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2005-07-27 22:10:18 | Weblog
葦原将軍.肉縛淫巨乳 定価:900円(税込み)母の秘め事 定価:900円(税込み)とある。


2005-07-27 20:02:56 | Weblog
Hello Tani san and Rko san (Rko is a name of my girl friend)

Ogenki desu ka?

Domo arigato gozaimasu!! Anata no shashin no Kamikochi wa kirei ni torete imasu ne.

What a lovely surprise it was to receive your notes and photographs-they made Diane and me smile and remember well the day by the lake at Kamikochi when we met you.

It was very thoughtful of you to take such trouble for two strangers from England.

We enjoyed meeting you both very much and it helped to make our holiday in Japan even more enjoyable.We had a great time.

Watashitachi no Nippon no kyuka wa subarashii deshita.

This was our second visit to Japan and we both love many things about your culture and people.I am particularly interested, though not leamed or skilled in Bonsai, Arts and Crafts and Nippon-to.

As well as books and the internet, I am able to learn about these things from NHK/JSTV that I can sometimes receive by satellite.

Watakushi wa Nihon daisuki desu. We very much hope to visit Japan again soon, perhaps in 2006.

It is interesting that you, Tani, owned a transport company .I was a manager in a British transport company for many years so I am also a Trackman.

Watashi wa shihainin no yuso(transport manager?)tasu nen deshita. British Road Services ni tsutomete imashita.

Suimasen, Nihongo wa amari jozu ja arimasen.

Please accept our apologies for our lack of Japanese. We will have to study much harder!!!

Well, take care, both of you and thank you again.

Domo arigato gozaimashita.


Diane and Tony

PS: As I have had problems recently with email It would be helpful if you could confirm      receiving this. I will send this message by post if I don’t hear from you.