before dawn


Rock and Roll...ING STONES!!

2005-06-19 02:59:18 | Weblog
2005 JUNE 18
The person who knows that I like The Beatles may think why I am wearing the T-shirt of
Yes,my favorite musician is The Beatles. But I don't hate the sound of ROLLING STONES.

Today (JUNE 18), I met one of my friends . Her name is MOMO.
We had gone to the same university . We had studied in the same class.
During the summer vacation,we had traveled to Cambodia,Nagano Prefecture,Okinawa Prefecture,and Tohoku district together. ALL travels were soooooo fun!
We laughed together,cried together,got angry together.
We talked about each future , some international situations and what the genuine happiness is.
Those memories of university days with MOMO and other friend are really precious for me.

We met in Shinjyuku. And we went to the beer garden in Kabuki-cyo.
That beer garden was so fun
The name of the beer garden is “tenkuu no machi -Shinjyuku Asia yokocyo"
Click here

There are various country's 7 restaurants in the roof.
korea , Okinawa(Japan),Chaina,Nepal and Tibet,South east Asia (Thai, Indonesia...).
And You can eat any restaurant's foods regardless of the restaurant where you sit in.
We sut in the nepal ans tibet restarant. Both of us have been to Nepal singly.
We ordered one nepalese food , two Okinawan foods , one chinese food ,one korean food!
Those were delisious! Some taste of foods reminded me of my journey.

It was the first experience of me in the beer garden!
The breeze was supremely pleasantAnd the atmosphere of evening was soooooo nice! We promised to go to other beer garden in next time wearing Yukata !

After enjoying the beer garden, we went to the bar.
The name is........ “ROLLING SOTNE"
That day was the last day of “ROLLING SOTNE". I mean the bar would close.
I had gone there 2 times,but MOMO had gone there many times.
The bar was in the basement and very narrow. Because of the closing day,it was very crowded . Something like the closing party.
I requested “Are you gonna be my girl"(JET) “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE" (Beatles).
MOMO requested “Brown sugar"(ROLLING STONES) “I saw her standing there"(Beatles).
But....the music we requested was not played.
But some music I like were played (Oasis , GREENDAY),so I really rocked in the music.
It was soooo exciting, soooo cool

I saw one bartender wearing cool T-shirt of ROOLING STONES.
We asked him about the T-shirt.He said to us “this T-shirts is original of this bar."
The logo of the T-shirt was not "ROLLING STONES" but "ROLLING STONE"(The bar's name)!!
And he went on."You can buy it for only 2000yen"
The moment I hear the imformation,I decided to buy it.
For a long time, I had looked for the T-shirts of which I am going to be pleased with the design .
But I couldn't find it. But! Finally,I found it in the bar! so hot

When we went out of the bar, we have already got drunk somewhat.
So...... on the way to the Shinjyuku station, we sang some beatles songs loudly.
And we changed the clothes to the ROLLING STONE T-shirts!!And we began to sing agein in the starion...
It is very shameful and foolish .....but so fun

You konw, Mick Jagger said that!

Don't stop
Honey don't stop
Don't stop
Baby don't stop can see the picture of ROLLING SOTNE


2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
すぬーきイ!? (きょん)
2005-06-20 21:32:18


誰かから反応があるなんて思ってなかったので、しかもそれがまちゃーきさんだったからうれしいY私もコメント欄まで英語で挑む気力はないから 日本語大歓迎です!

わたしは 音楽に関してミーハ-なので、知識も浅いけど、STONESはかっこいい!ってゆーのはわかります!


ROLLING STONE のほうは 残念ながら閉店してしまいました めちゃくちゃ狭くて 安いライブハウス並みなんですけど 店内のそこら中にSTONESのポスターが貼りまくってあるんですよー それらもボロボロなんですけど。老若男女を問わずROCKを愛する人達の溜まり場って感じでした 残念・・・

しかし 新宿三丁目は いいですねー 入ってみたいbarがたくさん!

あと 最近、トータス松本の良さを再認識してます!


まさきさん、夏のライブでは 是非浴衣を着てやってくださいねー(笑)
日本語で失礼します (正木啓明)
2005-06-20 11:46:27

THE ROLLING STONESは、もうなんというか彼ら自身を好きです。ミックは毎朝けっこうな距離をジョギングしてるって聞いてます。日本に来たら皇居の周りを走るのは有名な話だし。おれはそこまで自分を鍛えてるかって問われると恥ずかしいばかりです。さすが40年間世界の第一線で活躍してる人は努力も違うねー!もう稼ぐ必要なんかないだろうにじいさんになっても世界中飛び回って演奏してるなんて、あれはボランティアですよ。おれもあんなじじいになりたい。

それにしてもROLLINNG STONE閉店なんてショック!一回行ってみたかった…。