

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/09)

2021年07月09日 | Daily Vocabulary
27126.somewhere around here(どこかこの辺に)
I'm sure there's a convenience store somewhere around here.
27127.microphone(マイク )a piece of equipment that you speak into to record your voice or make it louder when you are speaking or performing in public
She spoke confidently into the microphone
27128.driving force(推進力、けん引役 )someone or something that strongly influences people and makes them do something
Yes, you became the driving force for ABC's growth in the US.
27129.be on course(軌道に乗っている、順調に進んでいる)
Well, Redmond is now mostly on course
27130.digit(ケタ)one of the written signs that represent the numbers 0 to 9
How many digits is the zip code?