

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/29)

2021年07月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27221.speed dating(婚活パーティ)an event at which you meet and talk to a lot of different people for only a few minutes at a time. People do this in order to try to meet someone and have a romantic relationship.
Speed dating success is all about your first impression.
I'm working the late shift this week.
27223.trial period(試用期間)
The trial period is for one week..
27224.multilateral(多国間の、多面的な)involving several different countries or groups → bilateral, unilateral 
This trade conflict will need a multilateral solution.
27225.break in(強引に入る、押し入る) to enter a building by using force, in order to steal something
Last night, someone broke in and stole my computer..