

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/05)

2021年07月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
27106.teleport(念力で動かす)in science fiction, to send a person or thing from one place to another in the form of energy or a copy, or to travel in this way
I want to have the power to teleport.
27107.cardboard(ボール紙、厚紙)stiff thick brown paper, used especially for making boxes
The machine manufactures cardboard
27108.rule(支配する,統治する)to have the official power to control a country and the people who live there → govern
Maybe we will rule the world.
27109.straightforward(分かりやすい)simple and easy to understand OPP complicated 
I thought setting up Google Home was going to be complicated, but it was straightforward
27110.heavily(重く、どっかりと、どさりと) in large amounts, to a high degree, or with great severity 類義語 very
My family and I were heavily affected by the Tohoku earthquake 10 years ago.