


2023年09月30日 | 読書日記
【 内容】

【 著者】

読書推進運動協議会発行のリーフレット「心ゆたかに生涯読書 敬老の日 読書の進め」に掲載されていたから。




Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/30)

2023年09月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
31161.discipline 訓練、鍛練、修養、教練、訓練法、修業法、(鍛練で得た)抑制、自制(心)、克己(こつき)、しつけ )a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behaviour and obey rules 
It takes discipline to become a worlds-class swimmer.
31162.build up (主に体を強くする、褒めたてる)
It’ll take a whileto build up my strengthafter my surgery. 
31163.hardworking (勤勉な、一生懸命な)working with a lot of effort 類義語 industrious 
I've never met anyone more hardwoking than you.
31164.slightly (少し、わずかに)a little
Mary, could you turn your head slightly to the left?
31165.peek(ちらっとのぞくto look quickly at something, or to look at something from behind something else, especially something that you are not supposed to see → peep
I'm going to hide now! close your eyes, and don't peek, OK?. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/29)

2023年09月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
31156.relax  (心が安らぐ  ) to rest or do something that is enjoyable, especially after you have been working
I feel relaxed when I listen to the sound of waves. 
31157.comfortable  (快適で心地良い )making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc 
I feel relaxed and comfortable when I take a hot bath at the end of the day. 
31158.calm (穏やかな心を表す ) relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset 
After a while, he calmed down and apologized to me. 
31159.years apart  (〜歳違いである)
My sister and I are 2 years apart
31160.bossy (偉そうな always telling other people what to do, in a way that is annoying
I can’t stand it when my bossy manager tries to micromanage my tasks.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/28)

2023年09月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
31156.follow suit (〜と考える )to do the same as someone else has done 
When major companies decides to raise wages, others followed suit. 
31157.pay off (実を結ぶ)
Our commitment in this region will evetually pay off
31158.chip in (人の話に割り込む)
Please feel free to chip in if you have any questions. 
31159.heal  (傷や悲しみを癒す ) if a wound or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again 
While her physical wounds healed quickly, emotional ones took more time to heal. 
31160.relieve (不安からの解放を表す  to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings 
Having a cup of coffee after work helps me relieve my stress.  


2023年09月27日 | 爺英語
Japanese researchers say they've found a type of intestinal bacteria that may help prevent the development of diabetes.
They say it may help activate insulin, the hormone that helps reduce blood sugar levels.
They published their findings in the science magazine Nature last week. The group includes researchers from the RIKEN research institute and the University of Tokyo.
They surveyed more than 300 adults who were found to have risks of developing diabetes.
They examined the participants' gut bacteria types, fecal carbohydrates, and insulin conditions.
They found that insulin works better in people with high levels of the bacteria Alistipes.
The team then gave the bacteria to obese mice. It says their blood glucose levels dropped 20 percent compared to mice that were not given the bacteria.

intestinal bacteria  腸内細菌 
hormone ホルモン 
gut bacteria 腸内細菌 
fecal  便の、糞(ふん)の   
bacteria Alistipes. アリスティペスという細菌  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/27)

2023年09月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31151.Give it a rest (いいかげんいしてくれませんか)
You are always comparing me to your mother, Give it a rest 
31152.stab ~ in the back (~を裏切る)
I didn't expected so-called best friend to stab me in the back.
31153.Ievel-headed (冷静な )calm and sensible in making judgments or decisions OPP hot-headed 
That's not like you at all. You're always so level-headed
31154.public figure (有名な人  )
As a public figure, you should be setting a good example
31155.You are asking for trouble(自業自得
You are asking for trouble.You can't spend all day outside and not wear sunscreen.

徒然草 第二百二十三段

2023年09月26日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/26)

2023年09月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
31146.secure (安全のために家具などを固定する )
To be on the  safe side, let's secure the bookshelf . 
31147.tidal wave (津波)
There might be a tidal wave warning . Let's check.. 
31148.epicenter(震源地)the place on the surface of the Earth that is right above the point where an earthquake begins inside the Earth 
The epicenter was in the Gulf of Mexico. 
31149.natural disaster (自然災害)
There is an event to prepare for natural disasters
31150.evacuation(避難所to send people away from a dangerous place to a safe place 
where is the nearest evacuation area? 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/25)

2023年09月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
31141.jazz up  (感情が高まる  )
This is my first time going to a concert since the pandemic. I’m really jazzed about it.  
31142.get someone going  (テンションが上がる )
I love this song! This song gets me going every time I hear it. 
31143.adulting  (大人らしい行動をする )
Ugh, just adulting - bills, chores, and work; it's exhausting! 
31144.aftershock (余震 )
ITo be on the safety side..We should be careful of aftershocs
31145.Better (to be)  safe than sorry!(備えあれば憂いなしspoken used to say that it is better to be careful, even if this takes time, effort etc, than take a risk that may have a bad result
Set the alarm clock – better safe than sorry! 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/24)

2023年09月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
31136.semi-retired (半ば退職した)someone who is semi-retired continues to work, but not for as many hours as they used to, especially because they are getting older and want time to do other things 
I don't work every day anympre. I'm semi-retired now.. 
31137.benefit (~の利益になる)
I really think our invention will benefit sociey. 
31138.pandemic (世界的規模の流行病 )technical a disease that affects people over a very large area or the whole world → endemic, epidemic 
We've learned a lot about humanity through pandemic
31139.infectious (伝染性の、うつりやすい )an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe 
Highly infectious diesease can easily become pandemic. 
31140.unprofitable(利益のない、不採算の making no profit
We need to do something about these unprofitable businesses. 

落語に学ぶ老いのヒント: 長い老後をいかに生きるか

2023年09月23日 | 読書日記
【 内容】
第一章 〈ご隠居〉になるには
第二章 働く老人たち
第三章 女たちの老後
第四章 人生の終焉
第五章 最期まで健康に生きるには
第六章 第二の人生における職業
第七章 大江戸長寿録

【 著者】



大田南畝(蜀山人)の辞世は「今までは人のことだと思うたに おれが死ぬとはこいつはたまらん」


Daily Vocabulary(2023/09/23)

2023年09月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
31131.maturity (成熟(期)、円熟(期)、完全な発達、(手形などの)満期 )the quality of behaving in a sensible way like an adult OPP immaturity 
You're the only person using such language here. PLeasae act with more maturity
31132.disrespectful (無礼な、失礼な)lack of respect for someone or something OPP respect 
IDon't use that tone of voice with me. It's disrespectful. 
31133.wrestle(組み打ちする、とっ組み合う、レスリングをする、とっ組み合いをする )
John is big and strong, so I think he could wrestle anyone and win.
31134.undefeated (負けなしの、全勝の )
Wakanohana is undefeated, but I know you can beat him. 
Does the badminton club meet weekly or semeweekly?