

徒然草 第百二十八段

2021年11月30日 | 徒然草を読む

雅房の大納言は、才賢く、よき人にて、大将にもなさばやと思しける比、院の近習なる人、「たゞ今、あさましき事を見侍りつ」と申されければ、「何事ぞ」と問はせ給ひけるに、「雅房卿、鷹に飼はんとて、生きたる犬の足を斬り侍りつるを、中墻の穴より見侍りつ」と申されけるに、うとましく、憎く思めして めして、日来の御気色も違ひ、昇進もし給はざりけり。さばかりの人、鷹を持れたりけるは思はずなれど、犬の足は跡なき事なり。虚言は不便なれども、かゝる事を聞かせ給ひて、憎ませ給ひける君の御心は、いと尊とき事なり。



Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/30)

2021年11月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
27836.grocery(食料品)food and other goods that are sold by a grocer or a supermarket
I’m going to stop by the grocery store on my way home. Do you need anything? 
27837.cut off(切り離す)to separate something by cutting it away from the main part/to stop the supply of something such as electricity, gas, water etc
Sorry about that. I got cut off. I have bad reception here. 
27838.heart-to-heart(腹を割って話す・本音を語る)a conversation in which two people say honestly and sincerely what they really feel about something
He had a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his future. 
27839.man-to-man((男性同士)が腹を割って話す・本音を語る)f two men have a man-to-man talk, they discuss something in an honest direct way 
I talked with Steve man-to-man and cleared everything up. 
27840.on the fence(どっちつかず)to avoid saying which side of an argument you support or what your opinion is about a particular subject
 I'm still on the fence about it. But I'm leaning towards taking it. . 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/29)

2021年11月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27831.particular about(〜にこだわりがある) happening a number of times, usually at regular times
She’s particular about food. She only eats organic food. . 
27832.clutter(散らかった物)to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very untidy
I need to get rid of the clutter in my closet. It’s getting out of control.
27833.pet peeve(イラッとすること)
My pet peeve is people who chew with their mouths open. 
27834.antsy(じっとしていられない)nervous and unable to keep still because you are waiting for something to happen
Our kids are starting to get antsy. Maybe we should take them home.
27835.put away(片づける)
I have to put away my summer clothes and take out my winter clothes.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/28)

2021年11月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
27826.be at the tip of one’s tongue(喉まで出かかっている) if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it
The name of that place is at the tip of my tongue but I can’t remember it. 
27827.slip one’s mind(うっかり忘れる)American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
Sorry I didn’t text you last night. I was busy with work and It just slipped my mind. 
27828.rings a bell(聞き覚えはある)informal if something rings a bell, it reminds you of something, but you cannot remember exactly what it is
That name rings a bell but I can’t remember where I’ve heard it.  
27829.lose one’s train of thought(何を言おうとしていたのか忘れる)a related series of thoughts that are developing in your mind 
He always goes off on a tangent and loses his train of thought
27830.have a senior moment(ど忘れする)a time when you cannot remember something, because you are getting older – used humorously
 Where did I put my cell phone? I just had it. I’m having a senior moment


2021年11月27日 | 読書日記




Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/27)

2021年11月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27821.custody(保護、管理、(後見人としての)保護(の義務、権利)、拘留(こうりゆう)、拘置、強制収容、監禁) when someone is kept in prison until they go to court, because the police think they have committed a crime
Do the police have the suspect in custody?
27822.assalt(突然襲いかかること、急襲、強襲、暴行、強姦、レイプ) the crime of physically attacking someone/
He is guilty of domestic violence and numerous assaults
27823.jack-of-all-trades(よろず屋、何でも屋) someone who can do many different types of work, but who often is not very skilled at any of them
He is a Jack of all trades and a master of survival. 
27824.nerd(無能な人、まぬけ、仕事にばかり熱中していて社会性のない(つまらない)人)someone who seems only interested in computers and other technical things – used to show disapproval 類義語 geek /someone who seems very boring and unfashionable, and is not good in social situations 
The big market for internet shopping may be not computer nerds but the elderly. 
27825.discreet(分別のある、思慮深い、慎重な、慎重で、控えめな、目立たない) careful about what you say or do, so that you do not offend, upset, or embarrass people or tell secrets OPP indiscreet.
We offer a discreet and personal service to our clients. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/26)

2021年11月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
27816.heartwarming(心温まる) making you feel happy because you see other people being happy or kind to each other
The letter I got from my 7-year-old nephew were so heartwarming
27817.touch(感動させる)to have an effect on someone or something, especially by changing or influencing them
Your hospitality really touched me. 
27818.blow away(強く感動させれる、圧倒する) to make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire
Seeing New York City for the first time 
27819.stuffed(苦しいほどお腹がいっぱいの)completely full, so that you cannot eat any more 
I'm stuffed. I can't even think of eating another bite. 
27820.crime scene(犯行現場)
Don't let anyone touch anything at the crime scene

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/25)

2021年11月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27811.Congress(アメリカ合衆国議会) a formal meeting of representatives of different groups, countries etc, to discuss ideas, make decisions etc
They're discussing tax reforms in Congress
27812.inaiuguration(就任式) to hold an official ceremony when someone starts doing an important job in government
I'll never forget President Power's inauguration speech. 
27813.run into(駆け込む、衝突する)
When it started to rain, we all ran into the house.. 
27814.run through(走りぬける、通り抜ける)
The house ran through the maze in just ten seconds. 
27815.breathtaking(息をのむような)very impressive, exciting, or surprising
The breathtaking view of the Grand Canyon is something I'II never forget. 


2021年11月24日 | 爺英語

An animal long considered a lucky charm in Japan has been anything but for aviators near Tokyo.
NHK has learned that one of Narita Airport's two runways was temporarily shut down in September after a large turtle was spotted trudging along it.
Airport officials believe the turtle was a red-eared slider, a non-native species with a high reproductive rate. Officials believe it came from a rainwater reservoir adjacent to the runway.
NHK was allowed to visit the pond and spotted many of the turtles. There is no barrier between the pond and the runway, and sightings of the turtles are on the rise at the airport.
(Kobayashi Hiroyuki / Aviation expert)
"Turtles have hard shells, so they could be more dangerous for aircraft engines than bird strikes if they are inhaled into an engine during takeoff."

aviator      飛行士、航空機の操縦士      a pilot  
trudge       重い足取りで歩く、苦労して歩く、とぼとぼ歩く   to walk with slow heavy steps, especially because you are tired or it is difficult to walk 
reservoir      貯水池        a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people’s houses 
adjacent to       隣接した   a room, building, piece of land etc that is adjacent to something is next to i 
 ◆sighting      目撃、発見       an occasion on which something is seen, especially something rare or something that people are hoping to see 
inhale     (空気、ガス、煙などを)吸い込む     to breathe in air, smoke, or gas OPP exhale 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/24)

2021年11月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
27806.periodically(定期的に) happening a number of times, usually at regular times
I go to the movies periodically but not as much as I used to. 
27807.supportve(協力的)giving help or encouragement, especially to someone who is in a difficult situation – used to show approval
My boss was really supportive when i needed  to take some time off work. 
27808.motivate(やる気にさせる) to be the reason why someone does something 類義語 drive/to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do this
I want my boss to motivate me.. 
27809.harmonize(ハモㇽ) if two or more things harmonize, they work well together or look good together 
It is so fun having someone to harmonize with at karaoke
27810.dynamics(強弱法)full of energy and new ideas, and determined to succeed
 You are playing all the right notes, but you're not plating with any dynamics

徒然草 第百二十七段

2021年11月23日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/23)

2021年11月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
27801.lag(遅い) to move or develop more slowly than others
This YouTube video is lagging. It's so annoying. 
27802.glitch(一瞬バグる)a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working
It looks like a glitch in the system. Let's restart it. 
27803.no reception(圏外) the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive
I have no reception. What about you?  
27804.wait and see(様子を見る)spoken used to say that someone should be patient because they will find out about something later 
Let's wait and see before we make a decision. 
27805.see how it goes(様子を見る・様子をうかがう)
 I just started. We'll see how it goes