静 夜 思

挙頭望西峰 傾杯忘憂酒

 シンガポールに住む友へ  From A Mail to Lifelong Friend in Singapore

2016-03-28 09:20:26 | 時評
Dear my Lifelong Friend
Thank you for your frank response. I completely agree to what you mentioned in your mail. Let me add some more points.

The quoted feeling of anger or boring against endless accusation represents majority of common people in Japan. Of course, recent bad conducts by Abe such as attendance to Yasukuni Shrine and aggressive editing of textbooks should be criticized by Japanese people, not by foreigners. I hope you remember what I said at the moment when we visited to Yasukuni two years ago.

They should understand that it appears as Interference in Domestic Affairs to Japanese, even The U.S., once was enemy to Japan, who has never mentioned to them officially as Government.
To the contrary, Japanese people never accuse anti-Japanese education from primary through high school being furnished in PRC and Korea. And Japanese Gov.and people never accuse or condemn in public the way of running political resume of PRC for communist dictatorship. Those contrast is the factor for Japanese to mention the comparison with British and other European colonialism versus former Empire of Japan.

We call many many times PRC to stop barren or unproductive accusation. However, as long as accusation is useful to them, regardless of international ethic or trust, they have no will to change their course to abide what 江沢民 taught. Recent militaristic (武断的) attitude of Japan toward PRC might be a sign of abandon to persuade, that I'm afraid of.

I sincerely wish to see the day, while I'm alive, when people in China turn to run their nation in democratic freedom as great Mr. L.K. Yew tried to persuaded 小平,
which failed in vain, I'm sorry for.
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 ≪ 低成長なら負けか? ≫ 休みなき経済拡大は もはや夢幻  豊か≠幸せ

2016-03-28 08:32:41 | トーク・ネットTalk Net
 ☆ 風知草 固定観念=山田孝男 http://mainichi.jp/articles/20160328/ddm/002/070/105000c?fm=mnm
・ 聡明な人物の固定観念にまつわるトルストイの警句・・・「どんなに愚鈍な相手でも、頭の中が白紙なら、難しい問題でも説明することはできる。しかし、どんなに聡明(そうめい)な
・ 先々週と先週、ノーベル賞の経済学者が相次いで首相官邸に招かれた。 スティグリッツ・米コロンビア大教授(73)とクルーグマン・ニューヨーク市立大教授(63)である。
  そのスティグリッツの意見を新聞で読み、腑(ふ)に落ちないのが「日本はもっと需要を創り出せ」という助言だ。クルーグマンも同じことを言っている。 だが、何を買う?

ノーベル賞学者の卓説には、その需要とは具体的に何であり、どうやったら生まれるのかという説明がない。需要はついに生まれないのでは?という懐疑がない。代わりに、20世紀的景気循環がなお続くという無言の前提がある。日米の賢人が「経済は必ず拡大」という固定観念に縛られている。 拡大しないかも、という素朴な疑問を伝えたい。
 ⇒ 私は付け加えたい・・<飽和状態に達した人口減少国の幸せの在り方は、もはや経済拡大の先にはない筈だ>と。
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