

Daily Vocabulary(2021/07/19)

2021年07月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
27171.can’t stop oneself from(~が止まらない)
I can’t stop myself from eating chocolate when I’m stressed out. 
27172.guilty pleasure(後ろめたい楽しみ)
Japanese fried chicken is my guilty pleasure.  
27173.get tired of(~に飽きてきた)
I'm getting tired of this rain. I can't wait for the rainy season to be over. 
27174.labor-intensive(多大な労力)an industry or type of work that is labour-intensive needs a lot of workers → capital-intensive 
I had no idea harvesting rice was so labor-intensive. I helped out yesterday, and my back is killing me. 
27175.hand-me-down(おさがり)a piece of clothing which has been used by someone and then given to another person
This is a hand -me-down from my big brother.