Are Foam Rollers for Muscle Massage Really Beneficial?
Self-Myofascial Release Beneficial?
Over recent years in gyms in the United States, foam rollers have sprouted like flowers in spring.
Media reports have celebrated the use of these rollers and other aids for promoting a type of self-administered massage therapy called "self-myofascial release."
This soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain purportedly soothes muscle soreness, increases range of motion, and even improves athletic performance.
Now scientists have begun to test these claims with controlled trials.
A recent review of the published literature and studies presented at the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 62nd Annual Meeting in May challenge assertions about the increased performance benefits of self-myofascial release. But they do support self-myofascial release as way of improving range of motion.
Is self myofascial release an effective pre-exercise and recovery strategy? A literature review.
Schroeder AN, Best TM.
Curr Sports Med Rep. 2015 May-Jun;14(3):200-8.
Self-Myofascial Release vs Massage Therapy
In self-myofascial release, people massage their own soft tissue. Researchers have supposed that this technique might produce some of the same benefits shown in myofascial release that is administered by physical therapists.
One theory is that fasciae tighten as a protective mechanism in response to trauma. Over time, collagen becomes more dense and fibrous, and elastin—a highly elastic protein in connective tissue—becomes less resilient. This can reduce muscle functioning and cause pain. Myofascial release, in this theory, whether self-administered or administered by someone trained in the technique, might reverse this process.
「付け加えると、いくつかの研究は、障害、疾病、非活動性、炎症は、筋肉組織における繊維の粘着化(fibrous adhesions)を形成し、また、通常の機能を制限させる。『筋膜リリース(マイオフェイシャル・リリース)』は、この粘着化を破壊することが出来る」
In addition, some research suggests that injury, disease, inactivity, and inflammation may cause fibrous adhesions to form in muscle tissue, also limiting its normal functioning. Myofascial release could break these adhesions.
「マイオフェーシャル・リリース®」は、ジョン・F・バーンズ(John F Barns)という、アリゾナ州セドナ在住のカリスマ的理学療法士が1990年代に提唱しました。
John F. Barnes, myofascial release approach®
「Myofascial Release(筋膜リリース)」
竹井 仁(東京都立保健科学大学理学療法学科)
『理学療法科学』Vol. 16 (2001) No. 2 P 103-107
Myofascial release as a treatment for orthopaedic conditions: a systematic review.
McKenney K, Elder AS, Elder C, Hutchins A.
J Athl Train. 2013 Jul-Aug;48(4):522-7.
Myofascial release (MFR) is one example of a manual therapy that has become widely used. Although its roots can be tracked to the 1940s, the term myofascial release was first coined in 1981 by Anthony Chila, DO; John Peckham, DO; and Carol Manheim, MEd, in a course titled “Myofascial Release” at Michigan State University. Despite the pervasiveness of MFR as a manual therapy, its effectiveness has not been objectively evaluated.
Effectiveness of myofascial release: systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Ajimsha MS et al.
J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2015 Jan;19(1):102-12.
Recent Fascia Research Congresses (FRC) define fascia as a ‘soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body’ (Huijing and Langevin, 2009). One could also describe them as fibrous collagenous tissues that are part of a body-wide tensional force transmission system (Schleip et al., 2012).
The complete fascial net includes dense planar tissue sheets, ligaments, tendons, superficial fascia and even the innermost intramuscular layer of the endomysium. The term fascia now includes the dura mater, the periosteum, perineurium, the fibrous capsular layer of vertebral discs, organ capsules as well as bronchial connective tissue and the mesentery of the abdomen (Schleip et al., 2012).
Fascial tissues are seen as one interconnected tensional network that adapts its fiber arrangement and density, according to local tensional demands (Schleip et al., 2012).
Authors such as Day et al., 2009, Stecco et al., 2013) and Langevin et al. (2011)) and colleagues, have suggested that connective tissue could become tighter/denser in overuse syndromes, or after traumatic injuries, but it is unclear if this is due to an alteration of collagen fiber composition, of fibroblasts, or of ground substance.
The same authors suggest that the alteration of fascial pliability could be a source of body misalignment, potentially leading to poor muscular biomechanics, altered structural alignment, and decreased strength and motor coordination.