

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/08)

2021年07月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
27121.nothing but(ただ…のみ )only
He does nothing but work. He needs to get a life. 
27122.I've heard nothing but good things about you.((良い)噂を伺っています)
I've heard nothing but amazing things about this product. 
27123.get carried away(調子に乗る・我を忘れる)to be so excited, angry, interested etc that you are no longer really in control of what you do or say, or you forget everything else 
I'm sorry. I got carried away. 
27124.go overboard(調子に乗って〜をやり過ぎる)to do or say something that is too extreme for a particular situation 
I know you're excited about the party but don't go overboard
27125.every other day(一日置き)
I go for a workout every other day.