


2014年12月20日 11時15分52秒 | 日記

Kent Gilbertさんのフェイスブックからの転載です。

不正選挙について About Election Law Violations

Several reports and suspicions have surfaced about election irregularities in connection with the Lower House election which has just concluded. When the Upper House election was held in July of last year, there was improper vote counting in Kagawa Prefecture, and several people were arrested on criminal charges. See the following (in Japanese only).


I had an image of Japanese national characteristics of deep honesty and discretion together with a deep dislike of corruption, so I was somewhat shocked to see these further disturbing reports about the last election.

・Ballots omitting the name of the Party for Future Generations were allegedly mailed to residents living outside the prefecture in Yamanashi Prefecture.

・Errors were made in counting at all four election districts in Okayama City.

・次世代票を共産票に誤集計 京都・伏見区
・Votes for the Party for Future Generations were mistakenly reported as votes for the Communist Party in Fushimi, Kyoto.

・In Nagasaki and Okinawa, the total number of votes exceeded the number of persons who actually voted.

・117票どこへ? 「国民審査」用紙、投票者数より少なく…不正開票あった高松市選管
・In Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, the total number of votes was 117 lower than the number of ballots issued. Some people may have taken the ballots home instead of putting them in the ballot box, but this number is suspiciously large.

公職選挙法(詐偽投票及び投票偽造、増減罪) 第二百三十七条  
Public Officials Election Law (Fraudulent Voting, Ballot Forgery, Ballot Tampering), Article 237
Any non-qualified person casting a ballot shall be subject to confinement for up to one year and/or a fine of up to 300,000 yen.

2 氏名を詐称しその他詐偽の方法をもつて投票し又は投票しようとした者は、二年以下の禁錮又は三十万円以下の罰金に処する。
2. Any person attempting to vote using a fraudulent name or by fraudulent means shall be subject to confinement for up to two years and a fine of up to 300,000 yen.

3 投票を偽造し又はその数を増減した者は、三年以下の懲役若しくは禁錮又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
3. Any person forging a ballot or tampering with vote counts shall be subject to confinement for up to three years and/or a fine of up to 500,000 yen.

4 中央選挙管理会の委員若しくは中央選挙管理会の庶務に従事する総務省の職員、選挙管理委員会の委員若しくは職員、投票管理者、開票管理者、選挙長若しくは選挙分会長、選挙事務に関係のある国若しくは地方公共団体の公務員、立会人又は監視者が前項の罪を犯したときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは禁錮又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
4. When any of the following persons commits any of the crimes listed in the foregoing, that person shall be subject to confinement for up to five years and a fine of up to 550,000 yen: member of the Central Election Commission, employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications involved in election matters, member or employee of the Election Commission, voting place supervisor, supervisor of vote counting, officer of election district, national or local official related to election matters, and voting place observers and watchmen.

Alleged election irregularities are a staple of American politics. There are persistent stories about several former presidents winning the election by such irregularities.

Some examples of alleged irregularities are:

・Organized transport of voters to multiple voting stations due to lax identity requirements.

・Political party workers going into rest homes and telling residents to vote for certain parties or candidates.

・Voting by dead persons.

・Unfair determination of the validity of ballots. The most famous incident was in the Bush/Gore campaign when hanging shards became an issue in Florida.

・Switching out the ballot box altogether.

One recent trend in several states was to require photo ID to vote, but this requirement has been temporarily stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court for various reasons. The Supreme Court will later make final rulings about the constitutionality of these laws later depending on the circumstances in each state. The immediate reason for staying the implementation of these laws was that such laws had the potential to work against low-income voters and people voting by absentee ballots.

Fair elections are the foundation of democracy. Improper attempts to sway the vote are a form of non-violent terrorism. This is not a simple matter of freely distributed paper fans or free tickets to entertainment events [two popular (and relatively benign) forms of “vote bribery” in Japan].


Whether the currently reported cases are accidental cases or organizational voter fraud remains to be seen, but in all such reported cases, the responsible persons and their support networks should be subjected to a thorough inquiry.

At the same time, stricter penalties should be adopted for all people involved in voting irregularities. Any lawmaker or political party opposing such a measure would seem suspect to me!

SPEC (主題歌) NAMInoYUKUSAKI Destination of the wave (The Ricecooker) (480:272)


『福島市80票集計漏れ 衆院選 管理ずさん2日後発見』

2014/12/17 09:34









