


2013-12-14 12:08:28 | Telegraph (UK)
IMF's Lagarde says euro crisis not solved, demands pre-emptive action from ECB
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 2:45PM GMT 10 Dec 2013
Christine Lagarde, the IMF's managing director, says it is premature to declare the eurozone crisis over


The International Monetary Fund has poured cold water over claims that the eurozone is safely recovering, calling on the European Central Bank to take pre-emptive action to alleviate the credit crunch for small business and head off the risk of deflation.


Christine Lagarde, the IMF's managing director, said it is "premature to declare victory", warning that EU governments may have to ditch austerity policies and switch to fiscal stimulus to kick-start growth and avert lasting damage to the underlying economy.


"Looking past the headlines, there are clearly signs that not all is well," she told a forum in Brussels, highlighting the risk of a "vicious cycle" in which depressed demand and stagnant investment feed on each other.


The warning came as fresh data showed Greece's recovery may be stalling again, with mounting risks of a relapse into recession over the winter. The Greek statistics office said industrial output had fallen 5.2pc in October, a sharp deterioration from minus 1.3pc in September.


Mrs Lagarde said mass unemployment in large parts of the eurozone is eroding jobs skills and undermining the long-term productive capacity of the economy, a process known as hysteresis.


"Can a crisis really be over when 12pc of the labor force is without a job? When unemployment among the youth is in very high double digits, reaching more than 50pc in Greece and Spain?" she said.


"Growth has not been balanced across Europe and, therefore, may not be sustainable. There are pockets of stronger growth and high employment, for example in Germany, but growth is low or declining elsewhere. Most of the demand for European goods and services comes from abroad, not from within, leaving the economy at the mercy of the ups and downs of global trade," she said.


"The only durable solution lies in jump-starting growth. This means growth not only from stronger exports but also from a robust recovery in domestic demand."


Mrs Lagarde said the ECB "must act preemptively to stall further declines in inflation", and called on it to "find ways" to steer cheaper credit to small and medium-sized firms, hinting at some variant of the Bank of England's Funding for Lending scheme. Loans to Italian private firms fell 4.9pc in October.


While the eurozone began to recover in the second quarter, growth has been fitful and France relapsed again the third quarter. Industrial output fell in both Germany and France in October, though it has at last started to rebound in Italy after a peak-to-trough fall of almost 20pc.


Greece emerged from recession in the third quarter but that was almost certainly a flash in the pan. Exports fell 12.2pc in October, with a 20pc drop in shipments outside the EU, suggesting that the high euro in greatly complicating Greece's recovery efforts. Investment fell 12.6pc and is now down 68pc from the peak six years ago.


"People have got ahead of themselves in thinking that Greece is really turning around. They are getting to the limits of social cohesion," said Raoul Ruparel from Open Europe.


Dimitris Drakopoulos from Nomura said Greece faces a "fiscal shock" over coming months as property taxes rise and the state finally collects tax arrears dating back as far as 2010. "It is natural to expect that the country will return to recession in the fourth quarter and the first quarter of next year," he said.


The Greek government is now in a polite stand-off with the EU-IMF Troika, fulfilling just 60 of 135 measures demanded by the IMF under its rescue memorandum. Premier Antonis Samaras is withholding much of the legislation from parliament because he cannot risk defeat with his coalition majority hanging from a slender thread.


While Greece has achieved a primary budget surplus, this solves almost nothing. It still has to generate a big enough surplus to repay almost €10bn to creditors in May, an impossible task. The EU creditor bloc will almost certainly have to come up with fresh money avert another crisis.



