

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/31)

2022年01月31日 | Daily Vocabulary
28146.How about(相手に物事を提案したり、誘ったりする時に使われる) used to make a suggestion about what to do 類義語 what about
How about dinner tonight? 
28147.What about(会話の中で(まだ)解決していない問題や潜在的な問題を確認するとき)used to make a suggestion/used to introduce a new subject into a conversation, or to mention something or someone else that also needs to be considered
What about the meeting tomorrow? Are you going to call it off? 
28148.What about Matt?(特定の人や物事が、出来事や商品などにセットとして含まれているかを尋ねるときに使われる) something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard
What about our manager? Is he coming? 
28149.How/What about you? (自分の考えや意見、計画などを述べた後に「あなたはどうですか?」と相手の考えや意見をうかがう時の決まり文句)
I'm just going to relax at home. How/What about you? 
28150.No go(だめだ / 不可能な)a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly
It's a no go. They are booked till next month. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/30)

2022年01月30日 | Daily Vocabulary
28141.break-in(窃盗、不法侵入)an act of entering a building illegally and by force, especially in order to steal things
You mean the break-in at my office last year. 
We have some lead,sir. We're investing them right now  
28143.interrogative(疑問の、質問の、物を問いたげな)  technical an interrogative sentence, pronoun etc asks a question or has the form of a question. For example, ‘who’ and ‘what’ are interrogative pronouns.
In negative and interrogative contexts, on the other hand, the event's taking place in time is denied or questioned. 
28144.have a crush(惚れた)
You have quite a crush on Emily, right?
28145.roux(ルー)a mixture of flour, butter, and milk that is used for making sauces
Stir milk slowly into the roux bringing to a simmer, stirring constantly, 8 to 10 minutes. 


2022年01月29日 | 読書日記

パット パルマー




Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/29)

2022年01月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
28136.be yourself(気を使わなくてもいい・気楽に) to behave in a natural way, rather than trying to pretend to be different
 I love spending time with you because I can just be myself.  
28137.drain to make someone feel very tired and without any energy
It's draining when I'm out with my clients because I can't be myself. 
28138.hasty(あわてんぼ) done in a hurry, especially with bad results 類義語 hurried
You are too hasty; you should learn to think before speaking. 
28139.impatient (待てない/我慢できない) very eager for something to happen and not wanting to wait impatient to do something 
He's very impatient and always interrupts me mid-sentence.  
28140.impulsive(衝動的/直情的な)someone who is impulsive does things without considering the possible dangers or problems first → rash
His impulsive temperament regularly got him into trouble. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/28)

2022年01月28日 | Daily Vocabulary
28131.think long and hard(じっくり考える) enjoying life and not worrying about things 類義語 easy-going
I thought about it long and hard but I think I'll pass on it this time. 
28132.made out of(〜で作られている)
This reusable bag is made out of old clothes. 
28133.every single day(来る日も来る日も) used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing
My dad gets coffee from Starbucks every single morning
28134.considerate(気遣い・気を使う・思いやり)always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them OPP inconsiderate 
He is a very kind-hearted, considerate person. 
28135.concern(気遣い・気を使う) a feeling of worry about something important
Thanks for your concern, Mike. I'll let you know if I need anything. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/27)

2022年01月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
28126.misunderstand(誤解する・勘違いする) to fail to understand someone or something correctly
Oh. I misunderstood and thought you said twenty. 
28127.misinterpret(誤解する・誤って解釈する)to not understand the correct meaning of something that someone says or does, or of facts that you are considering 類義語 misread, misconstrue
No, you are misinterpreting what I am saying. 
28128.generic(一般的な、包括的な、総称的な、商標登録されていない) a generic product does not have a special name to show that it is made by a particular company
The price is lower because the product is generic. However, it performs as good as brand-name products. 
28129.brings back memories(思い出が蘇る)
Wow, was that when we went on a Europe trip together? That brings back memories. 
28130.take one's time(じっくり〜をする)to do something slowly or carefully without hurrying
He took his time and read the instructions. 


2022年01月26日 | 爺英語

Japan's two-time Olympic all-around artistic gymnastics gold medalist Uchimura Kohei has announced his retirement from competition.
Uchimura won a silver medal in the individual all-around event at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The 33-year-old became known for his elegant execution of difficult routines.
He won gold in the individual all-around category at two Olympics – London in 2012 and Rio de Janeiro in 2016. At Rio, he also led Japan's men's squad to a team gold.
Uchimura won a record six consecutive World Championships.
Beset by injuries, Uchimura decided to concentrate on the horizontal bar at the Tokyo Games. He failed to qualify for the final after falling from the bar.

execution実施、出来栄え  formal the performance of a difficult action or movement 
squad  チーム   a group of players from which a team will be chosen for a particular sports event 
beset    悩ます  to make someone experience serious problems or dangers ◆horizontal bar   鉄棒    

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/26)

2022年01月26日 | Daily Vocabulary
28121.insecure(精神的に不安定/自意識過剰)  not feeling at all confident about yourself, your abilities, or your relationships with people
He feels insecure about his pronunciation. 
28122.timid(気弱な/内気な/気が弱い(小さい))not having courage or confidence 類義語 shy OPP confident
He has a timid look on his face.  
28123.piece of cake(朝飯前、楽勝、余裕)spoken to be very easy
I thought it was going be tough but it turned out to be a piece of cake
That test was a breeze. I finished it in 30 minutes. 
28125.as easy as pie(パイ(を作る)くらい簡単)
Let me see. Come on, this is as easy as pie

徒然草 第百三十六段

2022年01月25日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/25)

2022年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
28116.goose bumps(鳥肌)small raised spots on your skin that you get when you are cold or frightened
I was so impressed that I had goose bumps
28117.out of curiosity(好奇心から) the desire to know about something
Out of curiosity, which song do you like best?
28118.all over the place(至る所に) everywhere
Why do you always leave your things all over the place
28119.coward(臆病者/いくじなし)someone who is not at all brave 
I'm a coward when it comes to heights. 
28120.wimp(弱虫/肝っ玉が小さい/腰抜け)someone who has a weak character and is afraid to do something difficult or unpleasant
Go talk to her. You're such a wimp

Daily Vocabulary(2022/01/24)

2022年01月24日 | Daily Vocabulary
28111.road trip(車で旅行) a long trip that you take in a car, usually with friends
When's the last time you took a road trip with your friends? 
28112.pit stop((ドライブ旅行中の)休憩;休憩場所)a time when a driver in a car race stops in the pits to get more petrol or have repairs done
When you get a chance, can you make a pit stop at the gas station? 
28113.No offense(悪気はない)spoken used to tell someone that you hope that what you are going to say or do will not offend them
No offense but I think it looks kind of tacky. 
28114.obsessed with(~にはまっている)if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else – used to show disapproval 
You haven't seen it yet? I was obsessed with that show when it came out. It's really addicting. 
28115.puncture(パンクさせる、(…に)(針などで)穴をあける、傷つける、台なしにする)a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly
Who helped you fix  puncture on your bicycle?