purpose. Examples include commercial advertising and publicity, merchandise that commercializes their portrait or name (calendars, pictures, photographic publications etc.), commodities that use their portrait or name (snack foods, drinks, sports goods), DVD and CD covers using their portrait or name, and publications featuring the portrait and name of the celebrity. This includes use of the name or portrait in sales promotion activity for merchandise or services, and for the purpose of attracting customers.
Agencies that represent celebrities and the Japan Association of Music Enterprises are running a campaign to highlight portrait rights issues. They use a banner that reads, “Stop Portrait Rights Violation!” and display the small portraits of more than 70 actors/actresses and other personalities together with the statement, “These portraits belong to us.” This is representative of a growing tendency to assert publicity rights.

* Figure 3 The “Stop Portrait Rights Violation!” campaign
From the website of the Japan Association of Music Enterprises

Other cases do arise, however, in which publicity rights are not recognized. Publicity rights are not violated when celebrities’ names and portraits are used without permission on television, in a newspaper or magazine, or on a DVD or website etc. for news reporting purposes.
In general, television programs (news/information programs, talk shows etc.) are not deemed to be using publicity value. The point at issue is whether the portrait or name is used for a commercial purpose. Publicity rights to portraits are not recognized in the cases of press conferences, attendance and greetings given at events, autograph sessions, departure and arrival at an airport, etc.
In cases in which the celebrity, actor/actress or singer is performing in a TV drama or theatrical production, however, performing rights do apply even when publicity rights do not and appropriate arrangements do, therefore, have to be made.
One issue that arises frequently is the question of publicity rights for animals, such as pet cats or dogs and racehorses. Case law now limits publicity rights to people and they are not extended even to famous animals. Similarly, buildings, vehicles, and flowers are not included. Publicity rights are not accorded to objects.
Japan has no legislation on publicity rights and the details of such rights have not been codified. At present, this area of law is growing through the accumulation of legal precedents.

V Conclusion

Television, film, DVD, website, newspaper and magazine images are important driving force of modern information culture. Further, the freedoms of expression and the press are fundamental principles of democratic society. It is, therefore, important to ensure the sound development of image use in our culture. It is, however, also essential to pay due attention to the growing rights consciousness of those who are photographed.
There do seem to be differences of interpretation between countries with regard to criteria for freedom of expression in filming and publishing on the one side and for the portrait rights of those who are photographed on the other. To avert complications, archives and libraries that deal with images do need to deepen their mutual understanding of the global situation by exchanging information and, thereby, contributing to the continuing development of the international image use culture.

The official journal of Focal International
Summer 2009 No 70

April 14 2015
Copyright © 2015 IMSSR

廣谷  徹
Toru Hiroya
International Media Service System Research Institute
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