before dawn


4th day in Okinawa

2005-07-07 17:37:53 | Weblog

(The diary of July 7th)
Today,we went to,say, the Zamami island by shipYippee

It took about 2 hours,maybe.
The staff of the small hotel we had reserved came to the harbor and took us  to the small hotel. The name of the pension is Pension takatsuki.

We had reserved more expensive hotel than the other hotels which we stayed the other day. It is just because this night is the last one in Okinawa.
It goes without saying that the room was so clean compared with the other hotels.
The most happiest thing of this hotel was we didn't need to insert 100yen coin in a slot to turn on an air conditioner every second hour.

At first, we went to the restaurant.
After the lunch,we went to the sea . We tried to go there on foot.
On the way to the sea, one car stopped beside us.
The driver said that ゛Ride on!I also just go to the sea. ".
Then , we ride on his car and was taken to the sea.

When we arrived at the sea, I was really surprised at beauty and the transparency of the sea.
We put on the snorkel tube right away and dove in to the sea.
There were innumerable tropical fish.
We became crazy about seeing swimming in the fish.
As a result,only the back of the body got terrible tanned .
After enjoying the diving, we went back to the hotel on foot
The way was longer than I had expected.But...It's ok!

We took a rest at the hotel ,and ate a dinner.
After dinner we went to the observatory on foot.
The landscape was really nice!! We shouted to the sea.

Because of the terrible sunburn, It was really hard to sleep .
But I will not forget this night. Because this night was the last one in Okinawa and also Tanabata festival.