

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/30)

2021年09月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
27531.have trouble with(~に苦労している)
I'm having trouble wit it.
27532.get into trouble(トラブルに巻き込まれる)
You could into big trouble .
27533.back(支援する) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
JIt doesn't seen that they're very interested in backing our project.. 
27534.whole(公共の場所で地面に落ちたまま散乱している小片のゴミ) all of something 類義語 entire 
For me, retirement opens the door to whole new world. 
27535.down-to-earth(現実的な)practical and direct in a sensible honest way
A down-to-earth consequence of this is that we become much more interesting and attractive. 


2021年09月29日 | 爺英語

Romance was in the air at the track and field venue of the Tokyo Paralympics on Thursday, when a running guide surprised his partner by proposing to her after their race.
Keula Nidreia Pereira Semedo from the Atlantic island of Cabo Verde is a sprinter with visual impairment. She finished fourth in her heat for the T11 category of the women's 200-meter dash.
After the race, her guide Manuel Antonio Vaz da Veiga briefly left her on the track. When he came back, he dropped on one knee and asked Pereira Semedo to marry him.
Vaz da Veiga took a ring out of a small box and slipped it on the ring finger of her left hand.
The pair embraced, surrounded by other competitors and guides, as the stadium erupted in celebratory cheers and applause.

in the air       話題になって   
impairment        (機能的な)障害      mental/visual/cognitive/hearing etc impairment 
heat トーナメントなどの予選     part of a race or competition whose winners then compete against each other in the next part 
embrace 抱擁する、抱き締める    to put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way 類義語 hug 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/29)

2021年09月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
27526.I see(なるほど)
Oh I see. Can you tell me the password? 
27527.That makes sense(なるほど、納得です)to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand/
Does that make sense
27528.bout(ひと勝負、一番、ひとしきり、ひと仕事、(病気の)発している間、発作   a short period of time during which you do something a lot, especially something that is bad for you
I had uncontrollable bouts of coughing.. 
27529.upset(ひっくり返す、ひっくり返してこぼす、くつがえす、だめにする、狂わす、気を転倒させる、ろうばいさせる、心配させる、心配する、気にする) unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened 
Please try not to upset anyone, OK?
27530.accommodation(宿泊施設、宿泊)especially British English (also accommodations American English) a place for someone to stay, live, or work
The company's accommodation budget is not so generous nowadays.

徒然草 第百十九段

2021年09月28日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/28)

2021年09月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
27521.boils down to(結局のところ)
Becoming a good English speaker boils down to your willingness to speak.  
27522.split down the middle(均等に分かれる)to divide something into equal halves or groups
Some of my friends eat bread for breakfast while others eat rice.  It splits down the middle. 
27523.I was wondering if(〜してくれないでしょうか?) spoken used to ask someone politely to help you
I was wondering if you could drop me off at the train station. 
27524.No wonder(だから〜なんだ / どうりで / なるほど )especially spoken used to say that you are not surprised by something 
No wonder I couldn't get a hold of you. I called so many time. . 
27525.You’re all set(大丈夫です、完了しました)
 Yes, you have all the necessary documents. You’re all set! Please proceed to window 3. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/27)

2021年09月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
27516.elderly people(高齢者)
Many elderly people want to continue living at home. 
27517.older people(長年生きている人々)
The older people had been neighbourly to each other. 
27518.senior citizen(高齢者)someone over the age of 65, usually someone who has finished their working life
Senior citizen population exceeds two million. 
This place is my go-to ramen shop. It’s cheap and delicious.  
27520.call someone out(指摘する)
Tom was making excuses again so I called him out in front of everyone. 

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/26)

2021年09月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
27511.liability(負債) legal responsibility for something, especially for paying money that is owed, or for damage or injury/an amount of money owed by a business to a supplier, lender etc
The company has liabilities of over 5 million dollars 
27512.lawn(芝生) an area of ground in a garden or park that is covered with short grass
Your lawn us so green and beautiful.
27513.mow(刈る) to cut grass using a machine
How long does it take take you to mow your lawn?
27514.rake(熊手で掃く) a gardening tool with a row of metal teeth at the end of a long handle, used for making soil level, gathering up dead leaves etc /to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc 
I love raking leaves in the fall. 
27515.prune(剪定する、刈りこむ) to cut off some of the branches of a tree or bush to make it grow better/
After I pruned the plant, it started producing better fruit.


2021年09月25日 | 読書日記



【東野 圭吾】




Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/25)

2021年09月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
27506.bisiness contacts(人脈) especially American English waste material, such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away 類義語 rubbish British English
CI have a lot of business contacts.
27507.prosecution(起訴する側、検察側)when a charge is made against someone for a crime, or when someone is judged for a crime in a court of law
The prosecutions seeking a stiff sentence. 
27508.defense(弁護する側、被告弁護団)  the things that are said in a court of law to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime
Does the defense have any evidence?
27509.guardian(後見人、親権者) someone who is legally responsible for looking after someone else’s child, especially after the child’s parents have died 
Parents and guardians can call this number with ant questions. 
27510.foster parent(育ての親)the people who foster a child
Being a foster parent is an extremely rewarding experience.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/24)

2021年09月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
27501.cancellation(解約)a decision that an event that was planned will not happen/a decision to end an agreement or arrangement that you have with someone
There is a cancellation fee of $10. 
27502.termination(解約)formal the act of ending something, or the end of something 
American English things that you throw away, such as empty bottles, used papers, food that has gone bad etc 類義語 rubbish British English
The landlord will give notice of the termination of tenancy. 
27503.weigh up(秤にかける) to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it
Maybe you should first weigh up the pros and cons of such decision. 
27504.get hold of the wrong end of the stick(勘違いする)British English informal to understand a situation in completely the wrong way 
Clearly they got hold of the wrong end of the stick and completely misunderstood our proposal. 
27505.to put it mildly(控えめに言って)spoken used to say that you could use much stronger words to describe something
To put it mildly, it's the worst Chinese food I've ever eat.

Daily Vocabulary(2021/09/23)

2021年09月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
27496.critical(危機)a critical time or situation is serious and worrying because things might suddenly become much worse
She got into a serious car accident. Apparently she's in critical condition. 
27497.keep someone posted(随時連絡する)spoken to regularly tell someone the most recent news about something
The Internet is down. I'm looking into right now. I'll keep you posted.
27498.shoot someone an email(メールで連絡する) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email
27499.dwell on(物事をあれこれ深く考えたり心配したりすること)to think or talk for too long about something, especially something unpleasant 
Don't dwell on her. You'll find another girlfriend. 
27500.diligently(熱心に,勤勉に)someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough 
I think she's doing great. She's a very diligent worker.