

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/15)

2021年07月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
27151.chin up(懸垂)an exercise in which you hang on a bar and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar 類義語 pull-up British English
Sit ups, push ups, chin ups I can't remember the rest
27152.enthusiasm(やる気)a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it
I left conference fill with new ideas and enthusiasm
27153.build up(増やす、高める)f something builds up somewhere, or if you build it up, it gradually becomes bigger or greater
I listen to Radio Eikaiwa every morning to build up my English skills.
27154.in need of(~が必要な)
We are  conducting a customer solution survey in order to specific product and services in need of improvement
Actually I saw her walking arm and arm with a cool-looking guy yesterday.