

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/31)

2021年07月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
27231.garbage(廃棄物や不要物) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
Can you take out the garbage when you go? 
27232.trash(廃棄物または不要になったもの。価値がなく、低品質のもの。乾燥した材料のゴミ )American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Will you take out the trash
27233.rubbish(イギリス英語ゴミ) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
Just put it in the rubbish bin. 
27234.litter(公共の場所で地面に落ちたまま散乱している小片のゴミ)waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and left on the ground in a public place 類義語 rubbish, trash, garbage 
The whole park will be spoiled by litter
27235.Garbage collection(ごみ収集)
Garbage collections are made every Sunday morning. 


2021年07月31日 | 読書日記

1967年神奈川県生まれ。1990年「幸福な遊戯」で海燕新人文学賞を受賞しデビュー。『まどろむ夜のUFO』で野間文芸新人賞、『空中庭園』で婦人公論文芸賞、『対岸の彼女』で直木賞、『 八日目の蝉 』で中央公論文芸賞、『紙の月』で柴田錬三郎賞など、著作、受賞作多数



Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/30)

2021年07月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
27226.break out(脱走する、抜け出す)if something unpleasant such as a fire, fight, or war breaks out, it starts to happen
Tom's working on a plan to break out prison
27227.break off(壊して一部を離す、中断する )A jersey is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms and does not open at the front. Jerseys are usually worn over a shirt or blouse.
YI broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to my sun. 
27228.break up(解散させる、バラバラにする)to stop a fight
The teacher broke up the fighting among the students.
27229.clearance(車高制限)the amount of space around one object that is needed for it to avoid touching another object . 
Truck drivers need to pay attention to clearance signs
27230.enchant(魔法をかける)literary to use magic on something or someone
The wizard enchanted the book so that it would never open.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/29)

2021年07月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27221.speed dating(婚活パーティ)an event at which you meet and talk to a lot of different people for only a few minutes at a time. People do this in order to try to meet someone and have a romantic relationship.
Speed dating success is all about your first impression.
I'm working the late shift this week.
27223.trial period(試用期間)
The trial period is for one week..
27224.multilateral(多国間の、多面的な)involving several different countries or groups → bilateral, unilateral 
This trade conflict will need a multilateral solution.
27225.break in(強引に入る、押し入る) to enter a building by using force, in order to steal something
Last night, someone broke in and stole my computer..


2021年07月28日 | 爺英語

We begin in Tokyo, where people are now getting used to the idea that the Olympics will be a stay-at-home event too, after more than a year of adjusting to pandemic norms.
Thursday's announcement that there will be no fans in the stands at Tokyo-area venues has prompted mixed reactions both in Japan and abroad.
Just before organizers made their decision, Japan's government announced a fresh coronavirus state of emergency for the capital. It starts Monday and runs throughout the Games.
Many Japanese athletes had hoped to draw on the excitement of a crowded stadium, but say they know fans will be cheering from home.
Athletes outside Japan are also digesting the news. One Australian tennis player has decided to pull out.
Nicholas Kyrgios wrote to fans, saying, "The thought of playing in front of empty stadiums just doesn't sit right with me."

mixed reactions    賛否さまざまな反応     
state of emergency     緊急事態when a government gives itself special powers in order to try to control an unusually difficult or dangerous situation, especially when this involves limiting people’s freedom 
draw on   ~をあてにする、~を活用する to use information, experience, knowledge etc for a particular purpose 
pull out     手を引く、参加しない  to stop doing or being involved in something, or to make someone do this 
sit right with    ~になじむ、~にとってしっくりくる  

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/28)

2021年07月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
27216.issue(議論すべき問題)a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people
We need to bring up the issue of price changes at the meeting.
27217.pressing(差し迫った、切迫した )needing to be discussed or dealt with very soon 類義語 urgent
Food security is a pressing issue in many countries 
27218.touchy(微妙な、やっかいな)easily becoming offended or annoyed 類義語 sensitive
Nobody wants to talk about that touchy issue.
27219.set up(相手を紹介する、セッテングする)When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe. 
I asked my friend to set me up with someone.
27220.blind date(ブラインドデート)an arranged meeting between two people who have not met each other before
I am having a blind date tonight , and I'm so nervous.

徒然草 第百九段

2021年07月27日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/27)

2021年07月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27211.give one's word(約束する・誓う)
I'll give you my word it will not happen again. 
27212.the wrong way around(反対向きに) to be in the wrong order
You’ve put them in the wrong way around
27213.have a fantastic time(素晴らしい時を過ごす)
I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.
27214.handle(上手く扱う、処理する)to do the things that are necessary to complete a job 
I don't know how to handle him. Could you help?
27215.talk to oneself(独り言を言う)to say your thoughts out loud
He was walking in the park talk to himself.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/26)

2021年07月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
27206.incredible(素晴らしい) extremely good, large, or great 類義語 unbelievable
What an incredible game! Everyone played their hearts out. 
27207.be shy around/with strangers(人見知りする ) nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people, especially people you do not know
Megan is actually very friendly. She is just shy around new people
27208.look up(〜を調べる) look something ↔ up if you look up information in a book, on a computer etc, you try to find it there
Can you look up the directions to the restaurant? 
27209.fizzle out(少しずつ終わる)to gradually stop happening, especially because people become less interested 
My friends and I were talking about starting an app together but that idea fizzled out
27210.tentatively(とりあえず・ひとまず・差し当たり)not definite or certain, because you may want to change things 類義語 provisional OPP definite
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for next Monday. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/25)

2021年07月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27201.sloppy (だらしない)If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus.
This is a sloppy job. Do it over. 
27202.irresponsible(だらしない / いい加減 )
How can you forget the appointment? You're so irresponsible! 
27203.introvert. (内向的な人 )someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other people OPP extrovert
I am an introvert. I'd rather read a book than go to a party. .
27204.freak out(パニクる/ あたふたする/ ビビる)to become very anxious, upset, or afraid, or make someone very anxious, upset, or afraid 
He’s freaking out because he lost his passport. 
27205.I don't know anything about(〜のことは全然わからない・知らない )
I just got a notification from my email.


2021年07月24日 | 読書日記
第一部 非正規公務員のリアル
第1章 ハローワークで求職するハローワーク職員
第2章 基幹化する非正規図書館員
第3章 就学援助を受けて教壇に立つ臨時教員
第4章 死んでからも非正規という災害補償上の差別
第5章 エッセンシャルワーカーとしての非正規公務員
第二部 自治体相談支援業務と非正規公務員
第6章 自治体相談支援業務と専門職の非正規公務員
第7章 非正規化する児童虐待相談対応
第8章 生活保護行政の非正規化がもたらすリスク
第9章 相談支援業務の専門職性に関するアナザーストーリー
第三部 欺瞞の地公法・自治法改正、失望と落胆の会計年度任用職員制度
第10章 進展する官製ワーキングプア
第11章 隠蔽された絶望的格差
第12章 欺瞞の地方公務員法・地方自治法改正
第13章 不安定雇用者による公共サービス提供の適法化
第14章 失望と落胆の会計年度任用職員制度
第四部 女性非正規公務員が置かれた状況
第15章 女性活躍推進法と女性非正規公務員が置かれた状況
第16章 女性を正規公務員で雇わない国家の末路

上林 陽治 (かんばやし ようじ)  



Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/24)

2021年07月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
They were soon catching bonito, a fish in the tunny family which resembles a huge mackerel. 
27197.laver (海苔 、のり )
Do you know some recipes that I can make with laver
27198.sea urchin(雲丹)a small round sea animal with a hard shell covered in sharp points
You can choose from sushi options like tuna, salmon, sea urchin and many more at the sushi restaurant. 
27199.crave(craving) (無性に〜が欲しい・〜を切望する)When someone who is asleep snores, they make a loud noise each time they breathe
I’m craving something sweet. 
27200.have a/an (Sudden) urge to ((突然)~したい衝動に駆られる・無性に〜したい )
I had a sudden urge to eat ice cream last night.