before dawn


Cook easily,dish up richly

2005-06-20 23:04:05 | Weblog
These days,I am really into cooking.
Of course, I have long liked cooking.
But I found the joy in the cooking these days.
I started to think that cooking is the very creative work.
You can make the taste as you like.
The dishes you made will make the persons whom you love happy.
What a nice work it is!

Today I will introduce one of my pet recipes.

[go-ya chanpuruu / Okinawan food]
*ingredients(for 2 persons)‐-‐1 bitter melon(go-ya)./2 eggs./1 bean curd (to-fu).
/ 1/2 luncheon meat can.

salt , pepper, the powder of broth .--- suitable

1) slice the bitter melon thin. And boil plenty water in the pan,then add a tablespoonful of sesame oil. And put the slices of bitter melon in the pan. Boil them about 5 minutes.

2) Slice the luncheon meat . And fry them . Then, add the boiled bitter melon and fry again. Season with salt and pepper.

3) Add bean curd while breaking it by hand . And fry them again.

4) After bean curd are stir-fried properly, drizzle beaten raw egg.

5) Melt the powder of broth by water of half glass . To melt it in dense is a kind of point. After the egg are stir-fried properly,drizzle the broth.

6)Fry them again,and turn the heat off. Arrange the meal on a plate!

Don't you think it is very easy to make?
Because even I can make it.
You should be able to make it.


2 コメント

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Unknown (kyon)
2005-06-21 20:36:38
Thank you for your visit to my blog!!

I am really happy to get the messeage from you!

I didn't think that somebody gave me a comment about this blog.

So I fell happy all the more!

Sometimes I check your blog.

Have you.....put on weight recently....?SorryI said as a joke!

Will you take part in the long-distance swim meeting??

Anyway,I hope things are going well with you!

あ!今気づいたんだけど トラックバック?!

してくれたの?!わーい ありがとー!

っても トラックバックがいまいちわかってない私。。

でもなんかうれしー まんもすやっぴー
Unknown (jigen)
2005-06-21 08:21:56
Congratulations on the starting a blog.
