

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/16)

2021年07月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
27156.crossing guard(通学を見守る人)If someone farts, air is forced out of their body through their anus.
The crossing guard by our house is so friendly.
27157.loss(喪失 )the fact of no longer having something, or of having less of it than you used to have, or the process by which this happens
I'm so sorry for your loss
27158.thoughts(思い、おもいやり)something that you think of, remember, or realize 類義語 idea/a feeling of worrying or caring about something
My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.
27159.heartbroken(悲しみに満ちた)extremely sad because of something that has happened  
When I heard my friend's voice, I knew she was heartbroken.
27160.student council(生徒会)
The student council asked the school to change a few rules.