k-sun's Blog



2016年06月17日 12時13分32秒 | Weblog
Some students commute to college from home.
Other students, however, choose to commute from dormitories near the college.
Which option do you think is better?
State your opinion with details and give examples.

I think that commuting to college from home is better for two reasons.
Firstly, if you live at home during college, you can save your living expenses.
Room and board at college in Tokyo usually costs over one million yen per year.
By saving the money, commuter students can buy more academic books.
Secondly, staying home during college means you can get much support from your family members.
For example, you always have access to a well-stocked refrigerator
and your parents will help with your laundry and make you dinner.
Thanks to their support, you can easily concentrate on your schoolwork.
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