たとえば縫いぐるみじみた動物キャラが控えめな仕草で演じる無言の芸。子どもの遊びに見る祝祭感に深層から滲む何かの予兆が加わり、見る者に謎解きを迫る。シンプルな色彩と独特な形態の緊張感に満ちたコンポジションが幻の出現を支える。さて今年は、何が‥‥。ほぼ隔月で描き続けているデ・スティル コーフィーの宣伝用ポストカードの最新シリーズも展示します。
Yuko Mato New Paintings Exhibition
Held until 2024 12/11Wed.
Into the Forest of Dreams.
For example, a silent trick performed by a stuffed animal character with a modest gesture. The festive atmosphere of a child's play is combined with a sense of foreboding that seeps from the depths, forcing the viewer to solve a riddle. The tension-filled composition of simple colors and unique forms supports the emergence of the illusion. What will happen this year? The latest series of De Still Coffey's promotional postcards, which he has been drawing almost every other month, will also be exhibited.